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Weekly Transits for November 7th- 13th (referencing PST time zone)

Cheat Sheet

Monday November 7th

Scorpio Venus square Aquarius Saturn @ 18 degrees

Taurus Moon conjunct North Node @ 13 degrees

Tuesday November 8th Scorpio Mercury conjunct Sun @ 16 degrees

Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 15-16 degrees (conjunct Uranus @ 16 degrees, with the Sun & Mercury Conjunct in Scorpio @ 15 degrees, Venus in Scorpio at 20 degrees, creating a T-square with Saturn @ 18 degrees Aquarius)

Taurus Moon trine Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Wednesday November 9th

Scorpio Sun opposes Taurus Uranus @ 16 degrees

Scorpio Venus trine Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

Scorpio Mercury square Aquarius Saturn @ 18 degrees

Thursday November 10th

Scorpio Mercury square Aquarius Saturn @ 18 degrees

Scorpio Sun square Aquarius Saturn @ 18 degrees

Gemini Moon trine Aquarius Saturn @ 18 degrees

Gemini Moon conjunct Mars @ 24 degrees

Friday November 11th

Gemini Moon square Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

Gemini Moon square Pisces Jupiter @ 29 degrees

Saturday November 12th

Scorpio Mercury trine Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

Cancer Moon square Aries Chiron and Sextile Taurus North Node @ 12 degrees Grand Water trine: Cancer Moon 13-15 degrees; Scorpio Sun 20 degrees / Mercury 23 degrees / Venus 26 degrees; Pisces Jupiter 29 degrees & Neptune 22 degrees

Sunday November 13th Grand Water trine: Cancer Moon 15-26 degrees; Scorpio Sun 20-21 degrees / Mercury 23-25 degrees / Venus 26-27 degrees; Pisces Jupiter 28 degrees & Neptune 22 degrees

Cancer Moon trine Scorpio Sun @ 21 degrees

Cancer Moon trine Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

Cancer Moon trine Scorpio Mercury @ 24 degrees

Cancer Moon opposes Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Cancer Moon trine Scorpio Venus @ 27 degree

Long-form weeklies

Monday November 7th

Scorpio Venus square Aquarius Saturn @ 18 degrees

Taurus Moon conjunct North Node @ 13 degrees

If you made it through the weekend unscathed, congratulations. If you didn’t, and you are nursing injuries, now is the time to lick your wounds. We are building to the Total Full Moon Eclipse on November 8th. More on that later.

Scorpio Venus is vulnerable and fixated on something. There is a hunger for connection, to be seen, even if standing in the dark. In this fixed square with Aquarius Saturn, this deep need for connection might be obstructed by time, reality, or the collective. There is a chance that your needs will be secondary to something else– can you recognize that circumstances sometimes make it hard for others to show up the way you want them to? Can you take an observer stance from what makes you feel unseen and recognize there are other forces at play, and that it’s no one’s fault?

With Taurus Moon conjunct North Node, we are entering the eclipse zone, and whatever house is ruled by Taurus in your chart will need no introduction as you may be faced with something that is not going according to plan, or as smoothly as you had hoped. Whatever slings and arrows of outrageous fortune start to come your way right now are here to help you with your future karma– it's like a boot camp class– for later. Probably this isn’t helpful– slings and arrows hurt and can be a lot to manage. But the Taurus part of you is a kind of strength. Trust it.

Tuesday November 8th Scorpio Mercury conjunct the Sun @ 16 degrees

Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 15-16 degrees (conjunct Uranus @ 16 degrees, with the Sun & Mercury Conjunct in Scorpio @ 15 degrees, Venus in Scorpio at 20 degrees, creating a T-square with Saturn @ 18 degrees Aquarius)

