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Weekly Transits for January 23rd-January 29th referencing PST time zone

Writer's picture: Astro AnarchistAstro Anarchist

(Cheat Sheet of the transits now at the bottom)

Monday January 23rd

Aquarius Moon conjunct Saturn @ 24° conjunct Venus @ 25°

The week could open with some feelings of being “othered,” separate, disconnected, or relegated to the back of the station wagon. This can be super triggering for some of us, and for others, we actually like being away from the fray, and take comfort in the privacy that “nobody understands who we are.” I like to think of Aquarius as an incubator for downloads from the divine. We are highly receptive and wise in Aquarius provided we aren’t distracting ourselves from our work (Saturn.) Uranus and Saturn rule Aquarius, and it’s that Saturnian tethering to our “work” which is part of our vibe today.

How are you interacting with your family/ community/ groups you are a member of? What are your expectations around this interaction? Where do you feel apart, misunderstood, or very unlike everyone else? The Moon is our physical emotional body, and Venus our subjective feelings about things. They are both looking at the higher level here.

Furthermore, how and where do you feel more evolved than everyone else? Where have you grown beyond them? This isn’t an ego thing, or a righteous thing. It’s a deep Saturnian knowing. If you’ve evolved beyond them then you have a big responsibility to keep the evolution flowing.

Aquarius is calling us forward, and your evolution is the world’s evolution. You ARE the technology. The original intelligence before AI. YOU are helping to bring us into the future. How do you bear the water through this upcoming threshold of change we are embarking on together?

Tuesday January 24th

Aquarius Sun sextile Aries Jupiter @ 4°

Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune @ 23°

This week bears less water and lots of water bearing. But today we have both. I don’t normally point out sextiles but this Sun/Jupiter number is pretty gorgeous, and exact for most of the day. You are coming to a truth about where you are going. Your ego, life affirming, self is working well with your inspired expansion. Where are you headed? Are you at a rest stop on your journey? If so, this rest stop bears the fruit of fixed energy working with cardinal energy. You are initiating something big, but/and/also you are standing in your powerful knowing, too. There is something here and now that wants to talk to you. Notice your wisdom. Like that incubator I mentioned, be available for epiphanies.

With that background, Moon conjuncts Neptune for a psychic, intuitive emotional body knowing. Neptune will obfuscate the message, or confuse it, but it’s felt in the body AND soul, with that Sun/Jupiter sextile in the background. I like this combination a lot and feel like there’s some lovely opportunities for meditation and spirituality, for journeying, and healing.

If the emotional response is sharp, remember to move your heart into compassion and forgiveness practice. If you can’t forgive them for whatever the transgression is, try to forgive yourself. You deserve forgiveness and compassion as you contend with emotions; like a rogue firehose of water. It feels out of control because it’s hard to regulate things like this in the middle of late stage capitalism.

I have to say, I would make a point of creating art today, whether you think you’re an artist or not. Art for your own sake would be a wonderful way to work with this energy.

Wednesday January 25th

Aries Moon conjunct Jupiter @ 4°

Moon conjunct Jupiter might come with excess, big feelings (declarations of love? Breakdowns? Something that makes you say “you can’t tell me what to do!”) but big feels can be a sense of purpose, a sense of energy, impetus to initiate that project, or an intuitive kick in the pants.

This is a brash and bold conjunction that I’m personally edging towards feeling warm and fuzzy with, but I’m an Aries, so mind my bias. Aries likes to “go” so mind your excesses with Jupiter there, such as alcohol, speeding in your car, or overconfidence in dealings with others. These things could have you struggling with an otherwise sweet moment of harmony between “I am” and “what could be.”

Mark Jones pointed out on his blog that Jupiter is in the early stages now of taking his 12 year transit. He offers what Mark calls “a 12 step program” to begin a larger scale, 12 year project. Have you considered this? What is the dream coming through you through your bloodline?

I like this day for ancestral work. Light a candle for those that carried you through their blood, war and famine to get you– to the “you”– you are today. You are their Jupiterian expansion. How will you honor that? One way is to connect into that 12 step dream.

