Cheat Sheet:
Monday November 28
Aquarius Moon Square Taurus North Node @ 11 degrees
Aquarius Saturn trine Gemini Mars @ 19 degrees
Aquarius Moon square Taurus Uranus @! 16 degrees
Aquarius Moon conjunct Saturn trine Gemini Mars @ 19 degrees
Tuesday November 29
Sagittarian Mercury opposes Gemini Mars (trining/ sextiling Aquarius Saturn) @ 19 degrees
Wednesday November 30
Pisces Moon square Sagittarian Sun @ 8 degrees
Sagittarius Venus opposes Gemini Mars @ 18 degrees
Thursday December 1st
T square: Sagittarius Venus opposes Gemini Mars both square Pisces Moon as apex @ 18 degrees
Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces, squaring Sagittarius Mercury @ 22 degrees
Moon conjunct Jupiter in Pisces @ 28 degrees
Friday December 2nd
Aries Moon trine Sagittarius Sun @ 10 degrees
Aries Moon conjunct Chiron @ 12 degrees
Saturday December 3rd
Neptune Stations Direct @ 22 degrees
Pisces Neptune square Sagittarius Venus @ 22 degrees
Aries Moon trine Sagittarius Venus @ 22 degrees
Aries Moon trine Sagittarius Mercury @ 25 degrees
Aries Moon square Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees
Sagittarius Sun trine Aries Chiron @ 12 degrees
Sunday December 4th
Pisces Neptune square Sagittarius Venus @ 22 degrees
Long Form Weeklies:
Monday November 28
Aquarius Moon Square Taurus North Node @ 11 degrees
Aquarius Saturn trine Gemini Mars @ 19 degrees
Aquarius Moon square Taurus Uranus @! 16 degrees
Aquarius Moon conjunct Saturn trine Gemini Mars @ 19 degrees
The vibe of being separate, needing to take yourself out of the crowd, or approach things in your own way may come into tension with the practical needs of your future. Your body needs freedom, and that could translate into needing to be with the right weirdos, or get yourself away from the fray to carve out your uniqueness and need to rebel. Fixed squares with the moon mean your body and cycles may feel dug-in, stagnant, or stuck.
Saturn trine Mars suggests that our actions and our realities may be in sync today. Our thoughts and communications may be in sync, we may be effective in saying what needs to be said, or doing the mind work that needs to be done. If you are trying to hit a deadline; you’re golden-- just keep your nose down and keep at it. If you have tough stuff to communicate, you’ll figure out a way to do it well. When Moon conjuncts Saturn in this trine, this brings it into our bodies and automatic reactions. We will move through this with intelligence and rationale, but this energy will indeed move. If you speak or write for a living, this is a chance to really talk with truth, or speak your mind.
Aquarius Moon will square its modern ruler, Uranus. This means our bodies/ feelings/ reactions might come into contact with revolutionary changes afoot, or technology annoyances, or uncomfortable surprises. There is symbiotic relationship between this Moon and its ruler-- in Taurus-- which contends with our ability to receive and persevere, to be in what is uncomfortable, and to try to find comfort. Our financial experiences and stories will be in play here as we are part of a bigger world picture. Finding our place in this changing world is difficult and we may feel stuck, scared, and dealing with the wounds of our ancestors because of it. This Aquarian energy wants reform, and you may feel like a fish caught in a tidal wave.
Tuesday November 29
Sagittarian Mercury opposes Gemini Mars (trining/ sextiling Aquarius Saturn) @ 19 degrees
There is idealism and optimism in Sagittarius Mercury’s communications, yet it's opposing Gemini Mars. This Mars is backtracking and trying to piece together its abstract thoughts, and move through the ideas coming to the surface. Sagittarius Mercury is matching this with hope and ascended vibes; but it could be dogmatic advice that no one is ready for right now. Sagittarius wants to move, and is in a good spot to do that moving, but Gemini Mars doesn’t know yet where it will end up, or why it’s backtracking. That certainty is on its way but has not yet arrived.
