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Weekly transits for November 14th-20th, referencing PST time zone

Writer's picture: Astro AnarchistAstro Anarchist

Cheat Sheet

Monday November 14th

Grand water Trine continues

Scorpio Sun Trine Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

Scorpio Venus Trine Pisces Jupiter @ 28 degrees

Tuesday November 15th

Leo Moon trine Aries Chiron @ 12 degrees

Leo Moon square Taurus North Node @ 12 degrees

Leo Moon square Taurus Uranus @ 16 degrees

Leo Moon opposes Capricorn Pluto @ 16 degrees

Scorpio Mercury Trine Pisces Jupiter

Venus enters Sagittarius

Wednesday November 16th

Leo Moon square Scorpio Sun @ 24 degrees

Brief Yod: Leo Moon is the apex @ 26- 28 degrees, inconjunct Pisces Jupiter @ 28 degrees, and Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Brief Yod: Gemini Mars as Apex @ 23 degrees, inconjunct Scorpio Sun @ 24 degrees and Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Virgo Moon square Sagittarius Venus @ 1 degree

Thursday November 17th

Mercury enters Sagittarius

Yod continues: Gemini Mars as Apex @ 23 degrees, inconjunct Scorpio Sun @ 25 degrees and Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Virgo Moon trine Taurus North Node @ 12 degrees

Friday November 18th

Virgo Moon trine Taurus Uranus @ 16 degrees

T square: Virgo Moon oppose Pisces Neptune, & apex Gemini Mars @ 22 degrees

Gemini Mars square Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

Virgo Moon opposes Pisces Jupiter @ 28 degrees

Sunday November 20th

Libra Moon oppose Aries Chiron @ 12 degrees

Scorpio Sun trine Pisces Jupiter @ 28 degrees

Grand air trine w/ Libra Moon 17- 22 degrees, Aquarius Saturn @ 19 degrees, Gemini Mars @ 22 degrees

Long form weeklies

Monday November 14th

Grand water Trine continues

Scorpio Sun Trine Pisces Neptune @ 22 degrees

Scorpio Venus Trine Pisces Jupiter @ 28 degrees

Mars is still going backwards through Gemini. And through this week, there’s a mutable square with Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces. We are playing with what we believe to be true with confusion. There is a spiritual element to what we are moving through. In my community, COVID reared its head, which I remember all too well from the last Mars retrograde in Aries. That’s when I got COVID and that was when we didn’t know too much about what was happening to us, the world, or with this virus. Of course there is a lot of confusion and beliefs around what’s going on, what happened, and how to solve this, whether it can be solved. I’m friends with people all over this belief spectrum, and like anyone, have my own beliefs. My point in bringing this up is that Mars retrograde is initiating change and this square is agitating a death of our belief systems, our ideas, and our faith. This is confusing, confronting, and overwhelming with so much information at our fingertips. We all “know” things and yet we “know” different, sometimes conflicting things. There is no agreement in what we know.

But that water trine, tho’... It’s parenting us from the inside out. Some powerful personal stuff coming from Sun, Mercury, Venus in Scorpio, connecting us to our ancestral work and triggers, and belief systems. There’s something soothing about it. Mars might have us agitated and needing to argue, but the water trine wants to settle the nervous system and calm us. Perhaps this is a day to just be. If you are moved to create art, this is a potent time to get divine messaging and inspiration. If you’re a writer, perhaps this is the day to sit your ass down and do it!

What have you been avoiding from within? What wounds are sitting there? Are you grieving something or someone? Is there loss buried in the back behind work, parenting, Netflix shows, and financial pressure? Is there something that needs attending to? Get that journal out, and sit down where you are and give yourself that 20 minutes. You’re avoiding it because it hurts. But let that energy move out of you, give it a channel to exit the building.

Tuesday November 15th

Leo Moon trine Aries Chiron @ 12 degrees

Leo Moon square Taurus North Node @ 12 degrees

Leo Moon square Taurus Uranus @ 16 degrees

Leo Moon opposes Aquarius Saturn @ 16 degrees

Scorpio Mercury Trine Pisces Jupiter

Venus enters Sagittarius

Big– dramatic Leo Moon can make you bossy, headstrong, and attention seeking. We judge this as “bad” but maybe you’ve been doing too much hiding? After that eclipse, waning Leo Moon is serving our wound. It’s making us deal. It’s making us say “I can’t pretend this isn’t here.”

