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Weekly Transits for August 1-7, 2022 referencing PST time

Cheat sheet

Monday 1st August

Uranus/ North Node/ Mars conjunct Taurus (a bit of fixed square energy with Saturn at 22 degrees Aquarius

Virgo Moon opposes Pisces Neptune

Yod energy Leo Mercury @ 25 apexing Capricorn Pluto @ 27 degrees and Pisces Neptune @ 25 degrees

Tuesday 2nd August

Libra Moon opposite Jupiter in Aries @ 8 degrees Mars / Uranus conjunction, 18 degrees

Wednesday 3rd August

Libra Moon opposite Chiron in Aries @ 16 degrees

Libra Moon Square Venus in Cancer @ 20 degrees

Libra Moon Squares Pluto in Capricorn @ 26 degrees

Thursday 4th August

Mercury enters Virgo

Friday 5th August

Scorpio Moon Square Leo Sun @ 12 degrees

Scorpio Moon Opposite North Node + Uranus in Taurus @ 18 degrees

Scorpio Moon Opposite Taurus Mars @ 21 degrees

Scorpio Moon Square Saturn in Aquarius @ 22 degrees

Saturday 6th August

Sagittarius Moon Square Mercury in Virgo @ 4 degrees

Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius @ 22 degrees

Sunday 7th August

Square continues

Reflection from last week

The mutable square of Gemini Moon and Pisces Neptune at 25 degrees last Monday had me struggling to make sense of things. There was a list of things I wanted to accomplish and I accomplished very little of that list. I got into an argument with someone and had to set a big boundary with her. I felt a lot of anger well up and I’ve had to process that for several days as I leave a volunteer gig and community that I used to love. In hindsight it may have to do with mercury transiting my natal Saturn in Leo, which sets off a fire trine/ kite formation in my chart.

Tuesday July 26th energy was a bit wild with Fixed square of Mercury in Leo and Mars in Taurus as well as Moon conjunction Venus in Cancer. A friend broke down in tears as she felt that fixedness; her business feels stuck and it doesn’t matter how hard she works, something isn’t working. I had a relatively social evening.

I’m wondering if it’s Leo Mercury, Mars in Taurus– or both– that has me unable to plan or focus, or move forward. Usually I thrive off planning things out, and getting organized in this way, but something is making me tired, unfocused and “out to lunch.” I feel distracted and day dreamy, but also, a bit impotent. I’m a strategy person usually, however unable to move into the future right now.

Wednesday was more fixed energy, but somehow less stifling. At least, there were incremental gains forward, they’re just not that big (Mars in Taurus?) And it’s hot and summery. I have in my head all these practises and rituals to start doing, but unsure if there’s any point in the summer heat. Of course there is a point-- but somehow I have little impetus. I feel tied down by these fixed squares and find myself wasting a lot of time wondering how to start doing things, rather than doing them. I don’t have any personal planets or angles in Fixed signs, but I do have Jupiter, Chiron, Saturn and Uranus.

During the new moon, I didn’t sleep well– too many dreams, felt so tired…again.

My (long) weekend was spent with many social interactions. I heard many interesting tales about incredible North Node, Uranus, Mars conjunction, although I found myself helping others with its energy more than seeing the energy come into play personally.

I am still trying to find myself in all of this fixed energy. I’m not used to feeling this impotent and unorganized. I feel cemented in place and yet it’s me who has glued myself down– it’s a strange feeling. I can feel my tendency to bring up old self esteem issues/ traumas that now, after doing a fair bit of work on myself, seem a bit foreign and awkward. Like I used to live according to a belief that I was exceedingly a failure, and now I do not. When I feel the habitual thoughts come in, the worry that I’m failing everyone and myself, I have just said to myself, ‘whatever, it’s Leo season, and I’m just going to enjoy myself and my life.” Somehow Leo season feels like a grand sunny vacation in a sea of personal work, and that's how I'm treating it.

Long form weekly transit

Monday 1st August

Uranus/ North Node/ Mars conjunct Taurus 18 degrees (a bit of fixed square energy with Saturn at 22 degrees Aquarius

Virgo Moon opposes Pisces Neptune

Yod energy Leo Mercury @ 25 apexing Capricorn Pluto @ 27 degrees and Pisces Neptune @ 25 degrees

August 1st promises some confusion, flashes of insight, and some grinding of gears. The conjunction energy is lent some realism and boundaries with the Saturn square with Aquarius. Saturn wants you to make this into a reality, whatever this conjunction is bringing forth or freeing you from. With the moon opposite Neptune, our bodies and cycles might experience confusion, misunderstanding, or a hangover. Neptune is in dreamland Pisces, where it loves to make everything nebulous, while Virgo Moon is hyper sensitive, analytical, and desperate to find an interpretation, even if it’s wrong. Add to that Leo Mercury apexing the yod with Pluto and Neptune, and we may find our conversations, communications, or movement creates a big change, or deals with a transformative or confusing situation.

