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Weekly Transits for August 22nd-August 28th (referencing PST time zone)

Cheat Sheet

Monday, August 22nd Last day of Leo Season

Cancer Moon square Aries Jupiter @ 7 degrees

Tuesday August 23rd

Sun Enters Virgo

Cancer Moon squares Aries Chiron @ 15 degrees

Cancer Moon opposes Capricorn Pluto@ 26 degrees

Wednesday August 24th

Virgo Sun square Gemini Mars @ 2 degrees

Thursday August 25th

Uranus goes retrograde

Mercury enters Libra

Leo Moon Square NN Taurus @ 16 degrees

Leo Moon conjunct Venus @ 17 degrees

Leo Moon square Uranus @ 18 degrees

Friday August 26th

Leo Moon square Uranus @ 18 degrees

Virgo Sun squares Gemini Mars @ 3 degrees

Yod apex of Moon 23 degrees inconjunct Pisces Neptune @ 24 degrees, Pluto @ 26 degrees

Leo Venus square Taurus Uranus @ 18 degrees

Saturday August 27th

New Moon Virgo 4° square Mars Gemini

Leo Venus opposes Aquarian Saturn @ 20 degrees ( bit of a T square to Uranus @ 18 degrees

Sunday August 28th

Virgo Moon Opposes Pisces Neptune @24 degrees

Reflection from last week (Skip down to Long form Weekly Transits below for this week's Astrology)

August 17th was rough and emotional. The “tango” I described with bold Leo and Moon squared manifested for me with an unplanned, and slightly emotional talk with my boss about my frustrations at my day job. Honestly, I wish it hadn't happened, but the planets had other plans for me. Surrounding my day job, the fixed energy has had me feeling stuck-- really stuck-- but on this day it all came out to my VP in a face to face meeting. Sometimes it’s annoying to read things I wrote such as “there’s enough emotions and feelings here to let the muses have their way with you,” and I wonder if I did it to myself. I surprised myself by letting this part of me slip, and I wrote “pay attention to the self you are beginning to know through the next few days.” So here I am, doing that.

On August 18th, more of this moon action, and I double down on the feeling of being stuck. My day job trajectory keeps on-- but I am able to complete and intuitive course I’ve wanted to do for a while. I’m slowly trying to finish up a bunch of the courses I signed up for (but never completed) while I was moving unexpectedly, and settling in to my new world in Victoria. While the move competed in April, I’ve had storage lockers and moving rooms to deal with, a trip to Greece, and the busyness of summer to contend with. Truthfully I’m only feeling settled now.

I’m noticing that I have ideas about this North Node and Uranus business. What I want to be my karma. Of course, I have no idea where any of this is going. I want to be doing more tarot and more astrology, but time and life have thrown a lot of other focuses my way. The square to Leo sun/ challenge to my ego was the overarching flavor for me for the day. [Argh as she shakes her fists at the sky! “What would you have me do!?!?!”] I am aware of where there is a log jam, and honestly the log jam is me, but I seem to be unable to hit an easy patch. [Shakes her fists at the sky again]

Saturday 20th was quite the day, with Mars in Gemini I could feel the change of energy immediately. I buckled down quickly, but also slept-in late. For the last two days I’ve been making lists and trying to get things done like “the old me,” and thwarted at every twist and turn. Phone calls from people I cannot (and don't want to ) ignore, an invitation to do some work in an organization I was about to leave, and family duties all started competing for my attention. Friends who needed me called, and then visited, and then we had discussions into the wee hours.

It’s true that I’m more at home with mutable energy than fixed energy, but I can tell already I better rest up. Gemini in Mars is going to ask me to focus, and try not to overwhelm myself. So far this weekend, I accomplished more, but only a fraction of what I wanted to.

Long form weekly transits

Monday August 22nd Last day of Leo Season

Cancer Moon square Aries Jupiter @ 7 degrees

We say goodbye the joys and frustrations, the attention, adoration, fame, campfires, and social peak of Leo season today. What story arc marked your narrative? Leo season is a powerful time for the self, because sun is domiciled there. What house did this traverse through and what did you learn? We are in the anaretic degree of Leo– are we going out on a cliffhanger or did it conclude with a hip pivot and walk forward? Mercury is calling from the future as Virgo season entices us to get a bit more serious and focused. But today with the sun at 29 degrees Leo is there something to reflect upon and learn?