Thursday January 26th

Aries Moon conjunct Chiron @ 11°-12° square Capricorn Mercury @ 11°-12°

Venus enters Pisces (until February 19th)

Capricorn Mercury square Aries Chiron @ 12°

We are in the thick of Aquarian fixed air season and yet– some Aries energy to contend with. Moon conjunct Chiron could hurt or trigger, but it could also be an identity wound you have integrated well into your psyche. With the square to Capricorn Mercury, you can guarantee that you’ll keep a cool, practical head around it. You’ll persevere. Maybe– you’ll find a way to be a healing force in whatever your work is. You don’t need to do reiki, acupuncture or lead ceremonies to be a healer. Healing is in the way you treat your family, friends, and colleagues. You can be a landscaper and heal the soil, a family lawyer and do healing for families. There are many many ways to transmute pain into compassion, forgiveness, and see the high level view of how to move forward–together– from a painful and traumatic world.

And what better kick-off than that to find fair Venus moving into Pisces? She is exalted in Pisces so this transit, after so much tough astrology, has sweet notes to it. Venus in Pisces is artistic, poetic, affectionate. She wants to help those that are marginalized, racialized. She wants to dissolve the borders around love. She is her own kind of healer, with capacity to see everyone with equal eyes.

One warning about this transit is that Venus in Pisces– is the time to open up and say “yes” but not the time to double down on something that moves quick. Pisces opens us up so much, we are porous sponges for energy– and we can be taken advantage of. Empaths beware! There is shadow energy on the hunt for compassion, understanding, but also a host– and if you find yourself taking on someone else’s problems and their problems becoming your obsession, you might have found yourself in a seduction or delusion. Those of you who work with people in psychological/ emotional/ or spiritual pain would be well served to arm yourself with energetic boundaries and clearing practices during this transit.

Pisces also rules altered states including medicine work, drinking alcohol, and meditation. Be careful of mixing altered states with things like relationship dynamics or spiritual gurus. Trust is tricky right now. Opening is beautiful, of course. But call in your Saturnian guides when practicing with expansive or altered states.

All day we’ve had the square– Aries Chiron with Capricorn Mercury and that’s the note I want to end on about today. Capricorn Mercury is your practical and earth-bound thinking process. Whatever identity wound you are having, there is an opportunity to see it from a strategic, practical, and hardworking point of view. There is a way to talk through triggers/ annoyances/ wounds with others that is fair and balanced, practical, and gets us moving forward. How can you “move on” without gaslighting yourself over this wound? How can the wound transmute into a way of understanding yourself and others?

Friday January 27th

Aries Moon square Capricorn Pluto @ 28°

Aquarius Sun square Taurus North Node @ 8°

Moon square Pluto is usually a bit difficult emotionally. Pluto likes to unearth things that are buried, and Moon is where they are often buried deep. Moon is also where you feel them. This is a cardinal square so the purpose of this aspect is to initiate something. What makes you feel like you need to act today? If you have any impulse to run away or yell at someone, work harder or placate someone, likely this is Moon and Pluto squared. The impulse to initiate can be many things and will likely depend on which house Aries and Capricorn fall in.

Then Aquarius Sun squares the North Node in Taurus. When Sun squares North Node, it’s squaring the South Node at the same time, so we have our ego and spirit planted in the midpoint between the Nodes. It also means that we are halfway to eclipse season. Are we caught between where we’ve been and where we are going? Is there a thing that is happening that has you in deciding between what you used to do, and what you’re learning to do? Some people call this a turning point.

Which houses are hosting the Nodes’ transit for you right now? Is there something you have to choose, do differently, or work towards because it’s the only way forward? Pay attention to this energy, it has a message for you about where you are headed. This Aquarian Sun is the spotlight that can show us how to work with our karmic trajectory.

