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Sunday November 19th

Aquarius Moon trine Libra Venus @ 12 degrees

12:11 am PST/ 3:11 am EST

Aquarius Moon square Taurus Uranus @ 20 degrees

2:53 pm PST/ 5:53 pm EST

Air trine makes communication fair, balanced and high level. You are able to figure things out and process them, you are able to understand the bigger picture, your bodily sensations, and your relationships.

Moon square Uranus. Information will come to light and you might find yourself rebelling or trying to find freedom AND stability. Is that even possible? Uranus rules this Moon, and this Moon sees everything, and feels everything in its body. It wants everyone to get a piece. It wants everyone to do their part. Uranus may stir the pot with a surprise or delight that brings us closer to feeling safe and secure, but maybe shakes up the notion first. How can you root in to what is important for everyone? What is at the core of things today?

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