Cancer energy is a big shift in energy from the airy freneticism of Gemini. As the first water sign of the zodiac, it is also the sign that stands at the other side of the threshold of solstice. This cardinal water sign initiates a new season and is the only zodiac sign ruled by Moon. Moon changes shape, size, and brightness while moving through the zodiac wheel quickly. Many say that those with Cancer energy change their moods as much as the Moon. Cancer gets a bad rap for being too emotional and highly sensitive. Yet Cancer is related to the mother, home, and family, things that require such sensitivity and emotional intelligence and awareness. This is a highly intuitive sign that is hardwired to sense danger coming a million miles away.
Remember that each one of us has an area of their life ruled by Cancer, and plenty of Cancer energy to contend with through our lives. We all have an emotional body, and come from some sort of lineage relating back to our great ancestor. We all have a Moon placement which links us to our own maternal line, so this house that is ruled by Cancer, will also have some relationship with our Moon placement. Most of us were conceived in utero, and were carried within a woman’s body. By this alone we are rooted to Cancer energy.
Cardinal water has been compared to a rushing river, that is rushing to get to the ocean. There is a beginning inherent in Cancer, and there is a Hellenistic theory that Cancer is the beginning of the creation of the universe’s chart, called the Thema Mundi.
Cancer is represented by the crab; which has a hard exterior housing very tender meat. It’s not talked about enough how tough Cancer is. Cancer is mama bear energy, there is a fierceness we have all seen in the protectiveness of a mother of her child, even if it was not our own. Nurses have a Cancerian energy, because they do a lot of the dirty and unglamourous work, while also being client centred, and yet they are rarely as valued as doctors within the medical system hierarchy. We know that Cancerian toughness, the toughness of energy that will keep the babies safe. Babies– in this case– can be anything that is loved and cared for. Safety is a key word for understanding Cancer energy because of this relation to mother, home and family (understanding that not every mother, home or family was experienced as safe.) Cancer’s job is to create a safe container, which we usually consider a space– like a home– but it’s also an emotional, spiritual, and artistic container. Cancer is about creation itself, which is why those with Cancerian vibes often seem to be great at some kind of artistic endeavor. They are guided by the Moon to reflect, cycle, and create.
The thing about Cancer is we take it for granted. We don’t notice the full cupboards of food, the beautiful meal that was prepared, the fact that someone has given us hours of time to complain, or soothe, or help. Cancer is known for being good with money, saving, figuring out what is needed for everyone's survival. So while Cancer is intuitive and emotionally gifted, it often falls into a dream killer role of practicality, and needing to be realistic. Cancer will be bad cop for everyone else's benefit, but rarely will get a thank-you for it. Cancer’s gifts are so fundamental to our survival, that they fall invisible until we notice their absence. And then– we feel exposed, unsafe, abandoned. This feeling of not having what we need, not having that Cancerian energy to fall back on-- will have us contending how to give it to ourselves, and this is part of the Cancerian function in all of us.
Cancer likes to feed the family and bring them together, even the difficult ones. Because Cancer feels invisible and underappreciated at times– just like the Moon– it has shadow expressions that are usually considered passive aggressive. It can be moody, resentful, and easily hurt which makes it pull into its crab shell. Crabs side-step danger, scuttling to hide under rocks. We all know what it is to deal with someone who won’t deal directly with their emotions, and yet their energy is palpable and the silence is deafening. This is shadow Cancer behavior. We don’t really like that indirectness; yet many of us don’t want to deal with tougher emotions at all. This is a huge battle for Cancer. While it creates emotional safety, quite often the favor is not returned. While Gemini needs help processing what’s in its head, Cancer needs empathetic and non-judgmental witnessing to help it sort out its depth of feeling.
Cancer is known as a bit of a traditional romantic because of its identification with all things maternal, and its zodiacal opposition to the patriarchal vibe of Capricorn. But I think this traditionalism is really due to this level of sensitivity of feeling, seeing, and needing safety– it needs protection, support, and solidity, or it can be anxious, shrill, or angry. The crab does such deep water work that it needs something or someone solid to ground it. Cancer energy in any gender will be attracted to what is solid, earthy and functional, and looking at the big picture strategy. This level of deep sensitivity– of literally being a safe container or creating one, this is very vulnerable work. It makes the crab feel exposed. If it feels let down– and let’s face it, it does get let disappointed often– it may be prone to depression, mainly due to high emotion and its propensity to hide. It wants so much to love and care for others, but feels often like it is uncared for and unappreciated. How sad that the sign of the mother and family can often feel alienated by its own superpower! Unfortunately we do not live in a society that presently values strength of emotional intelligence, care and compassion, and that is where Cancer gets a lot of it's "bitch" reputation.
Cancer energy has a natural defensiveness, like the crab itself, with a hard shell, camouflage, and pinchers. How much defensiveness is enough, and how much is too much? This is a natural struggle of Cancerian energy. This is a lesson we learn in our Cancerian part of our chart, while we contend with what deep intuition, safety, and sensitivity it brings to our lives. It can be difficult to realize how powerful our intuition is. Cancer knows what’s up in a profound way, whether anyone listens or not. Usually not.
Element: Water
Modality: Cardinal
Colour: silver/ grey
Day: Monday
Cancer Season: June 20th- July 22nd
Ruling Planet: Moon
Symbol: The Crab
Keywords for your inner Cancer: Intuitive, creative, fierce, hard working, maternalistic, emotional, sensitive, attachment, family, home, sentimental, easily hurt, compassionate, safety, nurturing, protecting, subtle, indirect, hiding, introversion, moody, crying, defensive, soft, fierce, survivor.
Cancer Playlist: here