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Weekly Transits for August 8-14th (referencing PST time)

Reflection from Last Week (You can skip down to Long form Weeklies for this week's Astro-Weather)

August 2nd

That Aries Jupiter / Libra Moon opposition activated some areas where I’m still butthurt about a relationship that’s over and find myself making my case-- emphatically-- to this person (the in-my-head version of them.) The Aries/ Libra axis is a big one in my chart, and resides in my 4th and 10th. Lately due to the pandemic, my home and career have blended, personally, physically, and relationship-wise. My South Node and North Node also live on this axis.

August 3rd

Had a friend over for dinner complaining about inertia. This fixed square business is something everyone seems to be feeling. “Just wait until tomorrow,” I said. Truthfully I was just hoping to get out of this funk, on behalf of myself.

August 4th

I was thankful for Mercury in Virgo, which propelled me to do some tasks that I was avoiding out of some big fear. I have been dealing with some unexpected expenses and had to make appointments, phone around for quotes, etc. I have been dragging my feet for a couple of weeks but finally took the plunge on this and other tasks. With my moon and IC in Virgo, this energy is welcome; even sought-after for me to feel on top of things. Facing my fear made me feel more in control. I had a friend who had a similar scenario happen, but a few days later. Bring on Virgo season says I!

Friday 5th

Scorpio moon doing all those fixed squares and oppositions– I’m remembering the last Scorpio moon which was a powerful blast and reminder to me about the matriarchy in all things, but on Friday it had a different flavor. A friend of mine revealed details about her grief and anxiety about personal matters. I felt a strong healing vibe with this moon; she is not the kind of person to ask for help or admit she needs it. Scorpio moon felt like a grandma that you can collapse into: strong enough to hold you and what you are dealing with, but soft enough to absorb it all.

Saturday August 6th

The Mars square Saturn. Crunchy. How did it land for you?

Mainly: here I am wanting to live my fun summer life, but my mother is visiting, and I’m dealing with all the triggers of being with her. I won’t have my mother forever, that’s getting clearer by each visit. I wish I could enjoy her more, but she stresses me out. My normally patient and loving self starts to feel stuck and blocked, tense and nervous when she starts to speak or tell stories. This square is happening with Saturn freshly in the first degree of my 9th and Mars in my 11th. But the moon aspect might be activating this also on a more localized level with the mutable Mercury squaring Moon. This square is dredging up some hot mud, trees, and detritus buried deep, and planting it on a very raw nerve.

Long form Weekly Transits

Monday August 8th

Moon in Sagittarius makes yod apex 22-25 degrees with Taurus Mars and Venus in Cancer 25 degrees

Still Mars/ Saturn square

Monday August 8th marks the Lions Gate portal. 8/8 This marks the annual alignment of Sun in Leo and bright star Sirius. This is supposed to be a time of coming into ourselves and becoming.

Whatever the fixed Mars/ Saturn square has been doing to you in your Taurus/ Aquarius houses, it’s still going on. It’s tension between action and reality, between finances, comfort, and dependable stability, and your lofty goals for humanity. Whatever you are trying to do is not happening fast enough, or at all, and there is a stuck point, a limit, a raw nerve, an albatross around your neck. Frustration station.

There is some whiff of a bigger picture versus very real needs for security, stability and growth. It might not be obvious what this tension is about, but likely you feel it, you have been feeling it mount, and here it is.

This quick moving moon apex yod energy might add a little flavor to this square. Moon rules body, automatic responses, and cycles, and in Sagittarius it’s looking for excitement and expansion. Taurus Mars and Cancer Venus might give it the excitement it’s looking for! Or Moon might need be searching for an outlet to deal with this Mars/ Venus mayhem?

Tuesday August 9th

Cancer Venus opposite Capricorn Pluto at 26 degrees

Capricorn Moon square Aries Jupiter @ 8 degrees

Wherever your Cancer/ Capricorn axis houses are will get some interplay between Venus and Pluto today. Pluto wants to unearth and transform your relationships and this might see power struggles, or a divide between the divine masculine and divine feminine energies. This could have its origins based in the capitalist, hierarchical, patriarchal structure coming to a head with issues of security, safety, emotional field, and creatives centres. Big feels may erupt with Cancer’s ruler transiting Capricorn and making a Cardinal Square to Jupiter in Aries. This Cardinal action is suggesting that we will initiate, expand, and be bolder than usual, but the squares and opposition suggest it will be uncomfortable. Can you trust this? Perhaps this is the action needed to get us over our fixed inertia?

Wednesday August 10th

Capricorn Moon conjunct Pluto @ 26 degrees

Leo Sun square North Node in Taurus @ 17 degrees

Leo Sun Square Uranus in Taurus @ 18 degrees

Moon conjunct Pluto guarantees some big feels, a trigger, or perhaps just a really emotional situation. The key word here is “initiation.” What house does Capricorn rule in your chart? With Leo Sun squaring Uranus and North Node, more light is being shed on our future, our purpose, and where we are headed. Maybe we understand more, see more, or just feel more solid in ourselves?

Thursday August 11th

Venus enters Leo

Full Moon 19 degrees Aquarius (PST)

Moon conjunct Saturn in Aquarius @ 22 degrees

What a day is upon us. Full Moon in Aquarius/ Conjunct Saturn with a T-square Apex of North Node/ Uranus in Taurus. Just a few hours before this, Venus moves into Leo.