Aquarius Saturn is lending its boundaries, authority and timing to this mix. We may feel limited or restrained in some way but whatever is holding you in place right now-- is actually helping you the most. It might not seem that way, as Gemini Mars truly wants to get going, understand, and move on to brighter and better things. Aquarius Saturn will lend a hand by sticking us right where we need to be and keeping us there to do the work that needs to be done.
Wednesday November 30
Pisces Moon square Sagittarian Sun @ 8 degrees
Sagittarius Venus opposes Gemini Mars @ 18 degrees
The last day of November has mutable vibes with this Moon square Sun. We may want to be in alignment but we need to avoid spiritual bypassing. Sagittarius sun is quite a force of belief and expandedness, it gives so much excitement and fire, but it is squaring Pisces Moon, the Moon that knows that we all die, that there are things beneath the shadows, that works with feeling, intuition, and in the dark. Together they are quite a pair of yin/yang energy, working together to bring you to truth and wholeness. Sounds beautiful, but often these processes are messy.
To continue with this theme, Venus opposes Mars today. This Venus wants to learn and travel, explore different cultures and connect with what aligns. Sagittarius Venus is on the path. Mars wants to direct this energy out and it doesn’t quite have a plan or a path. Feelings might erupt out in unexpected ways, and depending on how you play it, this could be a really good thing. Conversations about the nature of truth– or getting to the truth might be especially juicy.
Thursday December 1st
T square: Sagittarius Venus opposes Gemini Mars both square Pisces Moon as apex @ 18 degrees
Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces, squaring Sagittarius Mercury @ 22 degrees
Moon conjunct Jupiter in Pisces @ 28 degrees
Pisces Moon is the apex of the T-square with the Mars and Venus that we just talked about. Pisces Moon is asking you to use your body to direct energy building up in this opposition. Meditation, dreamwork, breathwork, and art are favored. Maybe today is just another day of doing stuff and catching up– we don’t always have free time to sit in a room and meditate, but is there a way to treat your body differently– as an instrument of knowing to be tenderly guarded, rather than your meat machine?
Moon conjuncts Neptune and then we’re all in a fog of confusion. No one knows the right answer, and yet– guaranteed– with Sagittarius Mercury squaring, someone will *think* they know what’s going on and have a theory to peddle. That someone could be you. Sagittarius is a teacher, and Sagittarian Mercury has a plethora of information and knowledge to share, but remember what Socrates said: The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
Moon then conjuncts Jupiter and we are really in touch with our belief systems, compassion, and psychic powers. Moon is an antennae for the divine, and with Jupiter we go further today with it. We know or feel the potential of humanity or our own role in the potential. Remember, this kind of thing can be distilled in hugging a crying child, petting your cat, or not tell Rachel at work off even though she was passive aggressive. Big, beautiful spiritual work is humble stuff, it doesn't require the right crystals or altar. It requires compassion, love, and just a few minutes of your time. You are the adult in the room, you are the caretaker of this soul. Give yourself the rest you need, things will get fiery tomorrow.
Friday December 2nd
Aries Moon trine Sagittarius Sun @ 10 degrees
Aries Moon conjunct Chiron @ 12 degrees
Aries Moon has big feelings that cannot be ignored. They’re fighting feelings, and feelings of worth. That’s why they’re powerful, and sometimes a little annoying. Aries Moon vibes are a crying baby. You’ll have to figure out some way to soothe the baby, because you love it. But also: can I just have 5 minutes of peace???!!!
If YOU are the crying baby today, Sagittarius Sun will help you in your search for truth and understanding. Perhaps this is about yourself, perhaps this is about your wound, because it’s coming up on a conjunction with Chiron. But Sagittarius Sun is there to deliver some truth serum to whatever bee is in your bonnet.