Taurus Moon trine Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

So today is the big day of the week. It has Mercury disappear into the Sun. Whatever your sense of self is purging and transmuting, your way of thinking is absorbed into this powerful transformation. Are you learning how to free yourself of a thought pattern or way of thinking that does not serve? Today you are ready to start again. This is a fabulous time to begin gestation for a new project. Take note of your ideas today, let them be nebulous and unformed and edgeless. Scorpio energy is pulled up from deep within, there is power and magic in your ideas right now. We are closing the eclipse portal from October 25th, which was a Partial South Node eclipse. Today, it’s a wild west showdown, which will have guns a’blazing for a few days. The showdown is with several polarities. We’ve got a full Taurus Moon, linked to our bodies and ancestral processes, our traumas, and automatic reactions culminating with Uranus & North Node on one side of the spectrum. Uranus and North Node are divine messengers sending us the technology, calamity, and revolutionary change that are necessary to direct us where we need to be going. All of this is coalescing into a fever pitch that will demand change, and Taurus, as a hardworking, steady bull, doesn’t always like record scratch changes. Taurus-- by nature-- is a plodder, it directs its energy for the long haul. Is there a way you can consider that the changes you are facing are only that, and try to practice acceptance of change and letting go of attachments to outcomes?

You see, on the other side of the showdown is the deep, emotional experience, the vulnerability and power of sensitivity with our personal planets of Sun, Mercury, and Venus; all in Scorpio. Scorpio is all about letting go and cleaning out so that the power is pure. Our thought processes have become enmeshed in our spirit with the conjunction of Mercury/Sun, and Venus has been trying to connect, fixating and focusing on what she likes most and trying to shed her world of what does not serve. Scorpio is transforming in the personal self to direct you into a change.

This creates a T-square with Aquarius Saturn, bounding us to reality, to our time on earth and timelines, to what our little lives are in the scope of this big human experiment. This story isn’t just about you, it’s about all of us, and there is no escaping it. Borders, flags, bodies, bloodlines: they’re all constructs we’ve created to understand ourselves, but we are interdependent chemicals and consciousness. All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.

When we get an earth trine with Taurus Moon and Capricorn Pluto, there’s a final, earthly moment of transformative power. This is a quick but powerful set point to anchor the closed portal– something powerful and deep is brought to light and you are moved.

Wednesday November 9th

Scorpio Sun opposes Taurus Uranus @ 16 degrees

Scorpio Venus trine Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

Scorpio Mercury square Aquarius Saturn @ 18 degrees

Scorpio Sun is facing off the god of Change in Taurus. From the formless underbelly of psyche, we are learning from tangible and unavoidable change to our comfort, our finances, our security and our stores. We are glowing the light from deep within only to realize we are illuminating things that cannot come forward with us.

The deep focus and power of Venus in Scorpio is given some confusion or bliss, or both with Piscean Neptune. Whatever your compulsion or obsession is, you might be judging it for taking you by the reins. But have you considered what it is you are obsessed with, without judgment? Why are you so completely overtaken with this? Could there be a hidden easter egg, a jewel buried within the madness? It’s still a compulsion, obsession, or overtaking desire– but maybe there’s something to learn from it. Pisces Neptune will not give you clarity or a straight answer, but it will give you divinity if you show up to the altar. Spend time with it, alone, and ask yourself the hard questions. Answers will come. Not today, but eventually.

As our dark mercury thoughts brood, they come at odds with reality, and the way we are in the collective. Perhaps we say something that labels us as selfish, controlling, or intense. Social interactions ARE playing politics, and the sooner you realize this, the better off you’ll be. Hopefully your Scorpio Mercury remains private and guarded during this square, and doesn’t explode into emotionally charged communications. Leaning into self-control is recommended as you walk through this square.

Thursday November 10th

Scorpio Mercury square Aquarius Saturn @ 18 degrees

Scorpio Sun square Aquarius Saturn @ 18 degrees

Gemini Moon trine Aquarius Saturn @ 18 degrees

Gemini Moon conjunct Mars @ 24 degrees

The fixed square from yesterday continues between Mercury and Saturn, and it feels a lot like an impasse. Sun joins in on the friction with Saturn, you are held down by the neck and unable to move laterally. The only thing worse than feeling tied to a chair, is to realize there’s a light right on you, and you’re in an interrogation room. If you feel like everyone is watching you, and trying to get your secrets– you may be right, to a point. Feeling and thinking are hard to discern today, as Gemini Moon joins in the fun with Saturn. This air trine has us running around considering every option, and picking the right one based on what’s in front of us.

