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Weekly Transits, July 17-23rd

Monday July 17th

Still working with the yod: ( Leo Venus at apex @ 28 degrees, inconjunct both Capricorn Pluto @ 29 degrees and Pisces Neptune @ 27 degrees)

Cancer Moon square Aries Chiron @ 19 degrees

1:33 am PST/ 4:33 am EST

New Moon in Cancer @ 24 degrees

11: 32 am PST/ 2:32 pm EST

Nodes shift to Aries/ Libra axis @ 29 degrees

12:59 pm PST/ 3:59 pm EST

Cancer Moon trine Pisces Neptune @ 27 degrees

4:51 pm PST/ 7:51 pm EST

Grand Cross: Nodes oppose each other naturally in Aries and Libra, and Cancer Moon opposes Capricorn Pluto @ 29 degrees

8:05 pm PST/ 11:05 pm EST

This is going to be a big week for all of us, and it starts out with a bang. All week we’re working on various incarnations of the yod that is apexed with Leo Venus. Leo Venus has been showing us– since around June 19th when it entered its pre-shadow period– a lot about the way we connect, and who we want to connect with. Leo is the sign of the heart, and this is going to have us looking at our emotional energy. This yod, which has a sextile between Capricorn Pluto and Pisces Neptune at the bottom, is bringing us into something more universal and karmic. The way we love is being challenged, as is WHO and WHAT we love. The planet of transformation and the planet of compassion and source energy work together to deliver a new kind of lesson. Take the time to note what is coming up around this for you. You’ll be back trying to understand it in no time.

Cancer Moon squares Chiron in Aries, so that our wounding can be considered and tended to. Cancer Moon will have us feeling, and making it personal. Cancer Moon won’t let us ignore what is in front of us, but Chiron is trying to integrate the wounding into something more powerful. In what ways have you tried to heal the wound? In what ways has your wound helped you and in what ways are you reluctant to let the wound go?

We have a beautiful New Moon in domicile, and out of bounds, in Cancer. This Moon is planting a potent seed of creation and intentions and will be powerful. Cancer is a river of movement in summer, a river of movement to feed the tributaries, lakes and eventually, the sea. It connects water and land. We may see something potent come through our matriarchal bloodline, and this is a genesis moment.

Right after this the nodes shift to Aries and Libra, which is one of the biggest transits of the year. The Nodes indicate to us our karmic path; an integration of where we have been and where we are going. This polarity, with the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra will highlight our identity and relationships. This is an 18 month transit of eclipse points.

What is coming up around relationships for you? Do you feel something brewing regarding your closest partnerships (not just romantic ones?) Do you have any tug of war regarding being seen or heard, or feeling dragged down by someone else? Expect to be doing work around this in the next while. Lead with compassion, always, while you untangle the web you have woven with another person. It is a great honor to learn from another person about who we are and what we need. That said, if something is toxic for you, and it becomes apparent– this is a chance to rewrite the script.

We get a helpful trine from Neptune in Pisces to this Moon, which may confuse us, but also may help us see the bigger picture and dream of something more. We may feel an artistic or spiritual pull or insight, that comes as intuition or psychic intervention that will help extract the most potent lessons, if we listen.

Finally, and really throughout the day, this is a cardinal Grand Cross, with the new Moon opposite Pluto while the nodes are also at 29 degrees as well. This has the energy of Saturn– asking us to take action, but how? This is a big deal and carries with it a sense of urgency. Cancer and Capricorn represent the matriarchal and patriarchal lines, and with Moon being in its home sign, there is something absolutely important about this opposition hitting at this moment. Relationships will be affected. Pluto in Capricorn is there to destroy, transform, and deal with power shifts. And the nodes are there in the last degree to do an 18 month tour of exploration around our identity and individual responsibility in relationships with others.

We all share this day and its lessons. What has emerged for you and how does it feel today?

Tuesday July 18th

Leo Moon square Taurus Jupiter @ 12 degrees

10:00 pm PST/ July 19th 1:00 am EST

Leo Moon is the obvious result after such a big day in the liminal, corporeal, mental, and spiritual world yesterday. That grand cross worked us, like a kneading of a strong and hearty dough.

