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Sunday February 11th

Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune @ 26 degrees

11:11 pm PST/ February 12th 2:11 am EST

This is the last couple days of Mars in Capricorn for 2024. The next time Mars will be in Capricorn will be 2026, so-- savour this last degree, today. Make your plans, strategies, and your energy pointed in that Capricorn flavour. How can you best achieve your goals? How can you best get what you want? Is what you want in sync with what is wanted in your relationships?

On Tuesday, Mars will be in Aquarius, and our actions will be more rebellious, curious, strange, and hard to pin down. There is a rebelliousness and undefined quality to our actions in this realm. A self consciousness of the self. 

Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces. This is prime medicine time, dreamwork time, spiritual connection time. You have psychic and empathic abilities right now, we all do, and we are all connected in body and source to the great cosmic womb. How can you use this energy for great healing? I believe that you can make this a great sacred moment, by doing whatever you were going to do anyway. Every moment in our lives is sacred, especially the mundane moments. That’s when we are being exactly who we are.  For real. Without the overculture getting in so much. 

If it be your will

That I speak no more

And my voice be still

As it was before

I will speak no more

I shall abide until

I am spoken for

If it be your will

If it be your will

That a voice be true

From this broken hill

I will sing to you

From this broken hill

All your praises they shall ring

If it be your will

To let me sing

From this broken hill

All your praises they shall ring

If it be your will

To let me sing

If it be your will

If there is a choice

Let the rivers fill

Let the hills rejoice

Let your mercy spill

On all these burning hearts in hell

If it be your will

To make us well

And to draw us near

And bind us tight

All your children here

In their rags of light

In our rags of light

All dressed to kill

And end this night

If it be your will

If it be your will

-Leonard Cohen

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