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Weekly Transits for September 19th-25th 2022 (referencing PST time zone)


Monday September 19

Libra Mercury retrograde opposes Aries Jupiter @4 degrees

Cancer Moon Squares Aries Chiron @ 15 degrees

Virgo Sun Trine Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Brief Yod: Aquarius Saturn @ 19 degrees apexes inconjuncts to Cancer Moon @18 degrees & Virgo Venus at 18 degrees

Tuesday September 20

Mystic Rectangle: Cancer Moon @25 degrees, Virgo Sun @ 27 degrees, Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees, Pisces Neptune @ 23 degrees

Cancer Moon opposite Capricorn Pluto (in the mystic rectangle) @ 26 degrees

Wednesday September 21

Leo Moon Trine Aries Chiron @ 14 degrees

Leo Moon Square Taurus NN @ 15 degrees

Thursday September 22

Leo Moon opposite Aquarius Saturn @ 19 degrees

Moon @ 24 degrees Leo apex of short yod with inconjuncts Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees and Neptune @ 23 degrees Pisces

Sun enters Libra

Friday September 23

Sun conjunct Mercury @ 0 degrees

Mercury RX dips into Virgo

Virgo Venus opposes Pisces Neptune @ 23 degrees

Saturday September 24

Brief Yod with Virgo Moon as Apex @ 16 degrees, inconjunct Aquarian Saturn @ 19 degrees and Aries Chiron @ 14 degrees

Virgo Moon square Gemini Mars @ 17 degrees

Virgo Moon opposes Piscean Neptune @ 23 degrees

Virgo Moon conjunct Venus @ 24 degrees

Sunday September 25

Virgo Moon conjunct Venus @ 25 degrees

Virgo Moon conjunct Mercury @ 27 degrees

(Quadruple conjunction with Sun, Moon, Venus Mercury all in Virgo)

New Moon @ 2 degrees Libra (Opposite Aries Jupiter @ 3 degrees)

Venus 26 degrees & Mercury 27 degrees conjunct in Virgo Trine Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Reflections from Last Week (Skip down to long form Weeklies for this week's astro-weather) Monday September 12th The day wasn't particularly notable except I felt unsaid conflict was in my sphere. I didn't know how to deal with it and generally spent a lot of time bracing myself for conflict that never materialized. I think the Moon and Chiron conjunction really had a lot to do with it. Exercise was a blessing and generally soothed me. I slept like a champion.

Wednesday September 14th A strange day. In general I was feeling overall pretty good. I didn’t feel needy or dependent or angry, or annoyed, and in general, that’s a good day. Taurus Moon was the big actor of Wednesday's show, and showing me some part of my future, where it's clear I will have to extend my love and patience further than I thought possible.

Thursday September 15th I had said "this Mars wants to move in 60 directions but Virgo Venus wants it to focus on what's most important and what's of value" with the mutable square, and that's exactly what happened for me. I found that there was a real tension between my Gemini boss (Mars is currently in Gemini.) He keeps hammering rogue objectives over to me that don't make sense. I repeatedly go back to him saying that I don’t think this is a good idea, and he just repeats himself. This was a Mars square Venus day, where I felt trapped in my day job and limited financially and by common sense.

Friday September 16th I found myself entertaining guests all day (Gemini Moon) since it was my friend’s father’s celebration of life, people came from out of town for it, and there were equal parts tears and sadness, family drama, and a need to have a celebration afterwards. Mars and Moon in Gemini were squaring Virgo Venus. Mars and Moon helped us learn so much more about this late father, whom I had never met. Dealing with death is never easy, but in a way it is. People (mostly) rally together and serve well under these circumstances. It was interesting to think about the power of one person's life, how they will be encapsulated in one memorial. In classic Mercury in retrograde fashion, the power went out in the middle of the service. Sunday September 18th This was a T square with Cancer Moon apex, square Aries Jupiter & opposite Libra Mercury. I went to the local bakery because today is pizza day, only to learn that they had sold out. So I walked further to the gourmet taco place, only to find that they were closed. I had said "don't be scared to say NO," but there was a lot of NO's I could not control! It's all fine! I finally gave up and went to my friend's house and had a nice social time.

