I list the details of transits below for the keeners who like to keep track and schedule. For the majority of you my words below this list will suffice.
November 18th
Sagittarius Mercury opposite Gemini Jupiter @ 18 degrees
12:40 am PST/ 3:40 am EST
Scorpio Sun trine Pisces Neptune @ 27 degrees
5:46 pm PST/ 8:46 pm EST
November 19th
Aries Chiron trine Sagittarius Mercury @ 19 degrees
3:18 am PST/ 6:18 am EST
Pluto Re-Enters Aquarius
12:29 pm PST/ 3:29 pm EST
November 21
Sun enters Sagittarius
11:57 am PST/ 2:57 pm EST
Sagittarius Sun sextile Aquarius Pluto @ 0 degrees
12:44 pm PST/ 3:44 pm EST
November 22nd
Leo Mars trine Aries North Node @ 4 degrees
9:06 pm PST/ November 23rd 12:06 am EST
Hello friends!
How did that full Moon hit you? Did you get any insights about the last 6 months? Was there a eureka moment? An unexpected plot twist? Did you become a bit more untethered to something weighing you down? Did you set yourself free? Did something upset the apple cart?
Or was it just any other boring full Moon? I had a great experience myself, despite all my fears about the astrology. I’ve had a lot of big transits in exact conjunctions, oppositions, or squares this year. I think now here in November, I’ve finally surrendered to the divine plan, and that makes everything easier than my desperate clutching to the past. That made this full Moon clarifying, open, and free. Or… the gods spared me on this one. Or…this is one of those lessons I look back and really understand, but only in the rearview. Really you never know until you look back.
This is how it all works– astrology. We are being taught, confronted or helped as we go through the energy that guides us. The more we trust our relationship with the energy, and the energy itself, the more life looks like a series of trails and passageways. The clutching doesn’t help the outcome and so we learn to let go. We have to trust. We have to give up.
On Monday November 18th Sagittarius Mercury perfects its opposition to Gemini Jupiter. These planets are both in their detriment and they are both the ruler of the sign they oppose. We call this mutual reception in astro-nomenclature. And also, this Mercury will go retrograde next week, so we will get more hits on this opposition on December 4th and December 26th. There’s a lot going on with this cycle, and this is the beginning of the journey. You may want to recognize anything coming up around facts, lies, truth, beliefs, the people you surround yourself with, the details you can’t ignore and the larger truth they point to; what is the big truth in this moment? How are your beliefs shaped by ideas that others give you– versus knowing what the actual truth is? This theme is going to come up over the next month, and there will be co stars in this lesson. This will come in the form of relationship tension; there is a need to communicate truth and a need to believe in what is being said and communicated.
Also on Monday, Scorpio Sun trines Pisces Neptune-- there is emotional healing and clearing taking place, likely in our conscious perception. Perhaps we’ve shed light on something buried deep, or we understand the matrix a little bit more, we have come to place of deeper compassion for ourselves, and others. Perhaps this is a time of deep forgiveness, especially if we did not see the truth before and now we do, or we see the bigger details of what is happening and we can forgive the rough path we are on because we have a deeper understanding of why we are going there.
We still have- in the background this week,--the separating opposition of Scorpio Sun and Taurus Uranus. We are still being moved toward greater freedom in terms of our sense of security, resources, and tangible assets. This may involve uncovering or being conscious of something that was hidden or that we are newly aware of, and in this process our relationships are tested.
On Tuesday November 19th we have a trine with Chiron in Aries and Sagittarius Mercury. How do you apply your idealism to what hurts, or when you are triggered? What thoughts can help you see the bigger picture, and what do you need to tap into to trust your role in the process? How have you healed your identity wound? Can you help others do it too?
Well-- this is a good question to consider when Pluto moves into Aquarius, where it will remain now, until 2046. This is a big transit, and it’s a big deal. A lot of the stuff that’s been happening this year was related to this moment where the universe has been moving us like chess pieces across the board. We kicked, we screamed, we got fed up, we realized we were beating a dead horse. We were moved and we felt like we didn’t really choose to be moved, but now here we are, this is what we are doing now. We are here to help the world heal, whether we are healed or not. This is a tall order, and our marching papers are crumpled up and water-damaged. Sagittarius Mercury wants us to see the big picture and the tangible thoughts that get us there. We didn’t expect to be right here, at this moment.
But here we are.
Welcome to the Age of Aquarius, my friends.
On Thursday November 21st we leave the deep lake waters of Scorpio season and make way for fireworks of Sagittarius season! Sagittarius is optimistic, Truth loving, spiritual, conscious, idealistic, active, friendly, engaged, social, and emphatic. Shadow Sagittarius traits can find us over shooting: overshooting our ego, our wallets, our mouths, our beliefs, our capacity. This is a time when our fires burn bright and strong, but we are susceptible to convincing ourselves that we know what we are doing. The Achilles heel of Sagittarius energy is that we want to run far and wide with the truth, but we don’t necessarily know what’s true. The magic of Sagittarius energy is that it shoots high enough to make things true that weren’t true before, because this truth is better. Sagittarius energy is iconic. This is the time of year when we go to parties, buy presents, build a vision, we find the part of us that trusts, and we take that light and ride out into the sunset with it. This is a time when faith is fierce, or at least, this is when we will be called to have faith in something.
What is the dream then? What is your dream? Who is in your dream with you?
Do you have a dream, or do you find yourself sitting with a dream that died? Can you believe in a bigger, fuller dream?
Can you find the part of yourself that has faith, and fire, and bring that light forward? Can you ride until dawn?
Also on Thursday, Sagittarius Sun sextiles Aquarius Pluto. There’s a message for you today, about your role, your power, and your mission. There’s some clues about your upgrade path. Some conscious opening to the fixed air vibe. Remember, we need you to dare to dream big and beautiful. We need idealism right now. It’s part of your job.
On Friday 22nd we have a trine with Aries North Node and Leo Mars. How do you want to lead, and what parts of yourself are showing you where to go? There’s something about your expressed energy, desire, temperament, and overall impulse that is going to be reviewed over the next few months, and this fire trine might hold clues, inspiration, or a spiritual nod to your future. We are all going to review why we want what we want, and whether our energy is actually taking us there.
Next week Mercury retrograde will begin, and Sagittarius season will be in full swing with a whole lot of hoopla. Have fun, stick to your budget, and don’t overshoot yourself.
Whatever comes out of our mouth in the next month can come back to bite us, no matter how well meaning the intention. Everything we do is communication: our silences, our absences, our avoidance, our excuses, our schedules, the company we keep, what we prioritize. It all says something, and everything. Now is the time to shoot high, for the good of all.
So much love to you all in these wild times.