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Writer's pictureAstro Anarchist

Tuesday January 2nd

Virgo Moon square Sagittarius Mercury @ 22 degrees

12:54 am PST/ 3:54 am EST

Virgo Moon opposite Pisces Neptune @ 25 degrees, T-square to Sagittarius Mercury @ 25 degrees and Sagittarius Mars @ 28 degrees

6:50 am PST/ 9:50 am EST

Virgo Moon square Sagittarius Mars @ 28 degrees

2:13 pm PST/ 5:13 pm EST

Virgo Moon trine Capricorn Pluto @ 29 degrees

3:36 pm PST/ 6:36 pm EST

Some big mutable T-square energy today as we apply to an opposition between Virgo Moon and Pisces Neptune; squaring Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius. With Mercury and Mars at the apex, our energy, thoughts, and conversations will be aspirational, optimistic, and expansive. There is a fiery idealism that is the exit point that is created in our relationship tension. Just because we are shooting high doesn’t mean that this will be easy or pleasant. Often when we shoot high, we have to check that our own behavior matches our goals.

There is on one side a principle of analytical and perfectionist cycles in the body. Our emotional body may be hyper vigilant, or critical. On the other side of the opposition is Neptune, making things confusing, murky, compassionate, or representing some sort of victim/ martyr energy. There is also substance addiction and spiritual energy to Neptune as well, an illusive cocktail of energy that deludes and confuses us. So there is an order versus chaos vibe that pushes out to the Sagittarian planets. 

How can your actions be of your highest and best? Are there any traps that you normally get in that you can avoid? How can you move through tough conversations with a sense of the future, where you are going, and expansion?

What activities serve your overall goals and ambitions?

After this sticky work, we then get an earth trine with Moon and Pluto to punctuate what is transforming. Your emotional body and sense of being will be supported by transformative energy that is asking you to solidify your change. There is power in this energy for you. Earth trine energy feels like something falling into place, the details work together to carry you forward. 

What do you know today that you didn’t know yesterday? Where is change leading you? How can you harness your personal power through this threshold?

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