Aquarius Moon square Taurus Uranus @ 19 degrees
12:35 pm PST/ 3:35 pm EST
New Moon in Aquarius @ 20 degrees
2:58 pm PST/ 5:58 pm EST
A reminder we are feeling the upcoming and ongoing impact of the applying conjunction between Chiron and the North Node in Aries. This has 10 days to go exact, and then a slow denouement, so this relationship lesson is very much in the background of what is going on. And remember, relationships are not solely romantic. This is about any relationship that has you contending with how to deal. Sometimes, a lot of relationships can follow a similar pattern.Â
Moon squares Uranus and that triggers something. Will you get a surprise delay, piece of info, or perhaps learn something out in the world that changes your understanding? There will be some divine information imparted, and how you receive it may help you let go of something, or someone, or see a transition in preparation for the New Moon. We love to talk about the newness of a cycle with the New Moon, but we rarely talk about the ending of something before it. Full Moons are the culminations, but not the endings. We wrap something up, yes, but it’s not actually gone until just before the New Moon, which is why intentions are done afterwards.Â
We are scared of endings yet we need them, crave them, and pray for them. They are inevitable. They are ever-present. And they lead to newness, new starts, and seeds to plant.
Uranus in Taurus is the modern ruler of this New Moon. Uranus in Taurus is looking at our resources, our assets, and where we need to work, what is our divine direction, and what are we receiving. This vibe will have something to say about security– what we thought was secure, and enduring, may have closed out or ended. This New Moon in Aquarius is ready to build something with everyone. Whatever we need to create next, it’s in line with others around us. Uranus is giving us the knowledge to move one step forward.
Aquarius New Moon Blessings to you all. May the newness you experience be rooted in compassion, gentleness, fellowship, and love. With a bit of weird mixed in, of course.