Leo Moon agrees that there are likely some big feelings emerging that need to be seen and there is likely a need to express your heart’s desires. Your needs and wants can sit in your body without being expressed or acknowledged by another or even by you. Sometimes we believe that others know what we need and want and make the mistake of believing that everyone wants the same thing. Often when you open up this can of worms, you can find that you actually don’t know what it is that you want, and that you yourself have not been paying attention– to you.

This is coming into the crosshairs with Taurus Jupiter, that wants to revolutionize your values, what you are open to receiving, and what you believe you can have. Jupiter is a planet that wants you to have things, but not just have them– to grow and expand them. If you are in line with what you believe, value, and are willing to work for, then Jupiter will want to take it to the next level.

So this square is there to serve you, if you do the work of knowing yourself. So again: after yesterday, what does your heart need and want? What feels like a mismatch or unaligned right now? And if we’re talking about your values and beliefs– does anything need to change?

Wednesday July 19th

Leo Moon conjunct Mercury @ 15 degrees

4:22 am PST/ 7:22 am EST

Leo Mercury trine Aries Chiron @ 19 degrees

1:50 pm PST/ 4:50 pm EST

Leo Moon square Taurus Uranus @ 22 degrees

6:50 pm PST/ 9:50 pm EST

Leo energy is going strong! We have a conjunction first with Moon and Mercury; and that means our mind and body become one. We are in that zone of (hopefully) knowing ourselves, and feeling our link to our cycles. This is huge. Leo is heart centred, and that heart needs to be seen, admired, and given its due. In such a world that we live in, we don’t always value this, and Mercury will lend validity to this goal. We cannot unsee or unthink this work in this conjunction. And the way we communicate with others will be rooted here. Does that mean it will be easy or drama free? Think again. Leo is the sign of drama, and drama gets a bad rap, for some reason.

Obviously there’s drama for drama’s sake, and that is definitely something to watch out for. If something is hitting a fever pitch between you and and situation, because you are so heart-invested, it’s good to understand that everyone’s heart is counting on something, and it’s not always the same thing as our’s.

But some drama needs to happen to make change. Or be understood. Or to be seen in a situation. When Moon trines Aries Chiron, we have a fiery experience of our wound, and these two are working together with heart (and likely drama) to help reconcile, help or integrate what is burning within. This is helpful, but hot energy, and it’s going to flare up.

When Leo Moon squares Taurus Uranus, we feel a fixed grind of gears that will set off a whole vibe for the next little while. Our emotional body, after such a few days, will be coming against a divine intervention of the earthly kind. Whatever passion has arisen, Uranus in Taurus will redirect the energy to something practical and actual; this may put out some fire, but it will also keep us on course.

We have a big day tomorrow, and we also have fiery Leo Mars about to oppose Pisces Saturn. This is like a mounting pressure cooker of energy, work, responsibility, and power. And that’s with such a week already in full swing. How can you bring down your fires and regulate? How can you keep compassion for yourself and others while the fires blaze within? What tools do you have, to make sure you are acting in alignment with yourself?

Thursday July 20th

Leo Moon joins the yod party with Venus as apex of yod @ 27 degrees with Venus @ 28 degrees; inconjunct Pisces Neptune @ 27 degrees, and Capricorn Pluto @ 29 degrees

5:18 am PST/ 8:18 am EST

Cancer Sun trine Pisces Neptune @ 27 degrees

6:05 am PST/ 9:05 am EST

Leo Moon trine Aries North Node @ 29 degrees

8:57 am PST/ 11:57 am EST

Virgo Mars Opposes Pisces Saturn @ 6 degrees

1:14 pm PST/ 4:14 pm EST

Virgo Moon conjunct Mars still opposing Saturn @ 6 degrees

11:34 pm PST/ July 21st 2:34 pm EST

So we’ve made it to Thursday. Remember the yod with Venus at the apex in conjunction with Pluto and Neptune? Well today the Moon will conjunct Venus to help us really drill down into the relationship/connection/ values/ self image lessons we are experiencing. This will be felt in the body, and we might be able to trace it back to our lineage, our motherline, or our ancestry. Or, we may be able to trace something back to an emotional event. Either way, we continue to work with this yod all week, and the sextile between Pluto and Venus are working together to create this. This is written in the stars so speak; a yod is known as the finger of god for a reason.