Long form Weeklies:

Monday September 19

Libra Mercury retrograde opposes Aries Jupiter retrograde @4 degrees

Cancer Moon Squares Aries Chiron @ 15 degrees

Virgo Sun Trine Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Brief Yod: Aquarius Saturn @ 19 degrees apexes inconjuncts to Cancer Moon @18 degrees & Virgo Venus at 18 degrees

Will we be reviewing or going over some argument or communication issue today? Relationships may be tested as you try to carve out your path and someone near or dear says something-- or you say something-- that kicks up the fire. This is likely well-worn territory- this has come up before but with Cancer Moon squaring Aries Chiron, it could strike a deep cut, a mother wound, a childhood wound might come up. Can you hold all of this without naming and blaming? Can you let it sit there in all its glory, and hurt the way it does? Virgo Sun is trining Capricorn Pluto, saying that you can handle it, you can transform, you can move on in a beautiful way. This Trine is your power! You are touched by the divine today in your ability to transform this power balance. You are becoming what you are becoming. You don’t need to hurt anyone to get there. With this short yod with apexing Saturn, there is an opportunity to figure out your boundaries and how well they serve your body, your preferences, and your work. Boundaries are powerful and many of us struggle with them. If you have an impulse to make a boundary today, it may serve you well to do it.

Tuesday September 20

Mystic Rectangle: Cancer Moon @25 degrees, Virgo Sun @ 27 degrees, Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees, Pisces Neptune @ 23 degrees

Cancer Moon opposite Capricorn Pluto (in the mystic rectangle) @ 26 degrees

Mystic rectangles give off a spiritual and Neptunian flavor. For this reason, I like today for spiritual work, and self inquiry. If we look at the players, we have two luminaries and two outer planets: this is a day we can get in touch with the deeper parts of ourselves and the magic in the realms. If you make art, this is a deeply spiritual practice that would be favored today. Also– Virgo season is coming to a close as we approach the equinox. What Virgoan things can you take in? Did you maximize your self care, your digestive system, did you tackle that pile on the chair that bugs you? I love Virgo for its quiet power. It tells us that cleaning out that closet will have a PROFOUND effect on our wellbeing. It says that staying in and going to bed early is the kind of self care we need. Virgo magic is emergent and practical, it isn't fancy. The mystic rectangle is here to serve you, your work, your future. But remember also-- there is no such thing as certainty in these times. Neptune energy is confusing, easy to misunderstand, and can serve up delusion. Our brains don’t like that. Put off big decisions for a day if you can, or longer. What is the sense of urgency exactly? Deconstruct this and paint a picture, write a poem or lay down a killer track instead.

Wednesday September 21

Leo Moon Trine Aries Chiron @ 14 degrees

Leo Moon Square Taurus NN @ 15 degrees

Leo Moon does not play small and will not be ignored. This big lion Moon will be working with a few players today to agitate wounding as first a jumping off point and go into a square with North Node in Taurus. Leo Moon is making you feel your future karma, your forward trajectory. Some people say this square is a “skipped step” from a past life. Will you feel or experience something fated or decreed today? Will this bring up mother wounds or the generational braid through the maternal bloodline? Will Moon simply make your body speak louder than usual through a trauma response? Leo moon will be dramatic about it, but in the end, it’s not the biggest deal, more of an echo reminder through the wheel of the year. Today also kicks off the pagan celebration of Mabon, ushering in a time of thankfulness for the fruits of harvest, and to let go of what does not serve. If you have any doubt of what does not serve, I suspect that Leo moon will help you out today. Hopefully without too much of a scene.

Thursday September 22

Leo Moon opposite Aquarius Saturn @ 19 degrees

Moon @ 24 degrees Leo apex of short yod with inconjuncts Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees and Neptune @ 23 degrees Pisces

Sun enters Libra

The big news today is that the Sun enters Libra, ushering in a new season where we investigate balance, equality, fairness, our one-on-one relationships. Libra is an air sign that is ruled by Venus. It’s marked by either the winter or spring equinox, harvest season or planting season, and is a cardinal sign initiating you into autumn or spring. You may have the instinct to clear out detritus, beautify the home, no matter what hemisphere you are in. You are already a bit focused on your relationships and communications therein because Mercury is retrograding through Libra as I write this. You are already considering how to bring balance in.

Today--in my hemisphere in my time zone,-- it’s autumnal equinox. To our southern hemisphere friends, it’s spring equinox. Balance is the clear message of the day as day and night fit together in equal power. What does that mean? Today is a powerful day to investigate what brings you balance, what your both/ands are.

Meanwhile, Leo moon is at it again. The cool composure of realistic Aquarian Saturn is tested by this fiery body/instinct opposition. It’s easy to say: don’t lose your cool, but what does that mean? Leo Moon may bring dramatic and bold behavior, and that could bring in drama queen vibes, or perhaps it brings in the leadership needed to serve the collective. Sometimes cool and collected acceptance is what allows insidious behavior to thrive. Shouting “fire” when there is one WILL upset people, but at least it warns them to get to a safe place. Just make sure there is actually a fire! The yod suggests that the pressure in the body will be overwhelming, but with Pluto and Neptune participating in the story, we know that confusion, transformation, and turning of the soil abound. You could easily misread the situation and go too far. Maybe going too far and making a mistake is what you needed for the next chain of events to happen?

