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Weekly Transits for December 5th- December 11th referencing PST Time Zone

Writer's picture: Astro AnarchistAstro Anarchist

Weekly Transits for December 5th- December 11th referencing PST Time Zone

Cheat Sheet:

Monday December 5th

Taurus Moon conjunct North Node @ 11 degrees

Taurus Moon conjunct Uranus @ 15 degrees

Taurus Moon square Aquarius Saturn @ 20 degrees

Sagittarian Mercury square Pisces Jupiter @ 29 degrees

Tuesday December 6th

Taurus Moon trine Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Mercury enters Capricorn

Wednesday December 7th

Full Moon in Gemini conjunct Mars @ 16 degrees

Thursday December 8th

Gemini Moon trine Aquarius Saturn @ 20 degrees

Gemini Moon square Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

T-square Pisces Jupiter is the apex @ 29 degrees, Gemini Moon opposes Sagittarian Venus @ 28 degrees

Friday December 9th

Sagittarius Venus square Pisces Jupiter @ 29 degrees

Cancer Moon opposes Capricorn Mercury @ 3-4 degrees

Venus enters Capricorn

Saturday December 10th

Cancer Moon square Aries Chiron @ 12 degrees

Brief Yod: Cancer Moon is the apex @ 18 degrees inconjunct Sagittarius Sun @ 18 degrees and Aquarius Saturn @ 20 degrees

Cancer Moon trine Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

Sunday December 11th

Cancer Moon opposes Capricorn Pluto @ 27 degrees

Cancer Moon trine Pisces Jupiter @ 29 degrees

Long Form Weeklies:

Monday December 5th

Taurus Moon conjunct North Node @ 11 degrees

Taurus Moon conjunct Uranus @ 15 degrees

Taurus Moon square Aquarius Saturn @ 20 degrees

Sagittarian Mercury square Pisces Jupiter @ 29 degrees

Taurus Moon knows how to receive, wait, persevere, and find security within. The resources you hold inside are going to be important for today's brush with fate in the form of the nodal axis. The fortitude and riches inside of you are carrying through to your trajectory. What’s coming up today around comfort, security, money, and abundance? As Moon moves over to Uranus, something could come up– an impulse to do or say something– that normally you wouldn’t. Maybe you said something you normally would have (or should have) held in, maybe spoiled your carefully constructed eating plan, maybe you bought something big, extravagant and luxurious that maybe you should be saving up for. There is something to learn from this impulse. If you can do some forensics on what brought it on.

The fixed square of Moon and Saturn are the consequences of this impulse, or other ones. So don’t let your forensic exploration on your motivation haunt you. We’re here to learn lessons, and Aquarius Saturn wants to see us master what it is to be part of a collective. This square keeps us planted in reality, the internet age, hard work, and finite bank accounts.

Visionary Sagittarian Mercury speaks the truth, and wants to teach. It squares off with Pisces Jupiter at the anaretic degree. So whatever quick-thinking Mercury is concluding in its speech is bumping up against big expanded spiritual stuff. It’s one thing to talk about growth and big topics, it’s another thing to go through the growth itself. Where does idealism serve, and where does it obfuscate?

Tuesday December 6th

Taurus Moon trine Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Mercury enters Capricorn

Whatever is happening inside is aided by the power and structure in Capricorn Pluto. There are inner resources and external ones– and that power hierarchy– as much as it’s patriarchal, resource based, and colonial, it’s the one that we know. We feel safer knowing the rules than making new ones. This power structure is also embedded in our psyche. We perpetuate it simply by having it within us. Sometimes we feel safer in bad situations because they are familiar. There is merit, power, and value to transforming your inner power structures and bringing your own domestication to light. What is yours, and what is coming through your bloodline?

When Mercury enters Capricorn, we are practical, busy, and hard working in our mental capacities. We’re preparing for the holidays, for family dinners with relatives and office parties. We have things to organize and execute, finances to sort out, and likely, we need a plan on how to pull this off. This is the time when shopping lists come out, the pantry gets stocked, and we are stepping into the role of organizing, planning, and executing with high standards.

Wednesday December 7th

Full Moon in Gemini conjunct Mars @ 16 degrees

Boom! this full moon is a culmination of information and movement. Energy will be expelled. Tempers will flare, and we will say things we wish we hadn't said-- or even better-- things we should have said long ago. There is information everywhere, and it’s been hard to sort out what Mars' backwards trip through Gemini is telling us. Because Gemini is abstract and mercurial; curious and connective; we’re probably wondering about how we move through this clarity or focus. How have you been communicating lately?

Something here needed to happen, be said, or be processed. We all carry angers, hurts, passions, theories within us. We don’t often think about how deeply these things are affecting our entire worldview.

For example, something that has come up around Mars retrograde in Gemini for me personally relates to my father (who is a Gemini stellium.) I have believed that a lot of the “stuff” that I have from childhood is water under the bridge and I have regular visits with him and his wife. But recently it all came up again. He invited my stepbrothers to a dinner-party I was having. No big deal, right? He asked permission first and I could have said “no.” Instead, I found myself full of rage that destabilized me into someone I did not recognize. It shocked me to feel it coursing through my veins; all compassion, all forgiveness was gone.

I realized later that it was stemming from when my father left my mother for his current wife, 25 years ago. He ended up leaving our entire family for her's– those stepbrothers have way more of a relationship with him than my brother and I. I’ve never been invited to dinner with them, for example. The rage was about being abandoned, uncared for, discarded. I spent many a night crying and being hurt about this. This was the first time it came out as rage. I have Gemini in my 12th house. That rage was repressed and fortunately, I found a healthy expression of it.

