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Weekly Transits for January 9th- 15th, 2023 (referencing PST time zone)

Writer's picture: Astro AnarchistAstro Anarchist

Monday January 9th

Leo Moon square Taurus Uranus @ 15 degrees

Aquarius Venus trine Gemini Mars @ 8 degrees

Leo Moon opposite Aquarius Saturn @ 23 degrees

Aquarius Venus square Taurus North Node @ 9 degrees

Tuesday January 10th

Capricorn Mercury square Aries Chiron @ 12 degrees

Virgo Moon square Gemini Mars @ 8 degrees

Wednesday January 11th

Virgo Moon trine Taurus North Node @ 9 degrees

Yod: Virgo Moon as apex @ 10-12 degrees, inconjunct Aquarius Venus @ 10 degrees and Aries Chiron @ 12 degrees

Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Mercury @ 11 degrees

Virgo Moon trine Taurus Uranus @ 14 degrees, trine Capricorn Mercury @ 11 degrees

Thursday January 12th

Mars stations Direct

Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Sun @ 21 degrees

Virgo Moon opposes Piscean Neptune @ 23 degrees

Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Pluto @ 28 degrees

Libra Moon opposes Aries Jupiter @ 2 degrees

Friday January 13th

Libra Moon trine Gemini Mars @ 8 degrees

Libra Moon square Capricorn Mercury trine Taurus North Node @ 9 degrees

Libra Moon opposite Aries Chiron @ 12 degrees

Libra Moon trine Aquarius Venus @ 13 degrees

Saturday January 14th

Taurus Uranus trine Aquarius Venus @ 14 degrees

Libra Moon trine Aquarius Saturn @ 23 degrees

Libra Moon square Capricorn Sun @ 24 degrees

Sunday January 15th

Libra Moon square Capricorn Pluto @ 29 degrees

Yod: Gemini Mars as apex, inconjunct Scorpio Moon and Capricorn Mercury @ 8 degrees

Scorpio Moon opposite Taurus North Node @ 9 degrees

Long form weeklies

Monday January 9th

Leo Moon square Taurus Uranus @ 15 degrees

Aquarius Venus trine Gemini Mars @ 8 degrees

Leo Moon opposite Aquarius Saturn @ 23 degrees

Aquarius Venus square Taurus North Node @ 9 degrees

We open the week with a lot of fixed energy combined with Capricorn Mercury Retrograde. What is holding you in place, or down, or making you feel stuck? Where is the money supposed to come from, when are you supposed to get the promotion, when will the sale go through? Everything feels on hold and this is a tangible fixed point. I feel this very much in my 7th house/ DC area with others– stuck in a pattern that I can’t get out of.

Fixed fire Leo Moon is squaring Taurus Uranus. Is something unexpected toying with our big emotions? Perhaps there is a big emotional reaction to some information or perhaps we are forced to use our courage and bravery in our emotional spheres in ways that we did not expect. There are equal elements of surprise and stubbornness, something could hurt our pride, and that could be our own emotional outpouring.

Fixed air Aquarius Venus has the staying power to connect and assist where Gemini Mars doesn’t always know how to stop the verbal flow. Aquarius Venus thinks big picture and smooths things over for the good of everyone in the family, group or collective.

The fixed energy continues with Leo Moon opposing Aquarius Saturn. What is the result of all this emotion you are holding today? The feels are big, and they are sticking us in place. But Aquarius Saturn is there to receive a review and look at where society, friendships, social life supports the emotional body, or doesn’t. Where do you fit into the collective when you have such a tender heart? We have a wider lens here and we can understand ourselves better. How do we fit in?

Aquarius Venus is squaring the nodes. Who are we in this space and time? What is our role in the movie? What does our karmic path look like today as we try to connect and integrate into society? There is something about how and who we connect to, and patterns from the past into the future.