Remember where Mercury is retrograding in your chart, it’s almost finished it’s retrograde in Libra. You are prone to miscommunications and delays, travel issues right now. Yes, this is why your computer is down and you can’t reboot your phone. It’s not all bad of course, it’s just very ripe with different energy coming to a head.

Friday September 23

Sun conjunct Mercury @ 0 degrees

Mercury RX dips into Virgo

Virgo Venus opposes Pisces Neptune @ 23 degrees

Mercury Cazimi the sun today: this is a threshold.

You are a channel from the divine today, please practice presence and honor the messages coming through you. Your magic, your ideas, your downloads are coming easy today, but that doesn't make this an easy experience. Because this happens in the first degree of Libra, Libran ideas about fairness, justice, equity and balance are likely to reach you. Your relationship(s) will be top of mind.

Mercury is backtracking into Virgo, where it is super charged. From this Cazimi download, you may find your channel has opened dramatically. If you are prone to anxiety, OCD, or have any spectrum tendencies: here is your reminder to ground. Breathe. Lie on the earth. Forgive yourself. Hold a grounding stone. Sit by a tree. Overwhelm does not mean you are in danger. Overwhelm can be worked with, if you take exquisite care of yourself. That is a message of Virgo.

Practical and hardworking Virgo Venus comes into some confusing territory with its opposition to Pisces Neptune. Spiritual downloads abound, but again, confusion and altered states are also in the mix. Whatever messages that you get today should be taken as formless and undefined. You don’t know exactly what they are yet. Don’t make major decisions on this information.

Saturday September 24

Brief Yod with Virgo Moon as Apex @ 16 degrees, inconjunct Aquarian Saturn @ 19 degrees and Aries Chiron @ 14 degrees

Virgo Moon square Gemini Mars @ 17 degrees

Virgo Moon opposes Piscean Neptune @ 23 degrees

Virgo Moon conjunct Venus @ 24 degrees

Despite being in Libra season, we’re catching a lot of Virgo vibes still as Virgo Moon hobnobs around the cosmos. Virgo moon is perfectionist, analytical, and critical. It’s hard to hold this emotionally, but it also drives you to be better and makes you hyper aware of your social environs. It’s an energy to master, and can be especially challenging to master when you have a Mercury retrograde happening at the same time. Moon first makes the yod formation supported by Saturn and Chiron, the reality of wounding will propel the body to do something (hopefully beyond tears, panic or anxiety attack.) You are based in a timeline and you won’t escape it, but you can use your sensitivity to propel you. When Moon squares Mars, we feel the tension between body and action. What will you do with the information you hold? How can you make sense of it all?

As Virgo Moon transits directly across Piscean Neptune, we find ourselves ready for a glass of wine, a meditation, a yoga class, or perhaps it’s time to make some art. Eventually Virgo moon conjuncts Venus so your capacity to make something inspired today is supported by the sky. Virgo Moon may be a perfectionist, but it’s driven by devotion. Who are you devoted to? Who inspires you? Who deserves your service and devotion right now? Backed by your “why” you will be unstoppable.

Sunday September 25

Virgo Moon conjunct Venus @ 25 degrees

Virgo Moon conjunct Mercury @ 27 degrees

(Triple conjunction Moon, Venus Mercury all in Virgo)

New Moon @ 2 degrees Libra (Opposite Aries Jupiter @ 3 degrees) Quad conjunction Virgo, Mercury, (Virgo) Sun & Moon (Libra)

Venus 26 degrees & Mercury 27 degrees conjunct in Virgo Trine Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

What a powerful day! Whatever magic you are cooking up in life will be well served by today’s astrology. Build your altar, take your Mercury Cazimi seeds and plant them into existence.

Carrying off from yesterday there is a magical quadruple conjunction with theSun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus all in one place. This quad work well together adding oomph to each others’ objectives. Body, mind, preferences all come together in a package that are later served by Capricorn Pluto’s need to create transformative change. The package might not be neat and tidy, but it will be dense and flavorful.

And we have a beautiful new moon in Libra, so we are ready to plant some seeds in regards to our primary relationships. Relationships are organic, growing things, they need to be watered, pruned, and fertilized. Where do you stand with your nearest and dearest. How fair are these relationships? Do any of them need review? There is absolute magic today with this Venusian Moon, so connect with those you care about, and dream big about where you can take these relationships. The thing about relationships is that they are never perfect. But striking the ultimate balance with them is key. This new moon opposes Aries Jupiter so there is big expansive energy (fertilizer) on these seeds. What do you want your relationships to grow into? How can you exist, personally, and do your work within the container of your relationships? Use this moon to get clear and ready to build your life with beloved humans.

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