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Weekly Transits for Feb. 13-18th, referencing PST time zone

Writer's picture: Astro AnarchistAstro Anarchist

Long form weeklies on top/ Cheat Sheet below

Monday February 13

Scorpio Moon Trine Pisces Venus @ 21°

Scorpio Moon trine Pisces Neptune and square Aquarius Sun @ 24°

Scorpio Moon square Aquarius Saturn @ 27°

Scorpio Moon gets deep under the covers to unearth the raw and beating heart. Scorpio Moon will be concerned with vulnerability and power. If you are feeling sensitive or under a microscope, or something deeply felt, Pisces Venus will give you the compassion, connectivity and loving power to get you through it. There is fierceness to showing up with love: for yourself, for someone who’s wronged you, for the dream of your ancestors.

Your body may have pain, or deep hurts. Old injuries or inexplicable ailments. That is one way Scorpio Moon shows itself. Pisces Neptune is there to lend a soothing gestative container– if you could call it that. It is less a container than expansiveness, and it’s not clearly marked or even known through concreteness. But it is a salve while the square to Aquarius Sun asks us to to heal ourselves to heal our world. There is a clear directive here. Your healing, your relationship to your bodily container can be held in the greater container. You can take time to soothe yourself, and that will be beneficial to anyone that knows you.

With the square to Aquarius Saturn there is a question on who we need to be in the world versus what we need to contend with internally. You may have to make a decision between yourself and the greater good. You can’t pour everyone a drink from a dry well. And you can’t sequester yourself away from every situation that makes you uncomfortable or that you find difficult.

Tuesday February 14

Sagittarius Moon trine Aries Jupiter @ 8°

Sagittarius Moon trine Aries Chiron @ 13°

Sagittarius Moon opposite Gemini Mars @ 14°

Sagittarius Moon is the belle of the ball today. Your Valentines love letters and devotion can be to your overall growth.

There is a need for expanse, travel, and seeking outside of yourself. This impulse of growth will be what inspires you to be centred in your beliefs– and those beliefs are changing. You may come to truths that have been percolating for a while, that feel like they were thoughts earlier, but now are something to mold your life around. There is a fiery relationship between the way you are working in society right now, and how it affects you.

The trine with Aries Chiron suggests that this is related to your wounding. This is related to the fundamental qualities that make you a healing force. Are you reading to go beyond the wound and find your mentors, your support systems, and your latest influences? Are you ready to take the bandages off and let people see your scar?

Expansive and movement oriented part of your being will be called to make change, and so will the energy that is being expressed. This opposition is probably felt in a question of direction. Where is your energy going to go? How will you use your body and mind for the greatest impact? Is there a choice you need to make about what to do? The question is also regarding information and truth.

There is a difference between THE Truth and YOUR Truth. There is no authority here on this, only what you believe to be true, and what information you have. Who’s the arbiter of who’s correct? We like to think it is us. Be careful that your actions reflect what is true for you, and not what you fear is true, or based on a bunch of old stories you have around something.

Wednesday February 15

Pisces Venus conjunct Neptune @ 24°

Sagittarius Moon square Pisces Venus conjunct Neptune @ 24°

Aquarius Sun conjunct Saturn @ 27

When Venus conjuncts Neptune we are connected deeply and emotionally to love. We like to think of love as this romantic Hollywood experience, but sometimes love is much less sexy than that. It’s about cleaning up someone’s mess, or enduring their bad behavior. Sometimes love is changing a bedpan or diaper, or enduring an outburst of pain aimed at you. Sometimes it’s holding someone while they fall apart, or showing up to a gathering that you’d rather not go, just to show support. Sometimes love is showing up to help someone that doesn’t appreciate it.

Today you will be in touch with the mightiest flavor of love you have to give and receive. Today will be notable, and likely in a favorable way, although often favorable circumstances come to us in painful packages. This is a Piscean conjunction, so endings and impermanence are on the menu. We fear ending, and change, even though it’s inevitable. Pisces ability to clear and dissolve into the ether is what allows us to gestate something new. In Pisces we’re already dreaming of better and for more. We’re feeling all the possibilities in the cosmic soup. This is a powerful day to create art, communicate with ancestors, and work with medicine. Spiritually you are open, however, so include some protection and sealing practices in your ceremonies.

