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Weekly Transits for October 31st to November 6th (referencing PST Time Zone)

Weekly Transits for October 31st to November 6th

Cheat Sheet

All week

Continue with Aquarius Saturn (18 degrees) & Taurus Uranus (17 degrees) square

Retrograde Gemini Mars @ 25 degrees squares retrograde Piscean Jupiter (29 degrees) and retrograde Neptune (22 degrees)

We are in an eclipse Portal leading up to a Full Moon eclipse in Taurus

Monday October 31st


Capricorn Moon conjunct Pluto @ 26 degrees

3 planets loosely conjunct in Scorpio (Venus @10 degrees, Sun @ 8 degrees, and Mercury @ 3 degrees)

Mars begins moving backwards @ 25 degrees

Aquarius Moon square Scorpio Mercury @ 3 degrees

Aquarius Moon square Scorpio Sun @ 8 degrees

Tuesday November 1st

Aquarius Moon square Scorpio Venus @ 11 degrees

T-square: Aquarius Moon is the Apex @ 13 degrees, squaring Taurus North Node @ 13 degrees opposite Scorpio Venus @ 11 degrees

Aquarius Moon square Taurus Uranus @ 17 degrees

Aquarius Moon square Saturn @ 18 degrees

Wednesday November 2nd

Aquarian Moon Trine Gemini Mars @ 25 degrees

Scorpio Venus loose conjunction with Sun @ 13 degrees, opposes Taurus North Node @ 13 degrees

Thursday November 3rd

Pisces Moon trine Scorpio Mercury @ 7 degrees

Pisces Moon trine Scorpio Sun @ 11 degrees

Pisces Moon trine Scorpio Venus @ 14 degrees

Friday November 4th

Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune @ 22 degrees

Pisces Moon square Gemini Mars @ 25 degrees

Pisces Moon conjunct Jupiter @ 29 degrees

Saturday November 5th

Scorpio Sun opposes Taurus North Node @ 13 degrees

Aries Moon conjunct Chiron @ 12 degrees

Scorpio Venus opposes Taurus Uranus @ 17 degrees

Sunday November 6th

Oppositional Scorpio/Taurus energy (Sun versus North Node @ 13 degrees, Venus versus Uranus @ 17 degrees) continues

Scorpio Venus square Aquarius Saturn @ 18 degrees

Scorpio Mercury opposes Taurus North Node @ 13 degrees

Aries Moon square Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Long form Weeklies

All week

Continue with Aquarius Saturn (18 degrees) & Taurus Uranus (17 degrees) square

Retrograde Gemini Mars @ 25 degrees squares retrograde Piscean Jupiter (29 degrees) and retrograde Neptune (22 degrees)

Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio

We are in an eclipse Portal leading up to a Full Moon eclipse in Taurus

Monday October 31st


Capricorn Moon conjunct Pluto @ 26 degrees

3 planets loosely conjunct in Scorpio (Venus @10 degrees, Sun @ 8 degrees, and Mercury @ 3 degrees)

Mars begins moving backwards @ 25 degrees

Aquarius Moon square Scorpio Mercury @ 3 degrees

Aquarius Moon square Scorpio Sun @ 8 degrees

How does it feel to have the veil so thin right now? Fixed water season, and all that Scorpio energy is pushing us into uncomfortable spaces. That doesn’t mean it’s unpleasant– while I struggle with fixed energy on a practical level, I do enjoy the magic of connecting with my guides, and that’s much more easily accessible for me during these times. I actually like going deep inside myself, I just need to be forced to do it sometimes. Thanks Scorpio energy!

We’re in an eclipse portal, we’re watching our friends go loopy and maybe ourselves and bodies react to all this psychic connection. What have you needed for so long, that is being delivered to your doorstep by immaculate conception? What are you touching that you haven’t touched in a while? This is the gift of Scorpio. What you see now--as layers are stripped away-- is what was meant for you.

With Sun, Mercury, and Venus so close together, our thoughts, feelings, and spirit may feel less at odds. Whatever craziness life is handling, you may just feel more certainty in what you need to do, how you feel, and your thought process.

Have you talked to your guides lately? Have you felt them? Have you considered doing such a thing-- if this seems foreign to you? This is the gift of Samhain. I’m not here to tell you who your guides are, or where they came from. That’s irrelevant. What’s true is that you do have guides, they love you and want the best for you, you are a product of their hopes and dreams and they have been with you since you were born. Some call them your ancestors. Some call them intuition. Some call them by the names of gods or archetypes. That is a personal thing, and uniquely yours. But please do remember that you are in relationship with them.

Hardworking and practical Capricorn Moon conjuncts with Pluto telling us that something must die or transform. We may be dealing with a power struggle, with someone patriarchal, hierarchical, or even our own bodies. Some of this might have come from a father wound, or from the basic old world of extractive capitalism. It’s a brief moment but it could be triggering an old theme.

