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Astrology Transits for Tuesday May 14th: Something is Building For You From the Inside

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Cars that aren't cars.

Leo Moon trine Aries North Node @ 14 degrees

7:46 am PST/ 10:46 am EST

Leo Moon square Taurus Venus @ 19 degrees

4:45 pm PST/ 7:45 pm EST

Leo Moon trine Aries Chiron @ 21 degrees

9:27 pm PST/ May 15th 12:27 am EST

Moon trine North Node. This inspirational energy will come into our emotional body and have us doing the thing we are working on. There is an individuality vibe to this trine, a need to be seen or a need to simply be. This fire trine will be a lift in any situation where you might be unsure of yourself, you’ll get a little divine push that supersedes your thought process. Something is building for you from the inside.

Moon square Venus. This Venus wants to connect, to receive, and get together for the long haul. This Moon wants to lead with heart and be seen doing it. This fixed square will add frustration and growth to the day, perhaps we are getting clear on what we need to feel safe in our connections or with our finances, or realizing that those that we love have a role in how we see ourselves. We grind our gears when we don’t have exact execution, so this square is here to help us sort through our emotional selves. What we prefer and want might not be what we need. Something will have to give, and that will be important information about how you and others relate. 

Moon trines Chiron. Fire today comes with inspiration and impulse, with excitement, and spark. Emotionally something brings us our identity wound, or the healing that we are doing for that wound. We are into a new relationship with our bodies and destiny, we are starting to know how we can lead each other to a better way of dealing with trauma and healing. Inspiration comes in strange ways but this is something to note if you feel led to help  and people and it works with the way that you live your life.  What do you understand about helping others, and how can you assist?

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