The Moon makes a square to this conjunction, suggesting that our body or emotional need to seek, might have its fire put out by the emotional Piscean waters. You can’t always do it all and you need to take care of the emotional body. It’s coming with you through life, and it helps you intuit a lot of information. Your impulse may be to think “I don’t have time for this right now” and that you’ll deal with it, later, at some other time. That time will never come, however. The time is now.

We round out the day with a Sun/ Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. Our egoic impulses will coalesce with our societal selves. This is a pretty sane place to have this conjunction– Aquarius doesn’t mind being different, or weird, and it does want the best for all. Saturn is disciplined and hardworking and that is a nice mix with the Sun– is something coming to a culmination? What have you been working on for a while that is coming to fruition?

Thursday February 16th

Capricorn Moon trine Taurus North Node @ 7°

Capricorn Moon square Aries Jupiter @ 9°

Capricorn Moon square Aries Chiron @ 13°

Capricorn Moon trine Taurus Uranus @ 15°

Today Capricorn Moon makes the rounds– there are earthy, practical needs of our body today. We might be working hard, and physically needed for many achievements. Our jobs, parenting, obligations, and relationships have us juggling a lot of things. Stay in your body as much as possible. We will get first a nice earthy beneficial trine from the North Node. We are on the right track or feeling a boost to where we are headed. North Node in Taurus may have us looking at our relationship with abundance.

Then we have squares Jupiter and Chiron, both in Aries. The day-to-day of life, washing dishes, making dinner, cleaning our rooms– all of these things make us busy and sometimes make it hard to see our bigger impulses- the thing we are inspired by, the responsibilities we take as healers. The responsibility to heal.

Sometimes it seems as though healing has become a luxury for a certain class. If you are working hard to just to survive: it likely feels like you don’t have time to stop and sequester off time to heal. And while this can be true; your healing will wait on no one. Your healing is imperative, necessary and your point of power. Capricorn Moon is going to drive this home in these squares- teaching you that your dreams and inspirations and your healing require time that only you can give them. The act of working towards your inspired action and belief system is a way of healing. Finding yourself in all of the business, and doing one thing towards your greater dream, is a way of moving forward with your mission.

Perhaps when we get the earth trine with Capricorn Moon and Taurus Uranus, there will be a clear event, thought pattern, or insight that will tell us how to marry our daily grind with the lofty goals of your life. Perhaps you’ll come out of this day with a better idea of how to move forward.

Friday February 17th

Capricorn Moon conjunct Pluto @ 29°

Aquarius Moon square Taurus North Node @ 7°

There’s a Capricornian moment with Moon and Pluto conjunct at 29 degrees. Something has has been transformed, and you are in the last moment of sustaining this change. How does your bodily impulses end up fighting against the change? What are you holding on to for dear life? This change IS coming in March. Part of preparing for the change is simply accepting it.

The Moon with then be in Aquarius squaring the North and South nodes in Taurus and Scorpio respectively. There is a need to look at the greater whole and your role in that whole. What part of your experience is universal and what part of it feels deeply personal. There is an interplay here of how you normally engage in the world, and how you are learning to engage in the world. This is a fixed T-square, so it could feel crunchy, but it is a way to know yourself in the greater whole, and way to expand beyond your inner world and tap into the universal.

Saturday February 18th

Aquarius Moon conjunct Mercury @ 10°

Pisces Season begins

Aquarius Moon square Taurus Uranus @ 15°

Aquarius Moon trine Gemini Mars @ 15°

There is a loner vibe to this Aquarius Moon, and when it conjuncts Mercury, our thoughts and emotions, our alienation factor could cloud our perspective. We might feel lonely because we actually can’t handle others and yet we could desire like crazy to be amongst them. We might find ourselves rebelling against “them” while simultaneously wishing we could be with them.

And Pisces Season begins. This is an intense time for many as we move through endings. We are closing the loop on another Sun journey, and Piscean time is marked with a feeling of what was lost, what was dreamed, and the realization of one-ness. It’s not so easy to tie these loose ends up, because they aren’t attached to anything. There is an infinite experience of the sacredness of life, because we are aware of death. We are highly intuitive and sensitive, and this gets confusing as we wonder if we are going within ourselves or if we are nakedly allowing energy in. This is a potent time to do spiritual work, yoga, and art. This is a time when it may feel unclear where we are going or what we are doing.

