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Astrology Transits: December 1st-7th: Our Marching Orders are Clear

A guru goes to the carnival.
It's easy to be confused and completely clear at the same time.

Well can you believe it’s December? This year went painstakingly slow for me, so I’m somewhat relieved that we are in the home stretch-- but still, it felt like this year would never end; and now being at the end of it, well where does the time go? 

I can say with certainly this month is going to ask a lot of us, especially– I know I’ve been saying this a lot– with relationships. The indicator of this lies in oppositions; when two planets oppose each other. So there is plenty of that going on between Jupiter and Mercury, both in the respective signs of their detriment-- and both currently retrograde. They just happen to be in each others’ domain–ie Mercury is ruled by Gemini, and that is where Jupiter is, and Jupiter is ruled by Sagittarius and that is where Mercury is. We call this state of affairs mutual reception; and in this case it gives us some understanding and helpful energy in adversarial scenarios. But each of them also makes a square (called a T-square when there’s a closed triangle) with Saturn at the apex, denoting that we will have a serious bout with responsibility and more work to filter through this dynamic tension, that is going to run right through to the 31st. There’s so much more to say on this which I’ll get into below.

We also have Pluto and Mars still opposing each other, which is a whole vibe. Skip down pass the exact transit list for more:

December 1st

Aries Chiron trine Sagittarius Mercury @ 19 degrees

10:14 pm PST/ Dec. 2nd 1:14 am EST

December 2nd

Capricorn Venus trine Taurus Uranus @ 24 degrees

6:35 am PST/ 9:35 am EST

December 4th

Sagittarius Mercury opposite Gemini Jupiter @ 16 degrees

2:24 am PST/ 5:24 am EST

Sagittarius Sun square Pisces Saturn @ 13 degrees

8:00 am PST/ 11:00 am EST

Capricorn Venus sextile Pisces Neptune @ 27 degrees

10:51 am PST/ 1:51 pm EST

December 5th

Sagittarius Sun conjunct Mercury @ 14 degrees

6:17 pm PST/ 9:17 pm EST

December 6th

Mars Retrograde in Leo @ 6 degrees (until – February 23rd

3:33 pm PST/ 6:33 pm EST

T-square (until December 10th): Apex Pisces Saturn square Sagittarius Mercury (conjunct Sun) @ 13 degrees, Gemini Jupiter @ 16 degrees

6:07 pm PST/ 9:07 pm EST

December 7th

Neptune Direct in Pisces

Venus enters Aquarius

10:13 pm PST/ December 8th 1:13 am

Venus conjunct Pluto @ 0 degrees

5:50 am PST/ 8:50 am EST

Sagittarius Sun opposite Gemini Jupiter @ 16 degrees

12:49 pm PST/ 3:49 pm EST

Sunday December 1st opened with a fire trine between Chiron and Mercury RX, which suggests there was internal work being done around the way you think about your wounding, your healing, and your identity. I personally had a resurgence of an old wound come up and haunt me for a while, but also it wasn't as bad as usual, so it felt like growth. 

Perhaps you were triggered and had to deal, or perhaps you are wrestling with the changes in relationships that you undoubtedly went through recently. Whatever the reason, you are working through it and inspired with better information, and you’re working something out that has bigger implications. Your fire is your energy, and we’ve been asked to devote a lot of energy to this wound lately.

Monday December 2nd has earth trine between Venus and Uranus. This is beneficial, easeful energy that is  unexpected or unplanned and boosts our material world in some way. Last evening, as this transit was applying,  I was personally presented with a sizeable gift card from a member of my community– unexpectedly– as a welcome to the neighbourhood. I didn’t plan or do anything to warrant it, it just happened. Perhaps you had a little financial or material benefit too in the last 24 hours? Someone could have bought you lunch, given you a nice sweater, or you found a $20 bill on the ground, this is the vibe.

Wednesday December 4th has tons of mutable energy; first with the T-square with Gemini Jupiter opposing Sagittarius Mercury squaring Pisces Saturn. We’re dealing with this change energy for all of December. Jupiter is the planet of growth and expansion, we associate it with luck and optimism, and it can definitely amplify both. But it can also enlargen undesirable things, like alcoholism, ego, or violent bids for power. It all depends on what it touches or aspects. Jupiter in Gemini amplifies communication, curiosity, learning, socializing, confusion, duality, walking the fine line between tragedy and comedy. A signature of this vibe is overwhelm of information and communication, and confusion as to what to pay attention to/ focus on.

