Capricorn Moon opposes Cancer Mars @ 9 degrees
2:01 am PST/ 5:01 am EST
Capricorn Moon trine Taurus Mercury @ 11 degrees
6:33 am PST / 9:33 am EST
Capricorn Moon square Aries Chiron @ 16 degrees
2:26 pm PST/ 5:26 pm EST
Capricorn Moon trine Taurus Uranus @ 17 degrees
4:23 pm PST/ 7:23 pm EST
Capricorn Moon does a the heavy lifting today. We’ve got at least one planet in every sign from Capricorn to Cancer right now, with a heavier concentration in Aries and Taurus. Moon is at the beginning of the wheel with Mars in Cancer at the end.
Capricorn Moon has an earthy practicality to emotions. It wants to get on with things and deal with reality. It likes to pour itself into things that will actually help. It doesn’t indulge in emotion the same way its polarity, Cancer does. Capricorn Moon doesn’t want to waste time going over and over the same things, but will focus on what is wrong and try to fix it.
This Moon begins by opposing Cancer Mars. Cancer Mars harbors some hurts and Capricorn Moon may not want to face them. Is there something that needs to be addressed that you don’t have the time or energy for? Is there someone that is angry or upset around you that is expressing their energy in an indirect way? Is it you? Are you feeling frustrated or upset but not feeling like there is a container for your feelings?
Perhaps Taurus Mercury will help you with this when it makes an earth trine to Capricorn Moon. It may help you get your words and thoughts out better and do the emotional work needed to solve the issue. It may also just encourage you to get your words right, or slow down your communication.
Capricorn Moon square Aries Chiron which might be uncomfortable. There are hurts and wounds, and Capricorn Moon can be a bit unsympathetic to the cause. Capricorn Moon wants to get a move-on. Aries Chiron needs to sort itself out from its hurts. This causes friction. In what ways do you feel like you have to sweep things under the rug? Are you able to hold your wound while getting through the day to day? In what ways does it help you to move on? Where do you feel safe to open up and investigate your hurts?
Capricorn Moon makes a trine to Taurus Uranus. Surprise ideas, emotions and thoughts might land in your body, that make things more steady and practical. This is a gift of the divine and definitely there to assist you in making sense of things. Does that mean that this information will be joyful and fun? Not necessarily. But it is information that you need.