Saturday January 28th

Taurus Moon conjunct North Node square Aquarian Sun @ 8 degrees

Taurus Moon trine Capricorn Mercury @ 13°

Taurus Moon conjunct Uranus trine Capricorn Mercury @ 14°

Aquarius Sun trine Gemini Mars @ 9°

Moon is exalted in Taurus while Venus is exalted in Pisces. These transits add a dose of feels during a time when we feel a loner vibe with the zen -like Aquarius. Moon conjuncts the North Node to continue some of that “turning point” work we were doing yesterday, squaring the Sun. This is notable. You are sensing something new, and different. How does that work, or challenge your general status quo?

There is a helpful transit today with Moon and Mercury, where you use your senses and tap into what’s going on-- it will affect the way you think and communicate. You’ll come up with practical solutions, you’ll figure things out in a grounded way that makes sense. And when Uranus is added in a conjunction with the Moon, you might even surprise yourself with your own wisdom. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and ready to help us get where we’re going with surprise flashes of insight, or some unexpected plot twist. You may find yourself really speaking as never before, or responding in a new way. You may have an epiphany that saves the day.

Finally we have a lovely air trine between the Sun and Mars. Aquarius Sun knows something and Gemini Mars is going to act on it. Gemini Mars often works with words, conversation, and curiosity, but it’s working favorably with Aquarius Sun, which sees itself, and its role in the collective. How will you use your words, thoughts, curiosity to serve the collectively, and in essence, your role in it?

Sunday January 29th

Taurus Moon square Aquarius Saturn @ 25°

Taurus Moon trine Capricorn Pluto @ 28°

Taurus Moon is concerned with money, resources, and security on a basic level, so with a square to Aquarius Saturn we may feel bound by lack. How do we work with lack when it is really happening to us? How do we find a way to feel the flow of resources when we have a fixed square saying no?

Let’s unpack this. Taurus Moon responds to abundance, sensual pleasures, and comfort, so how can you find appreciation in what IS working, what IS going well? Can you respond, focus, and appreciate that? It’s not to ask you deny what isn’t working, it’s just to focus on what IS working. Saturn is reality, but often by focusing on the lack-- we aren’t looking at the full picture, and that can spiral us down, down, down. The full picture is: there is lack and there is abundance. There is something that IS really working. You have to see it to feel it. You have to feel it to get more of it. That’s a whole lot of trust, and it’s hard to trust if you have trauma. But this is Saturn work. Reality rules with Saturn. What is working in your life? Start there and really focus.

Taurus Moon then makes a beautiful trine to Capricorn Pluto. There is something to be revealed here after that fixed square. Whatever is revealed will be on the physical earth plane, and it will be helpful. If you are seeing a therapist/ spiritual guide today, maybe you’ll get something tangible or practical that helps you move through something. If you have a mutual attraction with someone, sparks might fly when it awakens something deep within. Whatever today delivers, there is much to learn about yourself. If you can keep that in mind through the sharp corners, you’re golden.

Cheat Sheet:

Monday January 23rd

Aquarius Moon conjunct Saturn @ 24° conjunct Venus @ 25°

Tuesday January 24th

Aquarius Sun sextile Aries Jupiter @ 4°

Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune @ 23°

Wednesday January 25th

Aries Moon conjunct Jupiter @ 4°

Thursday January 26th

Aries Moon conjunct Chiron @ 11°-12° square Capricorn Mercury @ 11°-12°

Venus enters Pisces

Capricorn Mercury square Aries Chiron @ 12°

Friday January 27th

Aries Moon square Capricorn Pluto @ 28°

Aquarius Sun square Taurus North Node @ 8°

Saturday January 28th

Taurus Moon conjunct North Node square Aquarian Sun @ 8 degrees

Taurus Moon trine Capricorn Mercury @ 13°

Taurus Moon conjunct Uranus trine Capricorn Mercury @ 14°

Aquarius Sun trine Gemini Mars @ 9°

Sunday January 29th

Taurus Moon square Aquarius Saturn @ 25°

Taurus Moon trine Capricorn Pluto @ 28°

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