Tuesday January 10th

Capricorn Mercury square Aries Chiron @ 12 degrees

Virgo Moon square Gemini Mars @ 8 degrees

The information and review we’re getting with Mercury retrograde will come up against our identity wound in a potentially painful or friction filled way. Capricorn Mercury is shrewd, efficient and hardworking, but there is a lot to reinvestigate here. Wounds are about to be opened and they get to the core of being who we are. This is uncomfortable, but it’s not a long transit.

Virgo Moon is ruled by this backwards Mercury. Are we second guessing things? Perfectionist Virgo does this at the very best of times, it’s going to have a tough time working through all of this information while our Mercury-ruled Mars in Gemini is figuring out how to move this energy. What houses do you have Virgo, Gemini, and Capricorn in? There might be a real impulse to do our say something in anger and frustration, hopefully you keep your wits about you. This mercurial lesson is a doozy and we can’t depend on retrograde Mars to keep us on the path of the righteous. Let’s identify when our brain is hurt and scared and how it acts when you are like this– that’s a start.

Wednesday January 11th

Virgo Moon trine Taurus North Node @ 9 degrees

Yod: Virgo Moon as apex @ 10-12 degrees, inconjunct Aquarius Venus @ 10 degrees and Aries Chiron @ 12 degrees

Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Mercury @ 11 degrees

Virgo Moon trine Taurus Uranus @ 14 degrees, trine Capricorn Mercury @ 11 degrees

Today we feel a lot of earth energy. We are still knee deep in Capricorn season. Climbing a mountain is hard when part of us is going backwards.

Our perfectionist side of ourselves-- that wants to be in service to the collective-- will get a boost of future karma today before it becomes the apex of a yod. Finding the sweet part of our emotional body can be a challenge, but that’s Virgo’s jam. It strives and tries to be at its best at all times, then can get so obsessed with its service it becomes of detriment to itself. That part of you– the emotional mechanism that wants to serve– will be the exit point of energy that is coming from your connections, friendships, family, and society that mixes with the sting of your identity wound. There are some mental reconfigurings going on here that are further supported by Mercury himself.

The vibe today could be “I can’t do anything right!” so if you’re feeling that, you are doing it right! You’re supposed to find your imperfection, especially emotionally, and find a way to balance that with your public and outward self. You work hard for the money. You work hard to keep it together on behalf of everyone. Guess what? you do it imperfectly!

Capricorn Mercury grants us this with its beneficial trine to affirm our way of moving through the mental and tangible landscape before we expand to an earth trine involving Moon, Mercury AND Uranus. Uranus takes us into the groundedness and security of knowing where we are in place and time. Uranus might give us a push to make something happen for us to come to this. This day will hold you in place, and it will centre you in your body and mind. I can’t promise it will be pleasant, but it will be really you, really engaging in reality, whatever that means.

Thursday January 12th

Mars stations Direct

Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Sun @ 21 degrees

Virgo Moon opposes Piscean Neptune @ 23 degrees

Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Pluto @ 28 degrees

Libra Moon opposes Aries Jupiter @ 2 degrees

The biggest news today is that Mars stations direct. Mars has been retrograde in the Gemini portion of our charts now since late October 2022! It’s been in Gemini since August of 2022! This means that we’ve gone through a process with our own energy since last summer, and it’s been centred in the Gemini part of your chart. For me: this is 12th house stuff, and therefore hard to truly understand. But Mars itself is sexual, movement oriented and motivating. If you struggled or tussled with anything like this; we were in a state of review with our energy.

Sun and Moon trine in earth signs leaving our personalities in sync and able to find grounded equilibrium. With Mars direct our sense of purpose and service is also very much in line with itself.

Moon then opposes Piscean Neptune for some mutable change making. There’s confusion and lack of clarity playing with our emotional field. We are somewhat in the dark and yet we’re noticing everything. How can you trust where you are and that you’ve grown? What feels easier to move?

Moon trines Pluto allowing us to easily respond and react to the little earthquakes going on. Capricorn Pluto wants to change the way we look at hierarchies and earth systems while Virgo Moon is analyzing and categorizing for its own emotional safety and understanding. How have you transformed over the last little while? What secret self are you becoming?

