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July 5th New Moon in Cancer ; This is Big Water Work

A house beside a waterfall
Water is refuge.

This beautiful Cancer new Moon is at 3:58 pm PST/ 6:58 pm EST. It's loosely conjunct Venus, which is making a trine to Neptune in Pisces. The new Moon is making a trine to Saturn in Pisces. Trines are beneficial aspects, they can make things effortless. So this juju is for our highest good, even though it’s highly emotional. 

With this concentration of personal planets in Cancer getting support from these two powerhouses in Pisces, we know that there are deep lessons that we are learning about emotional and creative safety. 

Cancer is concerned with family, and is the principle of mother. Cancer is concerned with creating a safe space and container, and with a new Moon here, we can feel the death and rebirth, which informs our relationships and values with Venus there. Something bottomed out, or emptied out in the last while, and emotionally, we have had to contend with endings.

Saturn in Pisces likely has helped you with emotional and spiritual boundaries, and knowing what keeps you doing your work. It trines the new Moon and Venus to ensure that we continue our mastery of emotional and spiritual fate. It blesses what has ended as a deep stepping stone into your future. This new Moon, Venus combo also is the apex of a T square with the Nodes, North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra. So there is a degree of destiny to this moment; karmically we are being asked to parse through our relationship habits and patterns while also being clear on our identity and who we are in essence.  We are being asked to physically and spiritually emerge, and create a sacred container for ourselves and those we love. 

I can’t stress enough how much water is flowing right now. Water is emotion and it encompasses everything from love, grief, sadness, anger, fear, excitement, contentment, and happiness. This new Moon has Neptune and Saturn encouraging it, as if to say, yes, we must wash this whole space out, we need to clean house. Mars in Taurus makes a sextile to Saturn at this moment, to ground us in our action and desire, to make sure that we are still doing the work we must do. Saturn has us dealing with time stamps and other boundaries, and this Mars wants to sustain the energy, and deal with physical things. If there is a physical project to work on like gardening, building or making dinner,  this will give us direction if we feel lost at sea while all this water flows. 

Neptune is moving backwards through Pisces, and is giving us some inner mysticism to contend with. Neptune at 29 degrees is really asking us to face our delusions, especially when it comes to emotional safety. We must have compassion for ourselves, but we also need to come clean.

The house you are cleaning is you. 

So maybe there were delusions, dreams, addictions, attachments that need to dissolve. This is big water work, and we have been coming up against it for a while with this Neptune at 29 degrees. With the retrograde, we have to look in to see where we are responsible. Saturn is getting in on the new Moon. We have to take responsibility for what we’ve done, who we’ve allowed to come in, and any messes that were made. 

Later in the evening, 11:26 pm PST/ July 6th 2:26 am EST, Aries Chiron makes a square to Cancer Venus. Chiron is helping us heal along with all these water trines, so only appropriate we include him in this day. You might feel the wound really strongly today, and that doesn’t mean that it is always like this. 

Our identity wound will have friction with our values and sense of connection, and our feeling of safety within that connection. This will definitely come into our relationships, and teaching or allowing us to heal together. This is a cardinal square so it initiates us into some kind of change or action. With this identity wound at odds with a principle of emotional safety, connection and values, family and mother figure energy, we know that there is something to unpack, and this Cancer season’s blessing will want to see us reparenting, healing, and prioritizing our emotional world. There is an opportunity today to take some artistic license and create something. This is beautiful maker energy. This is about coming home to yourself, and knowing what you need to be OK. This new Moon is here to start something-- in the end. This is a beginning. Cancer is a creator. Remember that giving birth is a painful process for everyone involved.

What and who feels safe to you?

What wants to emerge from you? Can you create a space and time to honor it?

What can you do to create safety within? What emotions come up around this?

How can you take this new beginning and infuse yourself with new boundaries?

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