What rage, what emotions are you carrying with you, that need a way out? How will you ensure that you don’t spill out onto everything and everyone? Can you take a moment and just admit the rage is there, and not judge yourself for feeling it? Gemini isn’t going to lead you straight to the jewel on this one, you’re going to have to go to several corners of thought, understanding, and conversation to get the prize. But it WILL be worth it. The meeting of Mars and Moon here says that you get to direct the energy out. The energy inside of you that has been there too long, emotions that have been buried- deep. Gemini energy will turn on a dime– you’ll think you're calm, cool and collected on one hand, and then find out you are Jack’s crazy-eyed cousin the next moment. You are the twins. You carry both/and. That is the beauty and superpower of Gemini. You can feel the rage, and be better.

But please do, let the energy move out of you. Direct the energy so it doesn’t hurt others. And love yourself through the whole thing.

Thursday December 8th

Gemini Moon trine Aquarius Saturn @ 20 degrees

Gemini Moon square Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

T-square Pisces Jupiter is the apex @ 29 degrees, Gemini Moon opposes Sagittarian Venus @ 28 degrees

Aquarius Saturn is preparing us for the changes in overculture. Our world is shifting to new energy, and Aquarius is about to rule the roost. Saturn tethers us to our individual role in the collective, to time, to this emerging epoch. All the world's a stage, and you have a destiny to fulfill. Gemini Moon will help you do this with this Saturn trine. You're talking, connecting, understanding so that you can move forward into an unwritten future.

Of course when you hit the mutable square with Neptune, Gemini Moon might not know exactly what it's doing. It’s a good day to watch your mouth, pull back a bit, think long and hard, although finding clarity is unlikely. Neptune has been a big player this year, so we’ve gone in deep inside ourselves only to find more questions to be answered.

Our beliefs will take centre stage when Pisces Jupiter becomes the Apex to a T-square with Gemini Moon and Sagittarius Venus. Pisces Jupiter is at the end of its journey in Pisces for 12 years, wrapping up an important cycle for all of us– the last 12 years was no cake walk. Our bodily reactions and our subjective emotions mix into this cocktail of belief systems that we will carry into the future. What are you willing to let go of, when it comes to your belief systems? Did you carry it through your ancestry (Gemini Moon) and perhaps not question whether or not it made sense? Is it trauma-based? Did you form it from something that resonated, that made sense and connected you to rad people (Sagittarius Venus) only to realize that you idealized this set of beliefs and the people within it? It’s ok, either way, but it’s time to drop whatever no longer serves you, you’re life, or the collective.

Friday December 9th

Sagittarius Venus square Pisces Jupiter @ 29 degrees

Cancer Moon opposes Capricorn Mercury @ 3-4 degrees

Venus enters Capricorn

The anaretic degree square with Pisces Jupiter and Sagittarius Venus continues, we are letting go of ideas, thoughts, and understanding that won’t come with us. But Jupiter & Venus will really want to make their points today, so try to spend some time sensing, thinking, and paying attention to your own physical reactions.

Cancer Moon is taking us in, and protecting us while tensioning through fast talking and overachieving Mercury. Deals will be written, Checks will be signed. But the body will start to demand more down time, more family time, more alone time. There is a tension between everything that is still happening and still needs to be done, and our desire to stop/ rest/ rejuvenate. There’s two more weeks before the end of the year, and that can seem like an eternity when you know you’re spent.

Saturday December 10th

Cancer Moon square Aries Chiron @ 12 degrees

Brief Yod: Cancer Moon is the apex @ 18 degrees inconjunct Sagittarius Sun @ 18 degrees and Aquarius Saturn @ 20 degrees

Cancer Moon trine Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

Feeling the identity wound of Chiron’s cardinal square with Moon is easily agitated at this time. We’re dealing with so much family, so much mother stuff, so many memories. Some people relish this season, others (like me,) abhor it. It depends how you feel about family, your mother-figure, and safety (Cancer Moon.) If you are a mother-figure, it could come up about your feelings about yourself.

This yod today helps direct what’s happening there. Your sense of safety, security, home, and family is the antidote to the sense of movement, idealism (Sagittarius Sun,) obligation, and expectation (Aquarius Saturn) you are contending with. Today would be a day to find whatever person/ place/ thing that feels safe and like home, and spend some time with/in it. That is the message from the sky.

And Pisces Neptune is there to support this with compassion, and source energy. Survival is sometimes knowing when to run to safety. Or how to run to safety. If safety is a puzzle, or walk outside, or watching trash TV, so be it. Cancer Moon wants to protect you. Let her do it.

Sunday December 11th

Cancer Moon opposes Capricorn Pluto @ 27 degrees

Cancer Moon trine Pisces Jupiter @ 29 degrees

The Cancer and Capricorn spectrum is indicative of matriarch and patriarch. This is not a gender binary, it’s a polarity, and we can energetically slide all over the scale at any given time. When Moon opposes Pluto here, we are turning the soil from inside. From our bloodline, from our ancestry, from our family of origin, and the power structures within.

This polarity happens monthly between these two planets. It’s not rare. But it’s something to pay attention to. It’s like a breadcrumb, to help you understand what power structures within you are being brought to light, dismantled, or changed. You are moving forward even if it doesn’t seem like it.

This is being helped and held by Cancer Moon and Pisces Jupiter’s trine. We are moving slowly into a new year, a new shift, and soon, into a new Pluto generation. Many of our lives look very different than they did 3 years ago. Have some faith in where you are going– none of us can really see where we are headed. There is safety within. Beliefs do need to shift and change as we examine where they came from. Pisces Jupiter helps us with this.



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