When Moon moves into Libra and opposes Aries Jupiter, we are looking at our selves and our relationships, how to forge ahead and be completely ourselves while emotionally and instinctively working with others towards a common goal. We may be emotionally dependent on someone else, or simply be instinctively wired to keep the peace, but there is also a need to go out on our own, and to forge ahead, alone, without any idea if we are going the right way. We might really really want to do this with someone.

Friday January 13th

Libra Moon trine Gemini Mars @ 8 degrees

Libra Moon square Capricorn Mercury trine Taurus North Node @ 9 degrees

Libra Moon opposite Aries Chiron @ 12 degrees

Libra Moon trine Aquarius Venus @ 13 degrees

Libra Moon is the part of us that is fair, just, and works well in intimacy. Libra moon is the part of us that negotiates, mediates, beautifies, and works well in a team. This part of us helps out Gemini Mars, our thought and communication processes that are dual in nature. We are walking forward and making movement in an even and balanced way.

When Libra Moon squares Capricorn Mercury and trines the North Node, you can be that we are coming up to some future karma and that our way of thinking about things might be under review. It’s good to go for the gold and talk our way into a job, or connection, or bed; but perhaps the work here is to do more listening. Capricorn Mercury has us reviewing the way that we assess, speak, and think about what we are doing and that’s in tension with our need for cooperation and emotional egality.

Libra Moon opposes Aries Chiron bringing up wounding that is characteristic between who you are in identity, and who you are in instinct. Is there fear around being yourself with someone else? Is there a stifled human inside this emotional relationship?

Finally we have an air trine between Venus and Moon, helping us see the bigger picture of our families and collectives, while still holding to our need for personal balance and fairness. You can exist within partnerships and groups, and feel connection and safety in both. Both can actually feed each other!

Saturday January 14th

Taurus Uranus trine Aquarius Venus @ 14 degrees

Libra Moon trine Aquarius Saturn @ 23 degrees

Libra Moon square Capricorn Sun @ 24 degrees

There may be a surprise or unexpected moment today related to your friendships, connections, on social media or in your community. This vibe lasts all day, there could be some interesting developments, or even just repetitive motions that yield a new connection. Perhaps this teaches you about how to be ethical, future-thinking, innovative or principled.

Moon trines Saturn for some airy reality. How can you find fairness and equity for yourself and others, and how can it all help you be a better human? Is there a way for you to be conscious of the overall goals but to understand that implicitly in your own life and own body. Can you feel connected to the goal but also to yourself?

Then there is a cardinal square trying to move us and initiate our personalities into the action, how can our bodies move us into a success story and goal setting? Capricorn Sun wants our egos to achieve, and Libra Moon wants us to achieve balance and get along. What must be sacrificed to make this happen?

Sunday January 15th

Libra Moon square Capricorn Pluto @ 29 degrees

Yod: Gemini Mars as apex, inconjunct Scorpio Moon and Capricorn Mercury @ 8 degrees

Scorpio Moon opposite Taurus North Node @ 9 degrees

Moon square Pluto suggests that there will be some deep emotional upturning and potentially some hurts coming to the surface. Is there something you’ve been hiding, embarrassed over? Capricorn Pluto does try to bury this stuff, but Libra Moon notices when it is alone, or unloved, or not noticed. Love is related to power, and there is power dynamic going on today, however based in affection it is or not.

There hasn’t been much watery action all week, except for Neptune in Pisces. That Cancer full moon a week ago tore away the pretension– there was deep emotional work there and we’ve had to get back to practical matters. Our feelings and thoughts work together to produce a need to talk it out, or communicate it out. Gemini Mars is the antennae of energy that is produced in the yod of thinking and feeling. What needs to be said? Are you ready to say it?

The deep underbelly and soft sensitivities of Scorpio Moon come into relationship with the Taurus North Node. What emotionally have you discovered about yourself and how does that carry you forward. There’s fixed energy in this opposition, and while you might feel stuck in it, there’s actually movement. Mars IS direct. You ARE going somewhere. It doesn’t make it easy but fixed energy wants you to play in the pool for a while.

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