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Astrology Transits for Wednesday April 3rd: You Can Get to Shore

Someone stares at a boat from near the shore.
You'll figure this out.

Aquarius Moon conjunct Pluto @1 degree

5:23 am PST/ 8:23 am EST

Venus conjunct Neptune in Pisces @ 28 degrees

6:10 am PST/ 9:10 am EST

Moon conjunct Pluto is a great way to start the day! Something transformational is afoot as you move into an impulse to freedom. You are changing. As Mercury retrogrades in Aries and we approach a big New Moon Total North Node Eclipse, we have been in a planetary rock tumbler that is exposing and shining up our true colours. The work we have been doing within our relationships, our psyches, and our souls, is making our patterns, colours, and unique material shine brighter. This Moon/Pluto conjunction is a moment we feel this transformation in the body, and the impulse that unites you in the field. You are being led to a new self, and you can feel it. Does it feel smooth? Likely not, but maybe. You could feel like a weirdo, but the good news is that we’re all weirdos.

Venus conjunct Neptune. This is some deep love, in the vast ocean one-ness of Pisces. But friends, we can also get lost in there. Pisces is a dilated opening and all energy is welcome. That is the true of real love: we love even the shadow parts– of ourself, of another person, of a place, activity, idea. Venus wants to connect, and Neptune wants to end, dissolve, but also create the conditions for birth. This is deep water, it’s unpredictable and borderless, and if you are in something that is unhealthy, you might just have to contend with this. 

Are you loving yourself enough if you love someone who hurts you, or harms you? Are you hurting someone with your behaviour, are you hurting yourself? Are you accepting and compassionate with one person at another’s expense? Have you fallen into the void with someone or something, and you don’t know how to get out? The good news is that you can swim this ocean, you can get to shore. This moment shows you how deep you got in, so you know how to get out. And of course there is a beauty in all of it. To swim in these waters is what makes us eternal. This is the natural order of a cycle based on love and connection, birth and death, fire and water, dreams and reality. It will hit you today, and it may be disorienting, but you’ll figure out what to do next. 

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