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Weekly Transits for February 27th- March 5th 2023 referencing PST time zone

Writer's picture: Astro AnarchistAstro Anarchist

Monday February 27th

Gemini Moon square Pisces Sun & sextile Aries Venus @ 8°

12:05 am PST/ 3:05 am EST-

Gemini Moon sextile Aries Jupiter @ 11°

6:05 am PST/ 9:05 am EST

Gemini Moon sextile Aries Chiron @ 13°

10:29 am PST/ 1:29 pm EST

Gemini Moon conjunct Mars @ 18°

8:21 pm PST/ 11:21 pm EST

Today Gemini Moon is stirring the batter. What are we baking? First a square with Pisces Sun suggests there is a lot to learn about ourselves and the way we process our own ego and energy, but the sextile with Aries Venus suggests that there is some quick sparkling and connective energy that is helping this realization along.

Gemini Moon is sociable, curious, and active in the body, Aries Venus is quick, blunt, excitable, and playful. These two are working through a tension, the absolute depth of feeling, the oceanic tides of Pisces Sun. Pisces Sun says you can’t escape your feelings, or death, or endings, or the fact that we are all interconnected. Pisces Sun will hold you in place, not by bondage, but being rooted to the universal oneness. Where are you actually going? There is something romantic, artistic, and wise about this combination. Meditations will be potent. Art will be inspired.

Last week we talked about this applying conjunction to Chiron and Jupiter in Aries. We are still in it. The hurts are coming, again and again. We are playing off of each others’ hurts. All the wounds are being exposed.

Gemini Moon will sextile both Jupiter, then Chiron, perhaps giving us words or cognition to what is happening within our belief system, wounding, and healing trajectories. Gemini Moon is curious enough to try to understand. Can you feel the edge of the wound without being sad that it is there? Can you appreciate its power and change your beliefs around it? Sextiles are beneficial, and Gemini Moon is curious enough to help us learn more about what’s going on here.

Moon conjuncts Mars in Gemini. We may have instant reactions that will become actions. How are you processing the information and how are you acting on it? This can be flirty, sexy, and emotionally charged. It can also be argumentative, engaging, or passionate. Whatever is coming up, actions, feelings, and words will be working together….sort of, in an abstract and “all over the place” way. This is smart, sassy, and honest energy.

Tuesday February 28th

Gemini Moon square Pisces Neptune @ 24°

7:45 am PST/ 10:45 pm EST

Gemini Moon trine Aquarius Mercury @ 26°

11:27 am PST/ 2:27 pm EST

Gemini Moon trine Aquarius Saturn @ 29°

5:07 pm PST/ 8:07 pm EST

Gemini Moon has us feeling the duality. There is depth because the Moon reaches back to the universal mother and deepest connection we have, but in general, Gemini likes to keep it light, conversational, and move forward. When Gemini squares Pisces Neptune, we may find ourselves having to deal with a deeper, bigger issue. There will likely be no clarity, no ability to “just move on” and confusion can have us in a fog.

Hopefully with a helpful trine to Aquarius Mercury, we might gain understanding and compassion, or at least seeing the bigger picture of what feels unknowable. Aquarius Mercury has its lens on the whole, and rebels when it looks like things are awry. We might have a fundamental moment of “no.” Gemini Moon will know in the body what the truth is, together they will process the information well.

Gemini Moon then tries Aquarius Saturn. Who you are and how you work with your dual nature will be supported by your role in the world, society, and the boundaries of time? Gemini Moon stuff is ephemeral, and Aquarius Saturn is the time stamp. Sometimes we are helped greatly by reality’s ability to tether us to what’s actually happening, when we get lost in our head, thoughts, and emotions.

Wednesday March 1st

Cancer Moon trine Pisces Sun @ 11°

5:08 pm PST/ 8:08 pm EST

Cancer Moon square Aries Venus @ 11°

6:43 -6:53 pm PST/ 9:43-9:53 pm EST

Cancer Moon square Aries Jupiter @ 12°

7:03 pm PST/ 10:03 pm EST

Aries Venus conjunct Jupiter @ 12°

9:35 pm PST/ March 2nd 12:35 am EST

Cancer Moon square Aries Chiron @ 13°

10:41 pm PST/ March 2nd 1:41 EST

The day is an interplay working with Cancer Moon cardinal fire energy. We are working heavily with the Chiron-Jupiter conjunction that we’ve been contending with. Whatever wounding you are experiencing in identity and belief will be especially poignant today.