YOU may be trying to find yourself in this search for truth. After that Scorpio season, you might be wondering who you are again. Wondering who you can be. Today, Moon is here to help you know whatever bubbles up.
Saturday December 3rd
Neptune Stations Direct @ 22 degrees
Pisces Neptune square Sagittarius Venus @ 22 degrees
Aries Moon trine Sagittarius Venus @ 22 degrees
Aries Moon trine Sagittarius Mercury @ 25 degrees
Aries Moon square Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees
Sagittarius Sun trine Aries Chiron @ 12 degrees
Neptune stations direct today. What does it all mean? Neptune is hard to know at the best of times, so direct motions probably won’t give us the answers that we seek. Think of Neptune as a little “coming of age story” for you and humanity. One day you’ll see the exact moment when you connected in and found your role in the cosmic universe, and it probably coincides with a Neptune transit, but you’ll never really understand it while it’s happening. Neptune is about the bigger part of us, connected in- to the universal consciousness.
In tarot, the Neptune card is Hanged-Man, or the Hanged-One. The card is about surrender, about being tethered and stuck. If you struggle, you are being tortured. But the card comes from the shamanic practice of hanging upside down as meditation. There is a spiritual point. You’ll never get it if you keep struggling. Submitting to your situation is deeply triggering, and the medicine of Neptune. There is a deep forest of riches to what you are in– right now. Take a minute to let go and accept it. Aries Moon will try its best to rebel against this. But it's making this crystal-clear for you.
Where are you holding on to the struggle? What are you holding on to that does not serve, and why?
Sagittarius Venus is connective and truth seeking, idealistic, curious, and interested in spirituality. She is bumping up against Pisces Neptune for a little spiritual kick in the pants. That can mean altered and medicinal states, confusion, or feeling in “the fog.” If you are trying first hand to connect with someone, and not being able to read them, that could be this energy. Same thing if you simply cannot get organized or on top of everything. Take responsibility for what you can, and channel Neptune’s compassion for yourself. We are imperfect and sometimes confused balls of energy banging around and trying to do our best.
Aries Moon’s direct and bombastic fiery expression is helpful to our needs to connect and communicate. Whatever and whomever needs attention will get it. Then it squares Capricorn Pluto to make sure we contend with the responsibilities of our soul. But what does that mean?
Pluto ensures that we grow and change. It does this through working with power, death, regeneration, vulnerability, obliteration. Pluto is a big deal, and he is planted solidly, at the end of Capricorn.
Aries Moon is the instinctual reaction of bodily emotion. So there will be a reaction to something based in the physical and corporeal world. It’s hard to control the kind of reaction that comes from Aries Moon, but there you are.
Our teacher and guru, Sagittarius Sun, trines Chiron today to shine a helpful light on our identity wound, which serves us in our soul work. There has been a lot of fire and excitement today, and contrast. Do you believe in the power of yourself? Do you understand how your uncertainty and wounding has served you in this incarnation of yourself? Do you see your magic?
Sunday December 4th
Pisces Neptune square Sagittarius Venus @ 22 degrees
Dreamy Pisces Neptune connects us to source. Some of us connect through medicine, some through prayer, meditation, art, and through sex. Or a combination of all these things at different times. We are hardwired to access Neptune, and to want to feel it. This comes at odds today with connective Venus’s forward thrust. Sagittarian Venus is full of beliefs and ideas about truth and where everything’s going. Perhaps she is correct and the world has not caught up with her ideas yet.
But perhaps she’s only partially right, or not right at all, just full of belief and faith. This is where we can go sideways if we belabor the point. Also– Sagittarius is in a hurry to get there. Because it knows where it wants to go, why take the long way home?
There is a reason to slow things down. To take measured– even incremental– steps. The slow way is an art. High efficiency only gets you somewhere faster, but it doesn’t incorporate micro changes to the plan. Those micro changes might get you there slower, but at least you got to the right place!
Confusion is coming to slow you down and bring you into the process. Take that as a sign from the universe.