Cancer Sun will make a beneficial trine to Pisces Neptune. Water trines are healing, and whatever is coming up in the emotional body is there to serve you at this moment. Neptune is like a big water womb, it loves you because it is source itself. It’s hard to know this with Neptune, because we cannot imagine ourselves, or love without ego. Here it’s our ego that is getting a soft and beautiful boost from this universal mother. Cancer Sun accomplishes much with little credit, and getting this nod from the universal mother might feel especially balmy. What have you come to understand about yourself after all this crazy astrology? What have you healed?

Leo Moon, on its way to Virgo, makes a trine to the Aries North Node. This fiery moment may point to something individually you need to know about where you are headed. It may be just a spiritual knowing or small moment that helps you move forward. It’s easy to take these things for granted sometimes. This is a spiritual moment, and often the most spiritual moments are rooted in the minutiae.

Virgo Mars opposes Saturn, and you’ve likely been feeling this pressure mounting all week. Mars wants to move energy and Saturn wants to contain it and maximize it over time. These two are at odds and we will feel this opposition in relationships, and within ourselves. There is frustration, anger, disappointment and triggering potential in this transit. This is an earth/ water opposition, so this might go deep into bloodlines, emotional history, and bring up trauma. This opposition will require patience, thought, and emotional maturity from you. Someone may not have these resources, but if you do– you can work with it.

Is there someone bullying you to do something you don’t want to do, or that doesn’t serve your goals? Is there someone who won’t let you do what is needed to make you feel safe, or solvent? Is someone dismantling something that you’ve built carefully? Does it feel like nothing will ever work out for you no matter how hard you try? Can you sit with that without blaming anyone?

What are your most solid grounding tools? Get them ready. Moon joins the party and conjuncts Mars in this opposition. This makes it very personal, and potentially very hard to surmount. Overwhelm, anxiety, and spilling over are possible with this energy trapping in your body and mind, and Saturn is tying you to your highest work. But this Saturn isn’t giving any clarity or form to what that is. Your body could find itself desperate to make sense of it, without respite. This is all necessary, even though it's unpleasant. Be gentle with yourself and others, as you move through this spikey moment. It is meant to move you where you need to be, and that place will not feel like this. This is just a transition tying you to what matters most.

Friday July 21st

Virgo Moon trine Taurus Jupiter @ 12 degrees

11:30 am PST/ 2:30 pm EST

Cancer Sun opposes Capricorn Pluto @ 29 degrees

8:38 pm PST/ 11:38 pm EST

Virgo Moon is a perfectionist and highly analytical. After yesterday’s astrology and the separating opposition between Saturn and Mars, it’s nice to get a Moon trine Jupiter in the mix. There’s something understood and deeply known in the body that is ready to expand. This is practical and real– humble and basic, but it’s ready to go through a dilation. Is there something you’ve learned this week about your body and what it needs to regulate? What is it and how can you use that as a springboard?

Cancer Sun opposes Capricorn Pluto suggesting a relationship release. These two signs represent our matriarchal and patriarchal lineages, and the relationships we have with others often have some basis (gender aside) to these templates in our lives. We may be contending now with ourselves and what needs to be let go, transformed or destroyed. We may now be in a situation which sees us contending with our own power. This is a tricky moment. We are fractals of those before us and find ourselves locked in pantomime plays with each other that was born of our karmic script. Our job is always to escape and expand on these plays, but we have specific cocktails of energy within us which make us unaware, or tied to such habits.

This transit will likely present a turning point or crisis point within or with another person that will feel like a forced change. Sometimes people push us to the brink, or we find ourselves there, and we don’t really realize how we got there. These dualities, Cancer and Capricorn also deal with home and public life, which are always linked through this polarity. What links can you make through yourself and others, through your matrilineal and patrilineal lines, and through your ego and power structures, that are changing you?