The protective healing womb of Cancer Moon will be running its freshwater river into the ocean of the Piscean Sun. Whatever will feed your ego and soul right now, your inner resources will help. This emotional ride will be beneficial, perhaps helping us gain understanding of what’s going on emotionally, or simply a healing vibe and interplay between what is being born, and what you are letting go of.

This gestative Moon will square Aries Venus next; making us look at what we are protecting when we are connecting. How much can you share with others that you value? How is your identity and values coming against your feeling of safety and creation? This could be steamy; does someone in your life feel dangerous to connect to? Does this person make you feel more like yourself? There is a quick and brash fire coming against the watery river.

Now Cancer Moon squares Aries Jupiter. What beliefs about yourself are intertwined with needing to protect yourself? With needing to hide within a protective layer? What parts of yourself need to expand out of your crab shell, in order for you to shine?

Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Aries to bestow deep connection, belief, conviction, inspiration and big feelings. This is big, unabashed love; it is exponential, brave, it moves quickly, without thinking twice. The kind of connection possible here is huge. You are opening. Side note: opening your heart in this kind of way could feel romantic, gushy, pleasant. But it also might feel raw, vulnerable, intense, scary.

Chiron is all up in here, about to make a square with Cancer Moon, and we can’t really ignore all this action in Aries; the feelings, the wounds, and the sense of purpose this is pointing us to. This is a big overhaul of our identity, our way of connecting, our healing, our purpose, and our beliefs about ourselves. Whatever is coming up, it’s helping you move into the future. This is big Aries stuff, but we are actually in the process of ending a cycle and starting a new one. We are in the dying phase of the sun cycle, but already seeds are being planted for a momentous March. Changes are happening.

Cancer Moon squares Aries Chiron. Our wound of identity may actually be linked way back through the maternal bloodline, to our ancestors. We have found a way to love and protect our creative babies, but Chiron says we will still be wounded. How do we contend with our sense of safety, obligation, and the tender vulnerability within, when we are being asked to transmute our wound into something powerful? How exhausting is this, emotionally? What are you learning?

Thursday March 2nd

Aquarius Mercury conjunct Saturn @ 29°

6:23 am PST/ 9:23 am EST

Mercury enters Pisces

2:52 pm PST/ 5:52 pm EST

Cancer Moon trine Pisces Neptune @ 24°

8:21 am pm PST/ 11:21 pm EST

Aquarius Saturn is at the anaretic degree, and now Mercury joins the party. There’s rebellion and revolution in the air. Something needs to be said for the good of everyone. There’s better ways to do things, and there’s an urgency to figure this out. Our society depends on it. Our humanity depends on it. What is on the tip of your tongue? What is on your mind, and what themes are coming up for you?

Mercury drops the microphone with Saturn in Aquarius and then moves into the deep waters of Pisces. Mercury in these waters is psychic and intuitive. You may be questioning things and searching through spiritual and subconscious parts of your psyche. Your innerscape will be explored and mined and you may find some emotional waves overtake you. You may be contending with personal tide pools or possibly be thrown around in a strong current. What needs to be explored within your thought patterns? Where can you go deeper into yourself? How can you hold your emotions, and those of others, within.

This day gets more watery with Cancer Moon making a beneficial trine to Pisces Neptune. There is a creative impulse birthing inside the protective walls; once it comes out it will be untethered to anything and will roll in the oceanic waters. Can you let go of your creative and protected babies? Can you trust in your process, and the safety you’ve created in your life? Can you be vulnerable? Can you let go of the things that you’ve been harboring inside that no longer serve? Can you have deep compassion for yourself?

Friday March 3rd

Cancer Moon opposite Capricorn Pluto @ 29°

6:21 am PST/ 9:21 am EST

Venus conjunct Chiron in Aries @ 13°

9:48 am PST/ 12:48 pm EST

Capricorn Pluto semi sextile Aquarius Saturn @ 29°

1:50 pm PST/ 4:50 pm EST

Leo Moon square Taurus North Node @ 6°

9:13 pm PST/ March 4th, 12:13 am EST

Cancer Moon opposes Capricorn Pluto to really dive into matriarchal and patriarchal themes. What have we learned about the limitations of hierarchy, the wounded feminine, and the push of extraction industries on our earth? There may be some bloodline, ancestral work coming forth through this opposition.

