Hello my friends. It’s been tough for me to keep up with all the astrology these days! This year is going to be a banger, all the outer planets are changing signs, there’s going to be a lot of rebirth energy and big shifts. Other banger years were 1969, 1989, and 2020.
This is a time to call in our best selves. This is a time see what we are made of. This is a time where we walk into our destiny.
Here are the timestamps, descriptors are below.
Jan 6th
Mars RX enters Cancer
2:44 am PST/ 5:44 am EST
Sagittarius Mercury square Pisces Neptune @ 27 degree
5:39 am PST/ 8:39 am EST
Jan. 8th
Mercury enters Capricorn
2:30 am PST/ 5:30 am EST
Capricorn Mercury square Aries North Node @ 0 degrees
9:16 am PST/ 12:16 pm EST
Capricorn Sun square Aries Chiron @ 19 degrees
5:32 pm PST/ 8:32 pm EST
Jan. 11th
North Node enters Pisces, South Node enters Virgo @ 29 degrees
3:02 pm PST/ 6:02 pm EST
Jan. 12th
Cancer Mars RX trine Pisces Neptune @ 27 degrees (conjunct Pisces North Node @ 29 degrees)
1:14 pm PST/ 4:14 pm EST
For many of us, our tempers have been ignited. Something is bothering us, or we are chewing on a riddle or a problem. We don’t want what we used to want. What we want is changing. On Monday, January 6th Mars will ingress back into Cancer, where we are coming to some emotional turmoil, mother stuff, safety questions. There is an internal struggle with energy unspent, and retrogrades take us on a ride about what we really want.
A mutable square between Sagittarius Mercury and Pisces Neptune make understanding and communications foggy or confusing. Idealism can take us far, but sometimes it can take us too far. This energy is also frustrating, especially if trust is at sake.
We are feeling the tension from the Mars Pluto opposition that perfected on the 2nd, and something is transforming and making us grow from the inside and the outside– through a relationship issue.
On Wednesday, January 8th we get some cardinal action with Mercury making his ingress into Capricorn and into a T-square between North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra. This is a 0 degree T square, that brings us to a crossroads in how we move forward with our karma, what our aspirations are, and where we are shooting our arrow. Will we favor our authentic self or our relationship patterns? This is the do-or-die time for this lesson to stick. The nodes will be changing signs in a few days.
Capricorn Sun squares Aries Chiron with more cardinal action. Cardinal energy is initiatory, so we will have to move with this square, and that is between our responsible identity and our bravery in healing. Outside forces might put us in a situation that shows us where are still wounded no matter how adult we play in the world. If we can take responsibility of our healing, we can win the day.
On Saturday January 11th the Nodes change signs from Aries and Libra to Pisces and Virgo. The Nodes go reverse to all the other planets so they backtrack into signs, starting at their most critical degree of 29 degrees. North Node in Pisces will take hunger in spirituality, dreams, art, and compassion. South Node in Virgo will have us looking at where our organizing, categorizing, and sense of service need reduction, or a looser grip. This nodal shift is one of the biggest and most notable transits of the year.
We have done a lot of relationship work between who we are innately and who we are in relationship these last 18 months, and we are entering a new 18 month cycle where our relationship work is regarding our need to analyse and criticise versus our need to dream big, and spiritualise. There is order and chaos, there is earth and ocean, micro and macro. This nodal shift is mutable and has a change vibe to it. It will show us less definition and and more dissolution.
On Sunday January 12th we have a beneficial trine of Cancer Mars with Neptune and the North Node in Pisces. This day is fated, and plays with our spiritual future, our inner fight for emotional safety, and whatever confusions we have about all of it. This energy is beneficial, comes with ease, and bestows blessings. The water energy will be healing to this frustrated Mars.
I hope you all have a wonderful week. We are laying the groundwork for tremendous change this year, that is coming whether we are ready or not. Enjoy Venus in Pisces for now, where she brings many blessings, healing, and riches. We could all use a little of that, can’t we?
Xo Astro Anarchist