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Astrology Transits for Sunday April 7th: We Are on This Magic Carpet Ride

someone meditating.
Put a forcefield around you while you dilate.

Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune @ 27 degrees

1:27 am PST/ 4:27 am EST

Aries Moon conjunct Venus @ 3 degrees

9:21 am PST/ 12:21 pm EST

Mercury is in retrograde, we’re approaching an eclipse conjunct Chiron, and that’s just Aries. We are also in full swing of a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus. Something is being born into a world where what is tangible and sustaining, is changing and expanding.  We are on this magic carpet ride.

Moon conjunct Neptune. We have psychic and emotional powers today that reach beyond the veil. Probably we have opened ourselves a bit and it feels scary, confusing and vulnerable. Medicine will be potent at this time, as will the energies who have been allowed in. It would be wise to keep your boundaries in place while also allowing your body to feel what it feels. Easier said than done of course. This is a quick transit but it touches in a deep place–  dilation and acceptance. 

Moon conjunct Venus. Our feelings will burst out on the scene, it could be abrupt or jarring. We want to connect and we may be reacting strongly to something that questions our instincts, needs, or ability to connect. This is some fiery energy meant  to help us emerge. We may feel a bit more primal about our needs, preferences, or identity, and that could bring something out of us that we aren’t used to seeing. This is to help prepare us for the eclipse and show us who we really are, even if it’s not all 100% glam. We cannot change, or set free, what we don’t even know is there. Have compassion for yourself and others today, if emotions or tempers run high.

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