A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds
Ralph Waldo Emerson
July 15 will test us. There’s no other way to put it. We probably feel the creeping up of energy days before, and there is probably more of a need to force or break free. The big news for the 15th is that Mars will conjunct Uranus at 26 degrees of Taurus at 6:49 am PST/ 9:49 am EST. This happens around every 2 years, but this conjunction happens on the degree of fixed star Algol, which is known as a dark star, and one that belies some dark tendencies. But for whom? That’s always the question. Let’s dive in.
Before this big conjunction, we have a square with Cancer Sun squaring Aries Chiron at 23 degrees. This happens 4:23 am PST/ 7:23 am EST, and this is a tenuous moment that could bring up our wounding. If any part of our wound is around safety in identity, this could really be activated for us, probably the day before while the square is applying. Cancer Sun is our identity and ego, but in the way that we nurture, intuit, and care for others, how we create, and what we identify as “home.” We have been working with this theme through Cancer season and we’ve had some sweet beneficial trines helping us integrate more protection and more true connection. Aries Chiron challenges this safety to help us to heal. We can’t heal what we can’t feel. Aries asks us what is there in our wild, undomesticated self, and what “broke” us into domestication. That wound is always there. When we feel it, it might scare us into believing we aren’t safe, even if we are. But the ride, the feeling of it– can be big.
This is probably a last planetary bid to do the bigger work of the conjunction, which has had mounting pressure through July. Mars and Uranus together in Taurus want us to break free. When planets conjunct, they work together as one, and these 2 planets are growth and change oriented, and in a sign that doesn’t really like change at all. Taurus likes to stick to the plan, stay the course, and keep going. Taurus is also our real-world life enjoyment. The way we do our lives– how we work and play.
So even though it’s Cancer season, this is some pre-Leo season drama, in non-dramatic Taurus. Taurus is the bull after all, and if our life is too fragile, like a china shop, we can expect that there might be something to liberate us.
Mars is known as impetus, energy, will, determination, and aggression. Uranus is non-linear, revolutionary, divine insight. It wants humanity to move forward, and uses us and our little lives to propel its mission. So we can find ourselves caught in the universe's game, if we are too stuck in a foolish consistency. We have impulses to free ourselves from bondage, and in Taurus this could be from the regular work hard/ play hard routine, financial ebb and flow, the way we work with our resources and talents, and the way we give and receive in our relationships.
Breaking free can be a breakthrough. It can be new news of fortuitous events, or doing something that all of a sudden puts us at the forefront of moving forward. But breaking free sometimes can come at a cost. When we move forward, we might not be able to take everything and everyone with us. This energy is known to be jarring, exciting, accident prone, and powerful. We feel these conjunctions worldwide and astrologers know, especially with Algol, that there is potential for violence, mob mentality, and since Uranus is involved; revolution. We know this but we can’t predict it, we can only be aware of energy that is talking to us.
We deal with Algol everytime a planet transits this area of Taurus, and there have been all kinds of effects. We can’t fear these transits, we can only work with them.
Cancer Sun makes a sextile to this aspect meaning that our identity and self will be helped in this process. There is benefit to this energy, but the energy is big, brash, and always a surprise.
Cancer wants safety and this aspect is promising to take us out of our comfort zone. Preparation really is all about recognizing where we are bound, and what is holding us back.
Where are you frustrated with your day to day work/play routine?
Is there something or someone that is making you feel rebellious?
Do you feel urges to break free? How can you do that without burning bridges, or burning the whole thing down?
Is it more painful to stay in what is there and established than make a big change?
With Uranus, there’s no real way of knowing how this will affect us personally, or on the world stage. Part of its magic is that it can’t be planned for, but you can definitely start checking yourself. We all have a shadow, or tendencies of bad behaviour when we are pushed. It might be a good time, in the days leading up to this, to get acquainted with this side of yourself and learn what it yearns for, rather than let it jump out of the cake when the energy is hot.