Mercury is the planet of communication, processing and understanding surroundings and self, and it also rules travel and movement. In Sagittarius Mercury is focused on what-ifs and potential, and is not concerned with expertise or focused study. This Mercury loves debating, meandering, and cutting and pasting DIY philosophy. It relentlessly chases ideas, but often not in any coherent manner. This is great energy for vision, but not for execution or clarity.  

These two planets facing off on each other denote confusion vs. clarity; truth vs. lies; big talking vs. facts; belief vs. doubt; explanations vs. half-truths; bad vs. good intent; getting lost in the possibilities, fuzziness, confusion, lack of focus, half-baked vision.

The opposition between these two planets filters out through Pisces Saturn, which has been keeping us chained to spiritual mastery, authenticity, and doing the work through loss and time in the void. Pisces Saturn spares none of us, it boundaries us to time, and reality. It also gives us much needed discernment with this vibe. This T square’s energy will be felt throughout most of the month which is why I’m spending so much time on it. 

Also on the 4th, Capricorn Venus sextiles Pisces Neptune, which should stand to be a pleasant moment, where we are able to value and connect with the deeper part of ourselves, with compassion and love. Whatever issues are arising, we are also calling on the better parts of ourselves to deal with them.

On Thursday December 5th, this retrograde Sagittarius Mercury will be eaten by the Sun in what we call a cazimi. This is a genesis moment, it’s actually in the inferior conjunction now that we have an ending and beginning. Whatever project or cycle we had with Mercury has ended here and a new cycle will begin, like a new Moon but for projects and ideas. Take note of what comes up today, if anything ends or begins. Things won’t really get cooking until the next cazimi which will happen after Mercury stations forward and catches up to the Sun.

On Friday December 6th Mars will station retrograde at 6 degrees Leo. This is a big transit that we’ll be dealing with for several months. With Mars going retrograde, we’ll have (briefly) 6 retrograde planets, going down to 5 on Saturday. That’s a lot of inner turmoil and review we’re carrying collectively. 

When Mars goes backwards, we contend with our inner anger and aggression, personal spikes, sexuality, and energy. We are experiencing our review of our will and desire during this period that lasts until February 23rd 2025, when Mars stations direct at 17 degrees of Cancer. We will be contending with how we want to lead, how we want to be seen, how we create safety, what we need to feel safe, and how we can protect our babies, be them human, furry, creative, or flora. There is something about what we want within our homes and families that will come up. But we will also be trying to understand our intentions with all of it. With Mars still in opposition to Pluto in Aquarius, we know there will be shifts of power, revelations, and destructions that occur within this period. These oppositions manifest as relationship issues, and we are definitely doing heart work here, and we have that T-square energy overlaying.

Not to be outdone by the other events of the week, Saturday December 7th gives us a shift first with Neptune stationing direct in Pisces, which may feel significant as confusion and misleading circumstances may shift to outward scenarios. Guard yourself against shady characters, but try to keep your compassion for those that may be rough around the edges. 

Venus enters Aquarius to conjunct with Pluto at 0 degrees. There is power dynamic in what we value and attract, and magnetism in the air. This is intellectual and visionary energy that may find us in strange or unique situation, may find us dismantling or being dismantled in some way. The Sabian Symbol for 0 degrees Aquarius is: An Old Adobe Mission in California and speaks to spiritual retreat, inner work, higher spiritual ideals, sanctuaries and hubs. This makes sense when we think about 5 retrograde planets. The Venus principle is attracting something that Pluto has to offer while deciding what it wants.

Sagittarius Sun opposes Gemini Jupiter for some more relationship tension, based around beliefs and searching for truth. Our marching orders are clear however, we will have to do some of the inner work to get through these relationship standoffs. We are all changing and our beliefs, thoughts, and desires need to be re examined. We maybe don’t know who we are anymore. We don’t recognize ourselves anymore. 

Notice what is coming up around truth and lies. This month will have us working on this directly, so we may as well start looing for the lesson now. Have compassion for yourself and others as many of us have metamorphosed recently.

Blessings for a fruitful and helpful Mars retrograde journey. I’ll do a video later this week on that very subject, and all the rest.

-Astro Anarchist xo

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