Did you feel the energy of Sunday’s Gemini Mars at a standstill? How demotivating and dense our moving planet feels when held in one place? This friction then releases into a backwards motion. Mars retrogrades are tough on us, usually, and this one promises to have us looking at our communications skills, our anger, our focus, and our relationship to our minds. Just because you have an impulse doesn’t mean you should follow it. Remember that over the next few months.

Aquarius Moon is cold and removed from the action. It looks down on the village from the mountaintop, and tries to serve the world's problems by taking itself out of the fray. This moon is in two fixed squares with Scorpio Sun and Mercury. We may be in a state of paralyzed motion today, what with Mars going backwards and two fixed squares pinning our minds and spirit to the ground. Limitations inspire great art, and great discipline. Remember this feeling isn’t forever, and whatever stuck points you feel mired in, will eventually move. In the meantime, learn what part of “stuck” is actually your perception, and your story. Try to tell yourself a different story.

Tuesday November 1st

Aquarius Moon square Scorpio Venus @ 11 degrees

T-square: Aquarius Moon is the Apex @ 13 degrees, squaring Taurus North Node @ 13 degrees opposite Scorpio Venus @ 11 degrees

Aquarius Moon square Taurus Uranus @ 17 degrees

Aquarius Moon conjunct Saturn @ 18 degrees

This cold Moon energy plays off of deeply sensitive, obsessive and focused Scorpio Venus. What private compulsion with your relationships is coming up today? How does your body freeze, avoid, ignore, or flee deep emotional bonds, or ones that feel constricting? Did you see how you automatically avoided something without thinking deeply on how? Or did you see how your obsession made you make a deeply layered response to throw others off your track? This is some fine and beautiful work that you need to do to move on into your future– because North Node is involved, we know this will be awkward and involve some degree of fate. If you managed to catch yourself, then you have managed to undo some of the knot you created from your trauma. Yay you!

You may get a little surprise on this theme, or some incident that feels unrelated might highlight it because of Taurus Uranus. Taurus Uranus will make it about money, food, our delights and assets. Some of us might scapegoat our appearance or financial situations as the problem, instead of getting to the core of things.

Speaking of– Saturn loves to make us feel limited and like there’s a whole lot of work to do. Moon is going to rub up to him and perhaps make us feel like we’ll never get there. As Abraham Hicks says “You’ll never get it all done.” And you won’t. But Saturn is great at highlighting our need for boundaries and with Moon dancing with him, perhaps you’ll get more done if you know what needs to be boundaried off?

Wednesday November 2nd

Aquarian Moon Trine Gemini Mars @ 25 degrees

Scorpio Venus loose conjunction with Sun @ 13 degrees, opposes Taurus North Node @ 13 degrees

Our bodies get a boost from this backwards Mars. From what I’ve read, Gemini Mars will have mounting anger and frustration. I don’t quite see it exactly like that– I think Gemini Mars normally functions like the “pew pew pew” scenes of Star Wars- easily able to direct multiple attacks (aka projects, ideas, conversations, motions, initiations) in multiple directions. Gemini Mars likes to do whatever it wants whenever it wants, but in reverse it will be asked to be more focused, careful, resourceful, and intentional, and that will cause a bottleneck in this mutable energy. That’s where the anger will mount, because the energy won’t flow the same, and there will be a learning curve. So take the help from Aquarius Moon today- she wants us on the mountain, away from the fray, and that’s a great place to be. That’s where you can look at things from the outside, as an observer, and parent yourself a bit. Your impulses and mounting energy will be there, no doubt. But Aquarius Moon helps us be an innovator on how we work with our own energy. On that note, please, please, please watch your social media use in the next few months. This is not the place to air your dirty laundry, or someone else's'.

Thursday November 3rd

Pisces Moon trine Scorpio Mercury @ 7 degrees

Pisces Moon trine Scorpio Sun @ 11 degrees

Pisces Moon trine Scorpio Venus @ 14 degrees

Today is psychic, deep, and emotional. Our dreams will be in overdrive, our artistic expression will be on point, and our sensitivities will be goosebumpingly astute. This is a time to listen to your body, to felt senses, and to your intuition. This is a time to do free journaling, stream of consciousness, to meditate, do yoga, and to work with medicine. This is a day that you could get hit with a body/ mind connection. You may have an idea of what is fast tracking in your life through the eclipse portal by now. Today will help you with this. We are cleaning out your emotional field. Grief and sadness might live there, but you can ask your guides to be gentle with you. You can ask them for ease and grace while surgically removing your deepest scar tissue.

Of course: this might not be heavy. This might be highly immersive and spiritual. This might feel like a divine hand is guiding you. This might feel just confusing. The best plan here is to try to listen to what your body is telling you. It’s getting help from the other parts of you and it’s connected to the greater consciousness.

