Cheat Sheet:
Monday July 25th:
Gemini Moon square Pisces Neptune 25 degrees
Tuesday July 26th
Moon conjunct Venus in Cancer 10 degrees
Leo Mercury square Taurus Mars 14 degrees
Wednesday July 27th
Leo mercury square Taurus Mars 15 degrees
Leo sun square NN/Uranus Taurus 18 degrees
Thursday July 28th
New Moon Leo, 5 degrees
Friday 29th July
Jupiter goes retrograde 8°
Leo Moon squares Taurus Mars 16 degrees
Leo Moon squares NN/Uanus Taurus 18 degrees
Leo Moon conjunct Mercury 20 degrees
Leo Moon oppose Saturn in Aquarius 23 degrees
Saturday July 30
Moon 25-27 degrees in Leo apex some yod energy with Pisces Neptune (25 degrees) Moon 25 degrees, Pluto 27degres
Sun Leo Trine Jupiter Aries 8 degrees
Leo Mercury oppose Aquarius Saturn 22 degrees (t square to NN/Uranus 18 degrees)
Sunday July 31st
N. Node conjunct Uranus 18° conjunct Mars
Cancer Venus square Chiron Aires
Moon Virgo trine triple conjunction in Taurus
Reflection from last week:
On Monday 18th, Moon conjuncted Jupiter in Aries at 8 degrees (I’m an Aries) Cancer Mercury opposed Pluto in Capricorn at 27 degrees. We’d been having a lot of internet issues as I moved my office in the house to a different room. My friend and roommate and I ended up getting in an argument about this issue, she has her sun AND mercury at 27 degrees Capricorn. It started during the day, and I felt myself upset, and so (Venus in Cancer) I turned to several practices that help me (sauna, exercise, time alone) I came back to the discuss it with her later in the evening. I was on the tail end of my wicked cold.
As two people who are quite close, we were surprised at how big the argument got, however it did unearth a lot of feelings and insecurities that were lurking behind the issue. We came out of it better, I believe, but wow, what an interesting way to start out the week.
There isn’t a lot to tell you about the week really, it involved healing, energy fluctuations, two Cancer children’s birthdays, and getting over this insane cold.
I’ve noticed, this week, a lot of tiredness; not just mine. People in my life who have boundless energy are taking naps, feeling exhausted. Is it a Mars in Taurus thing? A mercury in Cancer thing?
The movement of Mercury into Leo was well felt for me, as I find myself more organized, and more strategic, trying again to make plans and schedule things. Scheduling is my jam, and I finally have returned to the calendar to break it apart, fill it up, and build things.
Friday July 22nd, and Leo season began. But we were all still tired.
Saturday 23rd, it’s Leo season, I was at a guerilla beach party with 8 of my friends DJing, great music, and people I generally like. Kids were playing everywhere, the sun is hot and fixed, and I had a lot of social anxiety. I couldn't find myself in this. I just came back from a large festival where I was fine, so why was this happening? Fixed fire was making me feel “on the spot,” and insecure.
Sunday Cancer Venus square Jupiter Aries: today was a lonely day. I attended a birthday party but found it difficult to connect to people I don't know well or see often. I have to leave to go for dinner with my father and feel especially lonely around him and his other family. Stepbrother is there and excited to talk about moving to Costa Rica and his jet ski. I don’t know how to talk about this stuff, but I certainly can't talk astrology with them. I rush back to go back to the birthday party, but it’s ended and everyone gone home. I feel like my communications are landing flat all day, and anxious to go to bed.
Long Form Weekly transits
Monday July 25th:
Gemini Moon square Pisces Neptune 25 degrees
The week starts out with this mutable square. It’s a quick one, change is upon us and we may feel inquisitive about our body and knowing. We may feel confused. Things are changing and unstable and that might affect the way our body processes information. Ground yourself in something that soothes an overactive nervous system. Pranayama, talking a break, or good old fashioned sleep are powerful.
Tuesday July 26th
Moon conjunct Venus in Cancer 10 degrees
Leo Mercury square Taurus Mars 14 degrees
Our body, cycles and ancestry might come into close contact with our desires, preferences, and need for self tending. There is a merging of what it means to practise self care and what it means to connect. This is a wonderful time to share your feelings with a trusted friend, or confidante. What about taking time to write out and burn those ideas, angers, hurts, and old business? There is only so much room in your crab shell, please don’t let old stagnant feelings take up too much room in there. Let's clean house!
Boss Bitch Leo Mercury is on-point verbally and communication-wise, but in a fixed square with stubborn Taurus Mars. Taurus is not quick for change, and this could make for some tough energy in your fixed houses. Taurus is rooted and Mars wants to firehose into action, both are true here as that attention loving mercury brings forth its attitude. Maybe standing your ground is the right thing here? Maybe choosing your battles? Mars grinds a bit in Taurus, but if you are suffering from inertia, it could light a little fire.
How can you make a non-destructive (intentional) move forward? What’s one small things you can do? Baby steps.
Wednesday July 27th
Leo mercury square Taurus Mars 15 degrees
Leo sun square NN/Uranus Taurus 18 degrees
Wow, so much fixed square energy carrying over from yesterday. How can it move? Are we at an impasse? There is magic in being stuck. I liken this energy to hang man (tarot) energy. We are fixed in body (Taurus) and soul (Leo.) As we hang upside down from a tree, we wriggle and struggle, we flail around, but something happens when we surrender.