Cancer Moon knows how to show us where we are raw, feeling threatened, maternal, and/or protective, of our babies; be they human, animal, plant, creative project, or offering. She is in a Cardinal square-dance with expansive Jupiter in Aries. There is a tension between our basic needs and our excesses today, between feeling safe and secure, and the risks and cliffs we need to jump off of. Perhaps we have been hiding in the crab shell too long, scared to follow our dreams. Perhaps we spent Leo season $pending up a storm, and now our kneejerk feelings about bills and money are haunting us. Whatever is happening, Moon in Cancer is taking care of you like a good mama, and Jupiter in Aries is pushing you to expand like an amazingly wise teenager who’s ready to take on the world. How do you find your balance in this?

Tuesday August 23rd

Sun Enters Virgo

Cancer Moon squares Aries Chiron @ 15 degrees

Cancer Moon opposes Capricorn Pluto@ 26 degrees

Sun enters Virgo, joining Mercury. We are at an organizational peak. Lists will made. Plans will be executed. Books and schools supplies will be purchased, Fall/Winter season classes will be signed up for. Virgo energy has us getting ready, organized, and focused. We notice that “someone” should probably clean up under our beds. We are motivated towards getting healthy or fit. We are on self improvement kicks. This sounds wonderful, yes?

If it doesn’t, it may mean that Virgo season kicks-in your anxiety, OCD, spectrum symptoms, ADD, ADHD, or crushing perfectionism. If you are mercurial by nature, with an open channel, this season’s pairing with Mars Gemini is going to test your ability to ground/ sleep/ calm down. If this is you, build up your toolkit-- now-- for how you will deal with the overwhelm. I intend to start another thread on this, and we talked a bit about this in the last weekly where members shared some of their grounding tools. I say this with love: please make this a priority. Anxiety is a beast!

Cancer Moon’s transit today may involve some wounding, and some transformational change. There could be an ending, or a revelation that changes something. Our knee jerk reaction could set off a change of events, or someone else could do it to us. Cancer moon does not like to feel threatened-- and the Chiron wound could easily kick off a chain of Plutonian events. Our parents could come into play here also, in a very literal sense, with this Cancer/ Capricorn opposition involving the Moon & Pluto. Whomever comprises of your family, remember that this energy is mixing with this new Virgo energy. This is a big day of energetic shifting, from a very fixed vibe to mutable and cardinal energy.

Wednesday August 24th

Virgo Sun square Gemini Mars @ 2 degrees

Mutable square dance! Earthy scientist Sun with social chatterbox Mars are in tension. Mars is finally letting us move in Gemini, but does he even know where we’re going? Do we have a destination or is he making it up as he goes along? Virgo Sun is annoyed with this– it wants to know where, when, how, and to figure out the details so this trip is well planned. Gemini Mars may accidentally say too much, react too quickly, or be clumsy with other peoples’ feelings. Virgo Sun may be a bit to harpy and critical. It may overanalyze and get too serious too fast! “Summer’s not over and we still want to have fun!” said Mars in Gemini.

“Who’s going to harvest the food so we don’t starve in Winter?” answered Sun in Virgo.

Oh, these two!

Thursday August 25th

Uranus goes retrograde

Mercury enters Libra

Leo Moon Square NN Taurus @ 16 degrees

Leo Moon conjunct Venus @ 17 degrees

Leo Moon square Uranus @ 18 degrees

Uranus-- the unexpected and unconventional impulse of the superconscious-- goes retrograde today and won’t come forward until January 22nd, of next year. This will be a 4 degree movement backwards. This retrograde is activating the Uranus/ Saturn fixed square that has been the hallmark of last year and this year. It was last exact in December 2021 and we get it again, in retrograde, in October. [cue sad trombone sound] This is happening in Taurus, and we will be asked again to change, grow- up, adapt to whatever happens. We will backtrack through old territory and this could help us to make some personal growth in areas where we are prone to resisting change. Taurean spheres such as the markets, cryptocurrency, agriculture, luxury goods/ digs, and food supply could feel this jolt.