And then, to take it further it makes fixed squares with North Node and Uranus to say: yeah, you are the leader you need in the world. Stop looking around for someone to blame, for someone to solve this problem. This IS about you. And that’s a beautiful thing. Some surprises may abound to bring you to this. Be careful about the blame game.

When Moon opposes Aquarian Saturn, our feelings may be hit with a dose of realism or a boundary. Did we go too far? Did our feelings spill over? Too often we think this is a bad thing but sometimes, when we lose our cool, we push a situation to a new edge. We need that edge to show us how not to fall off, but if we never go to the edge, we never know what we are made of. If your life consists of ways to not hit the edge, then maybe you’re selling yourself short? Leo Moon can serve you in this way. But of course, if you look around the room and all you see is wreckage, then maybe you did go too far. And if you did, it’s fair to ask yourself if you had a choice in the matter.

The deep private thoughts of Scorpio Mercury get a boost from spiritually charged Pisces Neptune. Did you get a message from the divine? Can you show up to the meditation mat? Can you listen to the deep whisper within?

Venus releases her Scorpio focus and obsession and rides the arrow into Sagittarius. She has broken free from being pinned down and can expand into the mutable fire. Perhaps you are finally able to get out and do things now; or you have some time to make connections, go out and move. There is a breaking free and expansive energy. What you like– and who you like– is given a boost of energy and spirit, whether through travel, learning, or inspiring influence. We are still in Scorpio season, but we’re starting to see the blessings of being fixed to our emotional fields. There is truth, and play at the other side. A growth process was incubated. Your aperture is widening and you can like new things. Sagittarius energy moves us forward.

Wednesday November 16th

Leo Moon square Scorpio Sun @ 24 degrees

Brief Yod: Leo Moon is the apex @ 26- 28 degrees, inconjunct Pisces Jupiter @ 28 degrees, and Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Brief Yod: Gemini Mars as Apex @ 23 degrees, inconjunct Scorpio Sun @ 24 degrees and Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Virgo Moon square Sagittarius Venus @ 1 degree

Leo Moon makes a square to Scorpio Sun: what has become clear about what you need, and who you are? Scorpio Sun is making you see the parts of you that you try to ignore, and Leo Moon is making it 100x more obvious with its big feelings, reactions, and flair for drama. Yes, I guess we did need to be hit over the head with it, because there are two yods further making this point.

Leo Moon is the apex of the first yod, so feelings and instinctual body reactions, and the fire of self is being served up by deep belief and spiritualism, as well as systemic power structures in place. There is transformation and expansion at the base of what is coming up through your body. If you have deep buried nervous system triggers, this *could* be a rough ride. Trauma wants a way out. Get thee to a safe place (physically, socially, emotionally) for this if you find yourself “in it.” Trust that this is happening to help you.

Gemini Mars is that energy that wants to move, and it’s the apex of the other yod. Scorpio Sun, who is private and subterranean, works with its master, Pluto- in Capricorn, to release this. This Pluto is digging through the systemic, patriarchal, and hierarchical structures of the world, and Scorpio Sun is digging through your most personal self to clean this out. Let Gemini Mars move this energy, but remember that Gemini Mars talks without thinking, changes its mind easily, and talks to a lot of people. Gemini Mars is at its most beautiful when learning and is socially charming– a tough task today. Best advice: choose your words very carefully. Choose who you talk to very carefully. Your boss might not be the best audience for your trauma, and your partner might not be either. This energy absolutely needs to move- so exercise it out, when all else fails. Think Kevin Bacon’s angry dance in Footloose.

Thursday November 17th

Mercury enters Sagittarius

Yod continues: Gemini Mars as Apex @ 23 degrees, inconjunct Scorpio Sun @ 25 degrees and Capricorn Pluto @ 26 degrees

Virgo Moon trine Taurus North Node @ 12 degrees

Sagittarius season beckons with the grand entrance of expansive thought and communication. The Gemini Mars apexed yod from yesterday continues, moving out the energy that had to do with who we are at our core, and what the world is transforming us into. But with Mercury entering Sagittarius we may have come to a new place of expansion after all that contraction. Perhaps if our communications were rough and misdirected yesterday, we are now more masterful in what we say, how we say it, and how we work with it.

