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Astrology Transits for Monday April 15th: This is an Opportunity to Caretake Yourself

Someone comforts a crying child
This stuff runs deep.

Cancer Moon square Aries Mercury @ 20 degrees

12:12 am PST/ 3:12 am EST

Mercury conjunct Chiron @ 19 degrees

8:13 am PST/ 11:13 am EST

Cancer Moon square Aries Sun @ 26 degrees

12:13 pm PST/ 3:13 pm EST

Cancer Moon trine Pisces Neptune @ 28 degrees

4:21 pm PST/ 7:21 pm EST

Leo Moon opposes Aquarius Pluto @ 2 degrees

11:22 pm PST/ April 16th 2:22 am EST

We’re back to our experiences of safety, self, and what is eternal within us. We are exploring our identity, security, and connection to the world and we are having to clarify how we think about and communicate ourselves to others.

Moon square Mercury. This is a cardinal square and we’re coming to terms with big feels versus personal cognition. It’s possible that you don’t understand completely why you feel so strongly about something, or have elicited strong feelings from someone else. Or maybe some part of you is really not OK with something, and there’s this unsettled feeling that spikes at this moment. Is it possible that you have underlying fears about something or someone? Is it possible that it’s coming up, but you’re not totally clear on what its message is? 

Mercury conjunct Chiron while it backtracks through Aries. This is the second pass from the original conjunction that started March 20th. It might be a sore spot. Your identity wound will come up, and the crunchy part is that we are reviewing something, how you think and communicate, and through the lens of something painful, something that you are healing. This is an opportunity to caretake yourself, your thought processes, and question if they come from a scared child who doesn’t know what to do, or an adult who can help that scared child, because they now know what to do. Can you have compassion for yourself as you work though this stuff? The inner clenching that comes up with this wound could have been inherited through generations, so you help everyone by trying to heal this pain, and the fear that accompanies it. You’ll get another chance to revisit this flavor of the lesson when Mercury stations direct and passes Chiron again on May 7th. This Chiron work is really asking us all to work on our stuff, via relationship lessons, and the goal is healing. Do you have clarity on this wound? Can you admit it is there?

Moon square Sun. Sun is exalted in Aries and in domicile in Cancer so this is some powerful cardinal action. With these eclipses, the nodal work, all the stuff that has had to be worked this year so far, you are really getting a sense of who you are, what you are expressing, your wild essence. Likely it’s super rad, but there are also some flaws, or some big wounds (as Chiron shows up) too. Moon in Cancer makes the feelings move through us, so much so that we can’t ignore them, they may even be physical. Moon in Cancer also brings up mother-figure stuff, including what it is to be a mother-figure if you are in that role. If your feelings are overwhelming, know that they will run like the river, and use your best practices to regulate. Your sense of self is a bit stronger right now, and you can trust that. 

Moon trine Neptune. Water trines are here to heal, and this one will hopefully put you in touch with your compassion. Usually we are toughest on ourselves, and maybe it’s a bit easier to have compassion for yourself right now. Alternately, we may feel very confused by all the feelings we’ve had during Moon’s transit through Cancer, and maybe unsure of how to let them run. Those of us with lots of water are more used to this movement, but high emotion in the body– for those of us that are less watery can feel scary or unsettling. This trine is helping you heal, and you can trust that.

Moon opposes Pluto. Our relationships transform us, and shape us into who we really are. We do not operate in a vacuum. These feelings need to be felt, but also seen. Pluto in Aquarius wants to show us what has been there, always been there, and what can change, so we can be free. Pluto wants us to move forward with the collective, bring everyone with us. There is something tough here to work through, a personal and universal theme, of what’s best for everyone in the long run. Moon in Leo leads by heart, but hearts can be broken, and if we identify as being misunderstood (Mercury rx in Aries) we might up the ante, because, really, our “self” needs to be found in all of this (Sun in Aries.) This is just to say that there are feelings that want to be witnessed, and that can translate into some drama (Moon in Leo.) What are you learning about yourself and what you need? What are you learning about your emotional reactions? 

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