Our brains and tongues (mercury) are in overdrive or ready to rumble, but this is not leading to movement (mars.) There is a bunch of bees buzzing around in the bottle, how do we let them out?
There is a gem here. Our spirits are pointed towards a very fated moment (North Node/ Uranus). We’re working to this all week, and yet, there is no way to prepare, there is no way to guess how it will play out. We can bring in those themes of surrender, and choosing our battles. Hang man readies us for great spiritual development, and transformation. This is just another day. You have been in preparation to receive your message, for a while, it took a while to find yourself tethered upside down to a tree. Perhaps you are preparing to drop the things you don't need to be on the journey you're already on.
Thursday July 28th
New Leo Moon 5 degrees
A seed is planted. You are birthing a new idea, image, and strength of heart. There is nothing wrong with pleasure and fun. Without it, what's the point? A strong heart is the heart that can walk away from something they love when they know it’s not good for them. A strong heart loves someone despite the fact that they are losing them. A strong heart is rooted in purpose AND love. I find this courageousness comes more into play with what we will let go of for love, rather than what we gain. Strong hearts are the core (coeur) of Leo, of bravery, of leadership, and of fixed fire. This is not “romantic comedy” love. This love is still happening at the deathbed, at the graves of ancestors, at the moment you are scrambling for an adult in the room and realizing, it’s you. In this new moon, may you find access to the fire, the leader, and the fierce roar of love within you. Walk through the threshold of pleasure and enjoyment to find the deeper meaning of your "why." We need that love in this world!
What does your heart know today? What admiration are you desiring?
Friday 29th July
Jupiter goes retrograde 8°
Leo Moon squares Taurus Mars 16 degrees
Leo Moon squares NN/Uranus Taurus 18 degrees
Leo Moon conjunct Mercury 20 degrees
Leo Moon oppose Saturn in Aquarius 23 degrees
As Jupiter recovers old territory in Aries, you are having an internal dialogue with yourself about this trajectory. You might be thinking a lot about your expansion, your inspiration, and what it's all about. Backtracking energy has us pondering the sunset, the purpose, and the point. This is chin-in-fist, Byronic energy. Poems will be written. Tears may be shed. Love may be rekindled.
There goes flashy Leo moon making a lot of beautiful flourishes through the night sky. Squares, conjunctions, oppositions! Your cycles and body might feel Moon moving through you like a bird building a nest, or a dog digging a hole. Moon’s prepping us for the next two days, where we become one with the universal superconscious through action. Through our karmic paths. This isn’t a one-day event, we’ve been preparing for weeks, months, years, lifetimes. Moon is priming our bodies for it. We're getting ready now, and we may feel all over the place today. Or deeply rooted in one place. Trust it.
Saturday July 30
Moon 25-27 degrees in Leo apex with Pisces Neptune (25 degrees) Pluto 27 degrees: Yod energy
Sun Leo Trine Jupiter Aries 8 degrees
Leo Mercury oppose Aquarius Saturn 22 degrees (t square to NN/Uranus 18 degrees)
More moon behavior as it becomes the apex and inconjunct to both Pisces Neptune at 25 degrees and Capricorn Pluto at 27 degrees. What will moon do or cause as it speeds rotates around us? A Yod is a finger of god. The apex is moon, for a hot minute, and Moon is our instinctual self. I will build an altar for this upcoming conjunction with a nod to my ancestors. The Sun and Jupiter trine might be able to help us with moody Moon's message. These two fire signs are initiating a big sense of self. Leo Mercury opposes Aquarius Saturn in a fixed T-square to the NN/Uranus conjunction. We may not be able to talk ourselves out of trouble. We may get opposition to our leadership. it might feel difficult today, but movement will happen.
July 31st
N. Node conjunct Uranus 18° conjunct Mars
Cancer Venus square Chiron Aries 16 degrees
Moon Virgo trine triple conjunction in Taurus 18 degrees
This is it kids. This is the big moment we’ve been building to this year. North Node is about our future Karma, Uranus is about big, revolutionary change, and Mars is about making it happen.
What house do you have Taurus in? This all takes place in my 11th house, personally, and Uranus has thrown me some major social curveballs already. This has been a wild ride that has affected me financially, changed the way I trust people, and brought me to fancier and more luxurious digs (for the same amount of money that I was paying before.) I have also left two communities during this Uranus in Taurus transit. Once because I took a stand and left, the other, because I felt I had no other choice. Both were dramatically hurtful. And very good for me.
Uranus is going to lead us to where we need to go for our future karma, represented by the North Node. While it will be unexpected and non-linear, it may not need to be all that dramatic. Maybe we needed to meet a specific person along the way, maybe we get an idea, or maybe we are called to action in a way we never have been before.
Virgo Moon trines the triple conjunction at some point to solidify this in our bodies. Our bodies will remember something. Our bodies will know, or help us remember as we receive this NN/ Uranus guidance. We are on a new, more aligned appointment with our future. We have dropped the albatross around our neck.
This could be hard work if you have PTSD or big triggers. It could feel like clarity and like a breakthrough. It could be coupled with an incident. Be careful. Be loving. Be intentional. Be honest with yourself.
In all of this, we’ll have an internal audit (Cancer Venus) that brings out, or tends to our identity wound (Chiron in Aries) This is a big day, for big downloads. Be gentle with yourself. There's a lot of baggage that needs to be dropped to move through fixed territory.