The point is, you are “in” it right now, and it probably doesn’t look clear at all, at least, none of it does for me. I have no idea what the conjunction has brought forth for me, but I trust it implicitly.

Tuesday 2nd August Mars/ Uranus Conjunction @ 18 degrees Taurus

Libra Moon opposite Jupiter in Aries @ 8 degrees Mars & Uranus will make us move and make us react to something. Action will happen, however slowly, and change will be upon us. I think about the Tower Card (Mars) and how it initiates big change. The Fool card (Uranus) means we are headed out into the unknown. It's hard to make yourself do these things together, which is why Uranus gets involved. Change has landed on top of us and now we need to recalibrate.

The Cardinal Moon/ Jupiter opposition has an intimate, relationship based vibe. Who are you– alone– versus in relationship with others? Are you expanding in your relationships? Are you using another person as your excuse not to step into your destiny? There is a social-versus-solitary interplay in this opposition, and it will be interesting to see where your expansion falls. Do you need more alone time to sit and center in your body, or do you need intimate times in your most aligned relationships? Do you need to make a compromise, or stand your ground?

Wednesday 3rd August

Libra Moon opposite Chiron in Aries @ 16 degrees

Libra Moon Square Venus in Cancer @ 20 degrees

Libra Moon Squares Pluto in Capricorn @ 26 degrees

Libra Moon gives us some Cardinal action as she aspects planets in all of the cardinal signs. She touches our wound, our strong connections, and our transformation currently in process. The fact is, Pluto is “plutoing” us; everyday, all the time. Libra moon wants us to find our inner balance and harmony, and part of that means feeling our wounds again and addressing them in our subjective world. Libra moon also wants fairness for all, and sometimes there is no fairness. The alchemy is that if we find the wound and deal with it, we will be at greater peace, and we will transform ourselves and others with that peace. Understand that there are times when your inner harmony needs to supersede harmony around you.

Thursday 4th August

Mercury enters Virgo

Honey, Mercury’s home, and they have a lot to say (Mercury is neither a he or she so it seems fitting to use they/them pronouns for the messenger.) They are ready to communicate and have great conversations, really analyse what’s going on, and get down to the brass tacks.

If you have anxiety, OCD or fixation tendencies, this could be intense energy to work with, hopefully Mars in fixed Taurus keeps you grounded. Pranayama is a powerful and quick tool that can bring you down quickly.

The messenger is so at home in Virgo and prepping us for Virgo season; we might start to be thinking of all the organizational needs we have for “back to school,” post-summer-holiday time in the Northern Hemisphere. If you– like me– have felt stuck in the middle of the fixed energy cauldron– perhaps getting a little overcooked by Leo’s bright sun– Virgo Mercury mind work will help you figure your way out, and into your next adventure.

Friday 5th August

Scorpio Moon Square Leo Sun @ 12 degrees

Scorpio Moon Opposite North Node + Uranus in Taurus @ 18 degrees

Scorpio Moon Opposite Taurus Mars @ 21 degrees

Scorpio Moon Square Saturn in Aquarius @ 22 degrees

Scorpio Moon is on a tear! Scorpio Moon is deep and emotional, perhaps a bit quick to strike, and definitely working us through our fixed planet territory. She works our egos, our future karma, and then our actions, finally giving us a solid dose of reality. We might feel sensitive in our bodies, the consequences of summer fun, sports, beach time could show us our limits. If there is something in your body that you’ve been ignoring or trying to put on the backburner? Scorpio moon, might just make you deal with it. Of course, maybe she just wants you to be your seductive and sexy self, bringing some skin on skin (on skin?) action into your busy schedule.

Saturday 6th August

Sagittarius Moon Square Mercury in Virgo @ 4 degrees

Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius @ 22 degrees

Mutable Sagittarius Moon squaring mercury in Virgo suggests we have some big aims and ambitions, and emotions, and our brains might get the better of us. Mercury in Virgo is hyper brainy, and can easily get into the weeds. If the weeds are patterns of trauma, then we might find ourselves in some thought patterns that do not serve. Can you check into the interplay between your body and your thoughts and notice where you feel things? Sagittarius Moon wants to teach you about yourself and your channel.

Taurus Mars squaring Saturn in Aquarius will be burning rubber for a few days.. Our ability to act might still be challenged by real world issues. There might be blocks/ frustrations/ limits/ rules or challenges to whatever we are trying to do or achieve. We may have really worked all our magic to get to this point only to have the doors slammed in our face. That sucks, but Saturn is the planet of mastery– it’s keeping you on task, even when it’s making things hard. Your frustration is your growth and your clarity. It might be time to rethink something, take a break, or even give something up.

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