Hello friends! We’re in Capricorn season, and everything is festive and family forward. I’m going to recap you on what’s been going on, and fill you in for the rest of this year.
This year was like my period. I know it's ending, and going to be gone soon, so there's parts of me that want to hold onto it somehow, and savor those last moments.
But why? OMG this year (for me) was a horror show. (But also highly valuable and I am grateful.)
A big vibe that is mounting is the opposition of retrograde Mars in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius. This is big initiatory energy that is asking us to face-- or work on-- what we desire. This tension comes in the form of relationship issues, and it will perfect on January 2nd, 2025. This dynamic came in play before the retrograde around November 3rd we would have had a this tension come balls-out because Pluto and Mars were in the 29th degree of Capricorn and Cancer respectively. This was relationship stuff coming up, and it's coming around again, with some deeper introspective about what we actually want. Whatever was happening around that time in in regards to power dynamics and mother/father stuff, and our will: this week we are starting to really dig into it. Mars in Leo is a planet-of-action in a sign of leadership and drama. Leo is fixed fire, so it sustains. This drama may have been in the background for a while, and it might continue.
Here are the time stamps, you can skip ahead to the good stuff:
December 21st
Sun in Capricorn
1:20 am PST/ 4:20 am EST
December 23rd
Aries North Node and Libra South Node square Capricorn Sun @ 2 degrees
2:26 am PST/ 5:26 am EST
December 24th
Gemini Jupiter Square Pisces Saturn @ 14 degrees
3:17 pm PST/ 6:17 pm EST
December 26th
Sagittarius Mercury opposes Gemini Jupiter @ 13 degrees
2:28 pm PST/ 5:28 pm EST
Sagittarius Mercury square Pisces Saturn @ 14 degrees
11:27 pm PST/ December 28th 2:27 pm EST
December 27th
Aquarius Venus square Taurus Uranus @ 23 degrees
11:23 pm PST/ December 28th 2:23 am EST
December 30th
New Moon in Capricorn @ 9 degrees
2:25 pm PST/ 5:25 pm EST
Aries Chiron trine Sagittarius Mercury @ 19 degrees
11:40 pm PST/ Dec. 31 2:40 am EST
Saturday December 21st was Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere and Summer Solstice in the southern hemisphere. A huge threshold to walk through collectively, as the dial on universal light reset. Capricorn season brought us foundational and fundamental truths, real-time and real-life family interactions, and tradition.
Many traditions are anchored at solstice points in many cultures and religions. This is because if this powerful threshold. This is a time when we execute ideals. This period of time is a lot of work for everyone involved. Extra efforts are made and we take responsibility for the flock.
On Monday December 23rd the Capricorn Sun squared the Nodes, meaning that it was a fated day for our consciousness. Whatever tensions we’ve been working with between our innate, wild selves versus how we show up in relationships-- whatever we have been trying to contend with-- likely, there was movement and release in some way. We have grown into our karmic path a bit, and likely it asked us to be more authentically ourselves in a way that is balanced. Perhaps we took responsibility. Perhaps we are ready to take responsibility.
You might just be getting to know this version of you.
On Tuesday December 24th we had a square between Gemini Jupiter and Pisces Saturn. Capricorn Sun is ruled by this Saturn, so there's this idea of our boundaries and responsibilities frustrating an impulse and movement to expand. This square plays with the idea of realistic expectations, understanding truth and duality, and beliefs. Saturn put a sobering spin on all this nonsense and got everyone down to the brass tacks. There’s a lot of chatter, opinions, and narratives. We search for truth. There is a long view of this Saturn, wanting us to be spiritually responsible.
On Thursday December 26th we’ve got more of this theme. Jupiter is opposing Mercury in that mutual reception thing they’ve been doing. Gemini is ruled by Mercury which is opposing Jupiter, which is the ruler of Sagittarius, where Mercury is. This amplifies the theme of stories, narratives, beliefs and what’s true. And this is highlighted in relationships, because it is in opposition. Whatever conversations, clarifications, ideas and attitudes are coming; collectively their job is to move us into change. On the front lines, however, we might be battling about ideology, worldview, belief systems, systemic structure. The world is ready to pop off, so it’s no surprise that the vibe is a heated debate about truth.
Saturn is making a T-square here, so the mechanism of this truth is going to be boundaries, taking responsibility, and loss. There’s an edge to this astrology, no doubt, because it’s spiritually sobering, and speaks to your mastery. Remember: nothing comes fast or easy with Saturn, and that means you are being put to the test, and your ability to parse through beliefs, facts, narratives, duality: that’s the test. Saturn will let you know how you are doing on that.
Is there anything you don’t want to face? Is there something you are trying to sweep under the rug? Have you checked in with your beliefs? What’s the reality of what’s happening?
If you do not change direction– you may end up where you are heading.
-Lao Tsu
Don’t worry, Saturn will slow you down to make sure you’re really paying attention.
On Friday December 27th Venus in Aquarius will square Taurus Uranus. This is some interesting energy which is also mutual reception that is sure to surprise and change our values. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius (along with the ancient ruler Saturn, who we’ve been talking about I've mentioned already.) Venus is the ruler of Taurus. There is a desire for freedom in this Venus, it wants to shake things up and do weird stuff. This Venus is socially conscious, but also removed. Aquarius is full cuck energy. Uranus will provide the shake up, financially, romantically, socially. Something about our daily grind and worth will knock our socks off. We are going to have to deal with something and receive some news, there is change in the air, and our relationships and bank accounts may look different on this ride. Whatever is happening here, it is moving us forward and freeing us, while bonding us to the collective. We will see interplay with our communities.
To close out 2024, we have December 30th’s New Moon in Capricorn at 9 degrees and Sagittarius Mercury will have a fire trine with Aries Chiron. There is tremendous potential for healing conversations, for wounds to be addressed in family and companies. There is an opportunity to really move forward with understanding, and work on what needs to go. Those of us with a business, family, public image, or legacy to uphold or create may want to think about the potential for healing in these areas and bring that into our intentions.
New Moons are endings and beginnings. This goes into our family, bloodline, and ancestry, and how our immediate reactions and instincts work. We set intentions at the new Moon because our body and souls conjoin and that is a potent place to begin. Capricorn wants to strategize about the big picture, so this is a time to think “high level.” We are being asked to take responsibility. It is time for us to step into the drivers seat in some area of our lives. There is a loose square to the North Node during this new Moon. Our karmic path is unfolding.
This is a blessed way to end and begin a year. Look at what you are putting out there in the world and refine it. Go big or go home. What passionate work are you here to do? Extra points if you think it can help us all heal somehow-- the astrology asks us to heal our identity wounds to help the collective heal.
Thanks everyone for reading my work throughout the year. I love riding these waves with you all and I love the conversation of astrology. It's an honor and a pleasure to ride this energy with you. We are all in this together.