Then Venus conjuncts Chiron in Aries, allowing us an opportunity for healing. Healing opportunities rarely come without the experience of the wound, so this might be a deep dive rolling through those Moon/Pluto themes. Deep love and compassion will be present with Venus’s dance with Chiron, remembering that we are feeling Chiron more than usual with Jupiter adding its expansive principle in orb– with Venus there we are going to really feel this. It’s an exorcism of sorts, to feel this pain on a self-led and identified scale. Whomever/ whatever this feels like this is about– it’s really about you and your wound. How can you trust that you will endure this? How can you soothe yourself? Can you find ways to physically burn off this energy when it gets too intense? Go for a walk, young Jedi.

The semi sextile with two heavy hitters; Capricorn Pluto and Aquarius Saturn guarantee some sort deep echo. When you were going through the "interesting times" likely you changed profoundly without knowing it was happening or even wanting it to happen. This may be an opportunity to see how you've rippled out.

Leo Moon is proud and dramatic, it makes a fixed square to the nodes. How does your heart feel? Do you feel seen, or do you feel exposed? Do you feel obscure or do you feel ignored? It’s hard to parse out these polarities, but this is a T square that’s teaching you how to integrate the past, and move towards the future. How can you do heart work that feels in your integrity? Can you process the fiery feelings into something that moves the locomotive? This fire is fixed and sustaining, so how can you work with that to bring something into form?

Saturday March 4th

Leo Moon trine Aries Jupiter @ 12°

8:54 am PST/ 11:54 am EST

Leo Moon trine Aries Chiron @ 14°

11:38 am PST/ 2:38pm EST

Leo Moon trine Aries Venus @ 15°

2:26 pm PST/ 5:26 pm EST

Leo Moon square Taurus Uranus @ 15°

2:53 pm PST/ 5:53 pm EST

Leo and Aries love each other, and this Moon is going to bestow some real power with three trines that highlight the Jupiter/Chiron/Venus conjunction happening up in there. Leo Moon is helping us come to terms with the expansion, wounding, connection and how it all interplays with our purpose. Leo Moon is an expression of feeling. It’s not so much attention seeking as it can only know itself by being seen. You may be feeling big emotions, and big heart moves that will help shape your beliefs.

First the trine is with Jupiter. What do you know in your heart to be true about yourself? How can you step up with courage and love? Can you see your little life in a bigger context?

Next the trine is with Chiron. How much stronger is your love after being hurt? Is something coming up where you know what to do, how to love because of this hurt? Have you found yourself leading the charge on something, because you simply know what to do? What does it feel like, in your body and soul, to lead others by way of a heart that has been wounded, and yet is so strong?

Now Leo Moon trines Venus. How have you been able to use this love to connect with others? How powerful do you feel knowing that you have enough love to do what’s hard, what’s painful, and what’s needed? How has your identity changed with yourself, and how do you relate to others? What does it mean to others when you show up?

Finally we have a fixed square between Leo Moon and Taurus Uranus. Something unexpected will affect the balance created with this fierce heartwork. Perhaps you were just warming up all day to really deal with something big. Or perhaps you discovered a golden key that will help you as you move into other terrain. Fixed squares cause friction, but Moon and Uranus aren’t really a slow and steady vibe. Whatever happens it may be it gives you a little something to chew on.

We are still in this applying Jupiter/Chiron conjunction– our wounds are coming out to be cleaned and the antiseptic stings. It feels good to do this cleaning, and tending. Perhaps we clean out our wound and then turn around and help someone clean out their cuts and scrapes.

Sunday March 5th

Leo Moon sextile Gemini Mars @ 20°

1:26 am PST/ 3:26 am EST

Leo Moon oppose Aquarius Saturn @ 29°

7:16 pm PST/ 10:16 pm EST

Gemini Mars get some helpful movement from the burning embers of fixed fire Leo. There is heart and sustaining spirit ready to move the whole thing forward, and there is energetic movement that could show up as a new way of processing feelings, or a new way of doing feelings through motion.

Then we have a Saturn/ Moon opposition. Our feelings and need to be seen will be challenging to the collective status quo. Moon and Saturn are at the last degrees of the zodiac. There is a strong need to finish some things up, or lay them down foundationally before moving into mutable signs. Saturn’s about to go into Pisces which will bring a much more emotional, spiritual, and subconscious flavor to boundaries and social reality. Moon moves quickly and instinctively

Meanwhile, Jupiter and Chiron are getting cozier and we are getting many opportunities for healing. It’s true that painful experiences in general give us the best opportunities for this work. It’s not always Sedona, white linen and crystals, kind of healing. Sometimes it’s pulling out the ugliness of the past, the uncomfortable and scary truths, and just rolling with it. You can’t heal what you don’t face, and this time is giving us hurts to examine, in ways that are newly uncomfortable. Habits to unpack. Beliefs to challenge.

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