The Moon then makes a square with Taurus Uranus and trine with Gemini Mars. Whatever surprises, revolutions, epiphanies come up around money, receiving, sustaining, food and security as we see ourselves in the greater collective will be helped and benefited by moving the energy forward. Gemini does that in a more abstract way, so it’s interesting to have this fixed square getting helped with an airy approach to action, but there we are. Our way of thinking and acting on our thoughts, our way of being curious about what we are doing and why will serve us on what we are actually engaging in. Friendliness, conversations, considerations and seeking to understand others are actions that support us, and help us put the human touch on our Aquarius Moon need to be there for humanity.

Sunday February 19th

Capricorn Pluto sextile Pisces Venus @ 29°

Aquarius Moon conjunct Saturn @ 28°

New Moon in Pisces @ 1°

An interesting sextile starts the day off, Pluto in Capricorn and Pisces Venus, both at 29 degrees are looking at some kind of conclusion and helping us transform and connect. Venus is leaving the oceanic and vast waters of Pisces while Pluto is leaving the earthy sign of Capricorn. What is left to learn and what are you letting go of? Somehow this sextile will help us move through the last vestiges of societal and personal changes that are in motion.

Aquarius Moon then conjuncts Saturn. We are personally working with our places in society and time, our personal feelings of being part of society and the actual reality of being part of the world. We are attached to the greater whole, and it is our destiny to be a part of that energy because it is within us. This is an emotional thing; to realize that we are interconnected with everything around us, but Aquarius Moon isn’t so overtly emotional. So we are reflecting on this experience, we are learning how it travels within us. There may be a feeling of repression, but this will move quickly.

Then we have a beautiful New Moon in Pisces at 11:05pm, PST. We are planting the seed of change in the deep dark waters of chaos. What an infinite moment to connect to the beginning and end of all. Contending with Pisces energy is confronting because it doesn’t allow us to lay blame. We are all drinking from the same Piscean pool, and we don’t get to take our stories with us through this vast ocean. We are one of many in the compost pile. Our stories are universal.

What are you letting go of and laying to rest, once and for all? Where can you have unending compassion and forgiveness? Can you see yourself as the sum total of everyone who birthed someone to get to you, and realize that they did their best to get you this far? And can you appreciate for a moment that life is beautiful because of impermanence, not in spite of it. Endings are opportunities for beginnings, and the world churns in this infinite dance of being and not being.

You have an opportunity to dream a little dream today. The new Moon is there to usher us into a very intense Pisces season that is preparing us for all the change we are facing in the next few months. Make sure you let go of things that do not serve. Make sure you forgive yourself. Get lots of rest, you’ll need it.

Cheat Sheet

Monday February 13

Scorpio Moon Trine Pisces Venus @ 21°

Scorpio Moon trine Pisces Neptune and square Aquarius Sun @ 24°

Scorpio Moon square Aquarius Saturn @ 27°

Tuesday February 14

Sagittarius Moon trine Aries Jupiter @ 8°

Sagittarius Moon trine Aries Chiron @ 13°

Sagittarius Moon opposite Gemini Mars @ 14°

Wednesday February 15

Pisces Venus conjunct Neptune @ 24°

Sagittarius Moon square Pisces Venus conjunct Neptune @ 24°

Aquarius Sun conjunct Saturn @ 27

Thursday February 16th

Capricorn Moon trine Taurus North Node @ 7°

Capricorn Moon square Aries Jupiter @ 9°

Capricorn Moon square Aries Chiron @ 13°

Capricorn Moon trine Taurus Uranus @ 15°

Friday February 17th

Capricorn Moon conjunct Pluto @ 29°

Aquarius Moon square Taurus North Node @ 7°

Saturday February 18th

Aquarius Moon conjunct Mercury @ 10°

Pisces Season begins

Aquarius Moon square Taurus Uranus @ 15°

Aquarius Moon trine Gemini Mars @ 15°

Sunday February 19th

Capricorn Pluto sextile Pisces Venus @ 29°

Aquarius Moon conjunct Saturn @ 28°

New Moon in Pisces @ 1°

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