Gemini Moon conjuncts Mars and there may be a trigger from overwhelm. There may be too much that we overspill, or we might find we lose our composure. This could be fueled by passion, rage, or love. We may have no idea what triggered it, but there is directed emotion filtering out from the core of our bodies. Gemini Moon is anxious, curious, and connective. Gemini Mars is all that, with energy behind it. At best this could turn adversaries into lovers. At worst, this could turn you into an anxiety riddled mess.

Friday November 11th

Gemini Moon square Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

Gemini Moon square Pisces Jupiter @ 29 degrees

The mind/ body connection of Gemini Moon will come to a confusion and expansion as it squares both of Pisces rulers today. Gemini Moon processes traumas mentally with a loud brain that likes to control the deep emotion that Piscean Neptune and Jupiter are well acquainted with. This is big, deep, spiritual terrain that Gemini Moon is trying to contend with. If your mind starts a destructive pattern, can you catch it and release the fish into expansive oceans? Gemini Moon is just trying to keep you safe, through diplomacy, connection, and repartee, but it is no match for the Piscean powerhouses. Emotional confusion will be rampant today, Change is still in the air with these mutable squares.

Saturday November 12th

Scorpio Mercury trine Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

Cancer Moon square Aries Chiron and Sextile Taurus North Node @ 12 degrees Grand Water trine: Cancer Moon 13-15 degrees; Scorpio Sun 20 degrees / Mercury 23 degrees / Venus 26 degrees; Pisces Jupiter 29 degrees & Neptune 22 degrees

Mercury and Neptune form a trine meaning we will get some emotional first aid from the divine. We will be mindful in our communications, and hopefully overall. The directive and pull is deep, and will shift our focus forward after this crazy week.

Today we really feel the wound. It’s there and it’s sharp and luckily with Moon in Cancer we can try to parent the wound. Perhaps there is a mother wound that is exposed, but with the Taurus North Node also in sextile, this has something to do with our overall sense of security and safety. How can you feel safe in the middle of climate change? How can you feel safe…in a pandemic, or during war times, or with a changing economy? Is safety something you can give yourself? Is safety you--in your body? Or...would you like it to be? Let's talk about this Grand Water Trine happening over the next few days. The act of healing is on its own timeline. Rest is a subjective and personal affair. What you actually need versus what you give yourself are probably not the same thing. The work of healing, resting, and repairing yourself is an revolutionary act. The act of opening to the tidal waves stored within, and listening to the overall psychic field, is no joke. There is no perfect or Instagram-able way to heal. But healing you must do, after a week like this.

Sunday November 13th Grand Water trine: Cancer Moon 15-26 degrees; Scorpio Sun 20-21 degrees / Mercury 23-25 degrees / Venus 26-27 degrees; Pisces Jupiter 28 degrees & Neptune 22 degrees

Cancer Moon trine Scorpio Sun @ 21 degrees

Cancer Moon trine Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

Cancer Moon trine Scorpio Mercury @ 24 degrees

Cancer Moon opposes Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Cancer Moon trine Scorpio Venus @ 27 degrees The Grand Water Trine continues. You are connective and intimate, ready to produce art, and spiritually "on." Your psychic sensitivities are in high gear.

Cancer Moon makes the rounds on Sunday, after this week full of change. She is tending to our emotional fields; trining Scorpio Sun, Mercury and Venus, and Pisces Neptune. She is trying to provide safety and containment for all the deep water work that has been happening in Scorpio Season. Emotionalism gets a bad rap, and we rarely have the time or patience to look at our emotional spheres with kindness. But there are deep emotions that have been exposed all week, some born of trauma, surprises, and overwhelm. Scorpio season is doing the deep cleaning work, and Cancer Moon has come to tuck us in, kiss us on the forehead, and say “you’re safe here.” But today she also opposes Pluto in Capricorn for one last whammy. The transformation and change that’s coming requires a power play between our emotional fields and our public life, between what is dying and what is being born. The emotions of this are huge, and have been big all week, whether you admit it to yourself or not. Scorpio season asks us to let it go. Cancer Moon tries to hold it in so it can protect it. Whatever balance you can find in this emotional water is good enough.

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