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Astrology Transits-- Mercury Enters Virgo and Chiron Stations Retrograde: Identity Wounds Come in all Kinds of Packages

2 children playing.
Deep investigation is needed.

I probably didn’t make as much fanfare over Leo season as I should have in my last post. Leo is the Sun’s home and domicile. Leo wants to be seen, and should be witnessed. Leo speaks to our drive to lead, our heart centred intentions, but also where we feel like we have to step up, even if we don’t want to. Leo wants attention, and so do all of us, in different unique ways. Leo’s heart is pure. 

And so it is in midsummer. We want to be seen and witnessed. We want someone to notice. And also, we want to help others, take control of something and step into the limelight. We will find ourselves a figurehead or a spokesperson, and perhaps covertly so. We are looking out for the big picture, but we are also looking out for our role in that big picture. Ego is ego, spotlight is spotlight, pride is pride, and there are people who need to be shown the way. 

On July 25th, at 3:41 pm PST/ 6:41 pm EST Mercury entered Virgo, a sign that it rules. Mercury is how we process information. Mercury is how we learn, understand, and how we have ideas. Virgo is a sign of compartmentalization, organization, categorization, and deep humble service. Virgo is a sign associated with science and health routines. It is mentally trying to understand things on a scale that can help us all. It can come with anxious, critical, and perfectionist tendencies. Virgo is purist, it doesn’t buy into pomp and circumstance, like its counterpart Leo does. Virgo is humble, but it expects a lot from others also.  

Mercury– in Virgo– is super powered, and can get to the point of obsession, OCD, anxiety, and other very high channeled vibes. Mercury in Virgo or Gemini, can set off a huge bunch of downloads, and that can be overwhelming to deal with depending on your chart. Grounding might be helpful for those of you who feel firehosed by information. With Neptune at 29 degrees– I want to also mention, if you are dealing with extreme Mercury Virgo vibes, there could be an impulse to self medicate, and that impulse should be tempered  with a friend/ sitter/ nature/ incorporating sleep vibe. When you feel like car-sale air-puppet, sometimes you just want to calm down. Mercury in Virgo is going to test us because also it goes retrograde very soon through Virgo and back into Leo throughout August, starting on the 4th. Last August we had a full Venus retrograde, so this is some interesting revision, from heart to head. I’ll get into this closer to the date it happens. 

On July 26th, at 6:59 am PST/ 10:59 am EST, Chiron stations retrograde, and will be at a standstill at 23 degrees for longer than usual as this sacred pause occurs. Chiron’s signature is wounding, and in Aries this is on an identity level. If some wound flares up around this time, know that it is being presented to work on, investigate, and get closer with. I myself have been working with heavy Chiron transits this year, and at times I wonder if they will ever let me get on with my life. Within all of them I’m being asked to find my strength, and trust myself and my version of what has happened. There is lots of confusion in trauma, so it’s easy to have someone convincing you that your version of events is wrong, or mistaken. My lesson has me coming back to my own authority again and again, and learning that I can trust myself and my version of events.

This might not be how Chiron works for you. Identity wounds come in all kinds of packages- gender and gender roles, career roles, a sense of belonging to someone or something, a sense of economic or social standing. Chiron is making us pull this apart and re investigate what hurts so we can heal it.  Sometimes we see this in mini experiences and don’t see the bigger picture. This retrograde goes until December, so you’ll have several months to learn about yourself and how this wounding affects you, and those that love you. If you have planets in cardinal signs between 23-19 degrees, or very close by, you’ll definitely feel this transit more than others. If they are in fire signs, this will be a big opportunity to heal.

Is there a wound that just won’t go away and that you keep cycling through again and again? 

If you could go deeper into it, why does this wound affect you more than others?

How can you use the logic and rationale of Mercury in Virgo to help you sort through and heal from wounding that is emergent right now?

Where do you have unwavering faith in yourself?

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