An earth trine lends our bodies and knee-jerk reactions with some vision of a future, and soothing of what your service can be. Your devotion, attention, and perfecting of things does not go unnoticed by the gods. In fact, you’re doing it all perfectly in your way. It is carrying you forward, and perhaps–today– you get a taste of that in a very humble, practical way.

Friday November 18th

Virgo Moon trine Taurus Uranus @ 16 degrees

T square: Virgo Moon oppose Pisces Neptune, & apex Gemini Mars @ 22 degrees

Virgo Moon opposes Pisces Jupiter @ 28 degrees

Virgo Moon is highly analytical and can’t stop trying to break things down. It is helped today by a change or surprise. Perhaps there is a financial boost, or a beautiful meal, or a social media post that soothes your anxiety or makes you feel better in your body.

Gemini Mars has us verbally doing doughnuts and information gathering, getting to the truth as much as we can while dealing with inner perfectionism and analyzing versus idealism and confusion. Is someone or something making us crazy? Watch the temptation to be baited into conversations that do not serve.

Our dreams, aspirations, and spirituality could come at odds with our human regular lives. Where we reside in our bodies could be somewhere we don’t want to be, because of chronic pain, or financial hardship, or it looks and feels different than what we think it should be. Pisces Jupiter tells us to dream big and deep, and spiritually that we are all one. Pisces Jupiter believes we can do anything, and we believe it but WOW is hard to be expanded when the mind is in overdrive with Virgo Moon trying to get everything right and taking care of the details of life. We are expanded beings in these fragile bodies, of the earth and sky, and that can feel like a prison sometimes. Ram Dass famously said: Be here now.

You will get your Piscean oneness and expansion by going deep within the expanse of your meat suit. As someone who has had both massive body issues AND a near death experience, I can say with authority that you are never so thankful for your little life, for your mind, for all the sags and scars, as when you watch them float away. Your mind is only one part of you, don’t let it tell you that you are anything less than magical simply for existing.

Sunday November 20th

Libra Moon oppose Aries Chiron @ 12 degrees

Scorpio Sun trine Pisces Jupiter @ 28 degrees

Grand air trine w/ Libra Moon 17- 22 degrees, Aquarius Saturn @ 19 degrees, Gemini Mars @ 22 degrees

Our bodies and lineage of connection is at odds with our identity wound. Who are you without your wound? Without those that gave you the wounds? Is Gemini Mars making it hard to shut up about? Are you feeling mounting anger at the whole thing?

The deeply private and hidden part of our spirit gets a boost from belief systems and artistry. There is expansion, either because we see or aspire differently, or the light within is shining through us.

Let’s talk for a second about what we just went through this Scorpio season. What did you let go of? Who did you let go of? What stories did you tell yourself and how were you confronted with them? What deep-seated memory came up, as a messenger from the exoskeletal fixed water, to say “you aren’t over this?”

What did the Scorpio within want you to see? How did she sting?

I ask this because Scorpio gets a bad rap a lot of the time, It’s intense, and it’s obsessive. It’s fixated and focused, emotional, and highly vulnerable. It’s sexual and private. And it’s in all of us, to some degree. The Scorpion is a kind of sorceress, focusing in on the injury and transmuting it to some kind of expansion. Tomorrow we leave the focus of Scorpio behind for Sagittarius season's big growth.

There’s a grand air trine today, which I see as a kind of threshold of energy: Libra Moon, is the body, Aquarius Saturn is our society, and Gemini Mars in the connective communication between the two. Who are you now that Scorpio season is coming to a close? After all that emotional turmoil, we are now lent some brain mental processes to solidify us. We might have some anger about everything we’ve been dealing with. We might not have known it was there: but there it is. And that’s OK. How will you move that anger out of you in a productive way? That’s the question. Aquarius Saturn and Libra Moon can help you with that. Use your place in the world, and your personal gifts to figure it out.

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