Friday November 4th

Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune @ 22 degrees

Pisces Moon square Gemini Mars @ 25 degrees

Pisces Moon conjunct Jupiter @ 29 degrees

Pisces Moon continues its psychic tour. Your intuition might be on overdrive and you’re getting downloads today from the universal consciousness. Those of you who have a vivid dream world (and those of you who normally don’t remember your dreams) might find messages coming through the ether: pay attention. Write them down, even if they don't make immediate sense. You can go back to them later.

Remember how Gemini Mars has jammed our laser "pew pew pew" guns and won’t let us point and shoot our words so quickly? This is probably for the best considering how tapped in we are. We don’t want to point and shoot indiscriminately. We only have so many power bars left and we need to be careful about what we say, who we say it to and while we are desperate to take quick action, we need to conserve our power.

Conserving our will and force is godly work. It’s a distillation process that is now going to be expanded by Jupiter in Pisces. You may find yourself wading in the large ocean of a big dream, and if you fired your words already, you could have regrets. A journal or email draft can go a long way. Taking a day or two before pressing send, or having the discussion is good advice. You really want to get this right. Confusion is not the right basis for making your point. Your body tells you things, but it doesn’t always clarify the information. You can feel strongly in your bones about something, AND be missing important parts of the story. This Jupiterian moment might give you a bigger picture to contend with.

Saturday November 5th

Scorpio Sun opposes Taurus North Node @ 13 degrees

Aries Moon conjunct Chiron @ 12 degrees

Scorpio Venus opposes Taurus Uranus @ 17 degrees

Scorpio Sun shines on the Taurus North Node to give us a glimpse of full yin yang of what is happening. There is a formless element trying to look for its earthly body. I love the idea of what this can bring us. The future is a backlit shadow puppet theatre. It’s not a full blown Broadway Musical yet. And that’s a beautiful thing. You’re doing great.

Ouch. Aries Moon has big unbridled feels when it touches your identity wound. The biggest advice is: Try not to be reactive. I have 3 planets and the South Node in Aries, so I get how useless this advice can feel. But Scorpio is trying to cleanse us out, and this wounding wants to be big and overwhelming so that we can face it. Suppressing the wound helps us get through the day but it doesn’t help us heal. So we need to really feel it in the body and cycles so that we can deal. Let’s try not to reactively lash out because of it?

There may be an upset, surprise, or circumstance thrown into the mix that faces off against our deep, intimate connections and power struggles. Remember our closest relationships all have balances of power, that’s what intimacy is. Trust requires an admittance that somebody has the power to hurt us. Scorpio Venus tries to guard with absolute certainty that hurt will never happen. Taurus Uranus may trigger something for this very sensitive Venus-- that feels dangerous and brings out her shadow impulses. Obsession, fixation, and control issues might be a natural reaction, but not what we are going for. Remember: Scorpio wants us to release what is not helpful and does not serve.

Can you feel these impulses when they come up and cultivate trust in your own power, even if there is no evidence of it?

Sunday November 6th

Oppositional Scorpio/Taurus energy (Sun versus North Node @ 13 degrees, Venus versus Uranus @ 17 degrees) continues

Scorpio Venus square Aquarius Saturn @ 18 degrees

Scorpio Mercury opposes Taurus North Node @ 13 degrees

Aries Moon square Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

This Taurus/ Scorpio polarity says we are looking at what will come into form from the formless, liminal, and emotional depths. We will remove blockages and flush out our systems so we can enjoy the earthly delights we so love. We will shine a light on the future while dealing with the past, but from a new us, that has recognized the depths of ourselves.

Aquarius Saturn suggests that time, boundaries, and reality will probably come into contact with our most vulnerable parts and trust issues with Scorpio Venus. I haven’t talked at all about the sexy part of Scorpio yet, so let’s? Not everyone is in a sexually charged part of their existence, but Scorpio can point to this part of us, and that kind of connection. Scorpio Venus can lead us into our animal selves, into the seat of where some traumas or fears reside. So that deep passionate animal self can be at odds with the cold and defined tastes of Saturn. Furthermore with Scorpio Mercury- that is deep, investigative and intense type of communicator could find itself learning something fundamental about its role in your future. Pay attention to your thought processes and your communications. Being fixed in the way you think can look like integrity, but it can also look like obstinance. Where do you sit with this?

As the piece de resistance, we have a cardinal square with baby faced Aries Moon, and Capricorn Pluto– so what is ending, shifting, or transforming for you right now? This is between who you are/ your emotional world and you power dynamic in the world and in this living moment of late stage capitalism. We have the archetypes of the baby and the grandparent, the body and death/ transformation, your emotional lineage, and your superconscious role in the wheel of karma.

I mean, you’re just this little piece of stardust, a representative of the collective unconscious, and you’re the person who does dishes and goes to work? What does it all mean anyway? You may brush against an idea of this today, after all that work this week.

So: who are you today, at this moment in time and what are you doing here? It’s a cardinal square, meaning; this is your jumping off point, and the rest is yet to materialize- a seed growing quickly under the spell of eclipse season.

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