Whatever you have planned for this day, it promises to have flavors of culmination, guidance from the future, and deepen a connection to our heart-led courage. It’s a fixed T-square with elements of tension and sweetness; of limitations and possibility; of the future of humanity, and the reality of being one person in the collective. How will this hit personally and within the greater whole? We can look at our North Node/ Uranus apex in Taurus as our point of focus– whatever has been your cosmic nudge point might be gaining speed as Mars moves through the Taurean mud. Uranus and North Node are helping us get out of the quicksand. Whatever you’ve been trying to do that hasn’t been working, will get some sort of clarity, insight, or a big old explanation. Something becomes clear, or clarifies-- and you find yourself, heart-in-hands, ready to do what needs to be done.

Friday August 12th

Aquarius Moon square Taurus Mars

@ 25 degrees

I’m going to call this energy as “continued” from yesterday. By now we feel like the fixed square energy may never end, or else we feel like we finally understand why it won’t let us move so fast. There are loose ends to tie up, there are things to pack for our upcoming journey.

Mars in Taurus only has 8 more days here. Then it moves into Gemini for 8 months! Whatever feels frustration now might feel like a tidal wave of overwhelm soon enough. Relish this stuck movement while you still got it, kid. Mutable mayhem will have your motion going, things will happen! But for now, examine the details that need to be examined. Go internal, check your balances, do your sanity check.

Saturday August 13th

Pisces Moon opposite Virgo Mercury @ 14 degrees

Leo Sun opposite Saturn @ 21 degrees a bit of T Square with Uranus @ 18 degrees Taurus

Pisces moon dabbles in our unconscious mind while powerful mutable Mercury in Virgo analyzes, perfects, and wrings its hands. Today is a time to practice the things that help you deal with your anxiety, if you have body issues, they may come to the surface today: remember whatever dysmorphia you are experiencing,--this is not your natural state. The fact that you have a beautiful, breathing existing body housing your soul, is a miracle! Try not to let the programming of society and capitalism get in the way of your relationship with your container and guidance system. Paranoia might be high today for some of you. Breathing-- simply touching in with our lungs can be a meditative focus.

This T-square adds to the mix, Uranus is moving us in a direction-- we don’t know where-- but the tension is between our egos/ sense of self (which is powerfully expressed in Leo) and reality of being in this world. Something is moving, or trying to move within and around us. We are little fish in the big wave.

We might not like this information. Maybe we fought so hard to get to this state of grace, only to find out our work is nowhere near done, or that whatever we thought was our new path wasn’t. Money may not be flowing as we’d hoped, or maybe our cause isn’t picking up the steam we thought it was. We’ve put our eggs in a basket, but was it the right one? Truth is, it doesn’t matter. You showed up. You tried. And that is worth everything.

The keywords today are trust and compassion. Don’t let perfectionistic Virgo mind trick you into self flagellation, don’t let Saturn’s sternness trick you back into shadow-Virgo mind. Let Leo Sun shine, imperfectly, like the little kid inside of you did, when you painted a picture and never asked yourself if it was “good enough.” You are more than good, you are magnificent AND Uranus still says, there’s more to do and further we need to go.

Sunday August 14th

Moon Conjunct Neptune in Pisces @ 24 degrees

Taurus Mars Trine Pluto Cap @ 26 degrees

Well what a way to cap off the week! Confusion! Let Fleetwood Mac’s Dreams be your soundtrack and turn off the monkey mind today. It’s the Sun’s day, it’s still Leo season, and Moon and Neptune in Pisces aren’t giving us a clue. They are obfuscating on purpose so why try to make sense of it? Might as well go for a soda, nobody hurts, and nobody cries?

Maybe a hike is in order, maybe a meditation, a bubble bath, or a nature bath. This might be a day to work with sacred medicine, be it a nice glass of wine, a juice cleanse, or something well-administered by a healer. August has been a lot of work on our egos and sense of self, we are all a little tender from it. Journaling might help you make sense of this, or perhaps it’s time to go frolic at the pool or beach with wild abandon, and forget about life for a while.

Cheat sheet

Monday August 8th

Moon in Sagittarius makes yod apex 22-25 degrees, with Mars Taurus 22 degrees, and Venus in Cancer 25 degrees

Mars/ Saturn square Continues

Tuesday August 9th

Cancer Venus opposite Capricorn Pluto at 26 degrees

Capricorn Moon square Aries Jupiter @ 8 degrees

Wednesday August 10th

Capricorn Moon conjunct Pluto @ 26 degrees

Leo Sun square North Node in Taurus @ 17 degrees

Leo Sun Square Uranus in Taurus @ 18 degrees

Thursday August 11th

Venus enters Leo

Full Moon 19 degrees Aquarius (PST)

Moon conjunct Saturn in Aquarius @ 22 degrees

Friday August 12th

Aquarius Moon square Taurus Mars @ 25 degrees

Saturday August 13th

Pisces Moon opposite Virgo Mercury @ 14 degrees

Leo Sun opposite Saturn @ 21 degrees a bit of T-square with Uranus @ 18 degrees Taurus

Sunday August 14th

Moon Conjunct Neptune in Pisces @ 24 degrees

Taurus Mars Trine Pluto Cap @ 26 degrees

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