One-on-one relationships get a boost of conversation, and perception, as Mercury enters Libra. There will be discussions on what is fair and just, negotiations and mediations will be favored, diplomacy will rule and couples will be able to talk things out. Mercury goes retrograde in Libra on September 26th so already you may want to pay attention to the themes that come out in projects, ideas, and negotiations.

Leo Moon has an inner-child vibe, and it’s doing its fixed square with Uranus and North Node in Taurus today. We might see places that we need to change, perhaps at a fundamental level. Were we raised with the right values? Can we carry these habits through to the future? What part of us is ourselves, and what part of us is the product of our upbringing? Leo moon might bring a tantrum as you explore this, it also conjuncts Venus so you may find yourself reliving a deep seated pattern with someone. Venus and Moon might be showing you in Leo where you might need to break free from the pattern, where you didn’t see a pattern before. Can you unpack your individual needs and separate them from patterns set as a child? Remember-- it’s normal to want to feel loved and admired. If you find yourself begging for attention; this is an entry point to understand why.

Friday August 26th

Leo Moon square Taurus Uranus @ 18 degrees

Virgo Sun squares Gemini Mars @ 3 degrees

Yod apex of Moon 23 degrees inconjunct Pisces Neptune @ 24 degrees, Pluto @ 26 degrees

Leo Venus square Taurus Uranus @ 18 degrees

Fixed square between Moon and Uranus-- we’re so used to this fixed square business by now, not even Taurus Uranus can surprise us with it. Just kidding. Surprises are coming, revelations abound, but they could just be happening in your body. See above for some of that guidance.

We also have Mutable squares going on just to keep on with the themes of change! Virgo Sun square Gemini Mars is an intensification of Mars wanting to move and get everything done, and Virgo wanting a plan and strategy, details on how it gets done. Virgo is earthy and wants focus, Gemini is air and wants to do whatever is in front of it. I foresee us dealing with changes, delays, unplanned events, and all kinds of other sidetracks.

The brief yod, suggests that that you might get a big download in the morning from the outer-planet. Some of you will have a powerful dream, or a powerful moment in your body that could change everything? It’s a quick one, but the players are important.

Leo Venus square Uranus Taurus says there could be a crunchiness with money, with relationships, and our sense of comfort. Affections might be stifling, misread, or over-performative. We might be tested in our ability to lead our packs, our ability to be the hero, our ability to be the star of the show.

Saturday August 27th

New Moon Virgo 4° square Mars Gemini

Leo Venus opposes Aquarian Saturn @ 20 degrees ( bit of a T square to Uranus @ 18 degrees

The gorgeous new moon promises an earthy return to our “why.” With this mutable square to Gemini Mars, there is a curiosity and desire for movement– but which way are we going? Are we on track with our devotional practice? Are we in service? Are we doing what is in our highest good?

Add to this– now Leo Venus is opposing Aquarian Saturn, and Uranus becomes the apex of a T-square. Our leadership and individual need for validation is being tested by collective reality, and change is afoot. This could affect our closest relationships. We may be asked to move on from something. We could find ourselves, again, feeling stuck or feeling forced through circumstances into a change we weren’t ready for. We may have to master a tricky set of circumstances in the house that Taurus rules.

Sunday August 28th

Virgo Moon Opposes Pisces Neptune @24 degrees

With this Mutable opposition we may feel confused or in chaos. We may have some major artistic downloads, or wild dreams. We may be tempted by our obsessions and compulsions. Addictions may be triggered or we may be tempted to break on through to the other side.

This is normal. How well we balance the most obsessive, most triggered parts of ourselves is partly about how much we’ve healed our trauma. I want to name that kindness and compassion for your private struggles is a lot more effective than shame. Shame does not expand you.

Everyone struggles with compulsions. It maybe something socially acceptable like work or TV watching, or something that is steeped in shame, like “certain” drug use. Some compulsions are more dangerous than others, but the fact is we all struggle with them. There is an are of your chart that you will feel this opposition, and it may challenge you.

Neptune causes confusion, and this may present in a misreading of a situation, or a dance with “the fear.” The fear is an entity that can convince you of almost anything. It’s a good idea, in light of all the mutable energy going on, to really try and centre and ground; before acting on your fear. This opposition is a quick one, it’s just potent. Be compassionate with yourself and others today. Write a song, paint a picture, write in your journal. This transit is psychic and intuitive. Set the stage for your genius.

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