Saturday July 22nd

Virgo Moon trine Taurus Uranus @ 22 degrees

7:48 am PST/ 10:48 am EST

Virgo Moon opposes Pisces Saturn@ 27 degrees

5:58 pm PST/ 8:58 pm EST

Leo Venus stations retrograde @ 28 degrees

6:33 pm PST/ 9:33 pm EST

Sun enters Leo

6:50 pm PST/ 9:50 pm EST

Virgo Moon trines Capricorn Pluto, which squares the North Node in Aries exactly @ 29 degrees

9:03 pm PST/ July 28th 12:03 am EST

Saturday does not let up after this week’s astrology. First we get a beneficial trine from Taurus Uranus to Virgo Moon. Some sort of knowledge or knowing might show itself in the body, mind, or from an event that helps us practically move forward and focus on whatever is important. Taurus Uranus is focused on values and focused, slow, hardworking action. Virgo Moon might need a bit of untangling and this message might help.

This same Moon opposes Pisces Saturn as our bodies and cycles come into conflict with the deep slow lessons of our work and real life duties on earth. Pisces makes this mutable and hard to understand, yet spiritually rooted and no joke. Virgo Moon is likely to overthink and analyze and try to make sense of it, to no avail. Conversations could go nowhere here, and never find total understanding, but this transit is quick, and we’ve done much heavy lifting already with the separating Mars opposition. This one is more of a recap.

Venus now goes retrograde. We’ve been prepping this one for a while and for 40 days we will experience a review of who we are and want to be seen as in relationship. We will examine our self esteem, needs and wants and a review of our values. We will be fiery and at times loud. We are all working with this astrology in different ways, our Leo house will be working through how we relate with each other. Our hearts will be centre stage, and that could leave us vulnerable, mighty, or a mix of both. The ways in which we derive pleasure, or avoid pleasure will be investigated. We will be looking to find this compass of what’s it all about anyway?

And now, it’s also officially Leo season. Leo season is a time to shine, fall in love, have fun, and be seen. But of course it’s not all that for all of us, some of us struggle with these aspects of ourselves, or have fraught relationships with some of these themes which only come forth to torture us. We all have a little Leo in our charts, and now is the time to spotlight what that means for us. Which house has Leo for you? Do you struggle with any aspect of this sign, and if so, how? What do you think Leo season has to teach you?

The final aspect of the day has Capricorn Pluto squaring the North Node in Aries while the Virgo Moon trines Pluto. We have something practical and earthly going on and in mid-transformation pointing to this new North Node, that wants to point us to our future karmic path. This North Node is asking us who we identify as and who we are becoming as individuals to fulfill our karmic roles. Capricorn Pluto grants us the transformative power to point us in this direction, perhaps through our public roles, perhaps through some patriarchal pinnacle. Virgo Moon gives us an analytic view of our personal roles, our bodies, and our lineage, and how we might practically get there.

What’s coming up around your individuality, your role in the world, and your hearts desires? Do you feel seen? Do you want to be seen? Who sees you, and who does not?

Sunday July 23rd

Leo Mercury square Taurus Uranus @ 22 degrees

2:34 pm PST/ 5:34 pm EST

The winged messenger is getting surprises from the divine in this fixed square. Your thinking might be focused on pleasure, adoration, and your fiery impulse to lead, but Taurus Uranus has something else in mind. Taurus Uranus is going to throw its hat in the ring of this crazy week to make sure you got the message on values, relationships, individuality, and power dynamics. Fixed squares are extra frustrating but they belabor the points you just aren’t getting.

If you could sum up the week with one word, what would it be? If you could pick 2 stars of this week’s episode of the YOU show, who would they be? Which relationships are anchoring you right now? Which ones need anchoring? Did your heart whisper something to you that you haven’t heard before? What was it?

Next week is quieter in the sky, but there’s plenty to work with after all this change this week. How will you hold on and build on what you’ve learned?

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